This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector i... more This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector in Iraq. Moreover, studying and analyzing the most important factors affecting it during 1990-2019. This research reached to-via results of unit root test-that all variables were non-stationary at the level, but all of them were stationary at the difference. The research conclude-through significance of parameters of agricultural trade openness in the model. That the imported inflation can be rising in agricultural sector after the trade liberalization and interring to WTO and increasing of dumping policy in agricultural products, whereas found when measuring the imported inflation the high dependency of agricultural sector in Iraq on the imported equipment's and agricultural and foods products, and influence of rising of global prices in it especially after 2003.The research recommended to controlling the rates of imported inflation by using studied import policies and not allowed of randomized of importing agricultural products, the research recommends also to reduce the impact of dumping policy in agricultural products. Keywords: agricultural imports, exchange rate, agricultural trade openness, marginal propensity of imports. * Part of M.Sc. thesis of the author.
This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector i... more This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector in Iraq. Moreover, studying and analyzing the most important factors affecting it during 1990-2019. This research reached to-via results of unit root test-that all variables were non-stationary at the level, but all of them were stationary at the difference. The research conclude-through significance of parameters of agricultural trade openness in the model. That the imported inflation can be rising in agricultural sector after the trade liberalization and interring to WTO and increasing of dumping policy in agricultural products, whereas found when measuring the imported inflation the high dependency of agricultural sector in Iraq on the imported equipment's and agricultural and foods products, and influence of rising of global prices in it especially after 2003.The research recommended to controlling the rates of imported inflation by using studied import policies and not allowed of randomized of importing agricultural products, the research recommends also to reduce the impact of dumping policy in agricultural products. Keywords: agricultural imports, exchange rate, agricultural trade openness, marginal propensity of imports. * Part of M.Sc. thesis of the author.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two... more The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two concepts could use to achieve water savings at the local level to meet the water supply deficit in Iraq, which is expected to increase in the coming years and influence of that on food security in Iraq by using these concepts when drawing production, irrigated and import plans in Iraq. The study aimed to studying the water footprint and virtual water and their impact on the foreign trade for wheat and rice crops during the period 2000-2022 and estimating the most important indicators of virtual water and the water footprint of the study crops due to the importance of these criteria in determining the amount of increase or decrease in the area of the studied crops, according to the foreign trade policy. This study was concluded that the average total water footprint of the wheat and rice crops during the study period is (20.27,13.89) billion m3 respectively, and the average percentage of...
This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector i... more This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector in Iraq. Moreover, studying and analyzing the most important factors affecting it during 1990-2019. This research reached to- via results of unit root test- that all variables were non-stationary at the level, but all of them were stationary at the difference. The research conclude- through significance of parameters of agricultural trade openness in the model. That the imported inflation can be rising in agricultural sector after the trade liberalization and interring to WTO and increasing of dumping policy in agricultural products, whereas found when measuring the imported inflation the high dependency of agricultural sector in Iraq on the imported equipment's and agricultural and foods products, and influence of rising of global prices in it especially after 2003.The research recommended to controlling the rates of imported inflation by using studied import policies and not allowe...
There is no doubt that Agricultural Policy is the main responsible for the degrading in Agricultu... more There is no doubt that Agricultural Policy is the main responsible for the degrading in Agricultural sector in Iraq during the period 2003-2013, and that was very clear from magnitude of indicators because of little sharing of each of agricultural product in GDP because it was (9.38%) in average during the study period and the annual changing of it was negative (-5.82%), and there is increasing in deficit of trade balance in Agriculture during the study period about (4185.73) million US$, and the percentage of agricultural exports from total exports was (0.14%) in average only. The foreign trade policy in Agricultural products also cannot determine map of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) of Agricultural products and crops. The study showed that there is continuous deficit in agricultural price policy because the agricultural producer is still receive prices for strategically crops less than world prices and that was showed by Net Nominal Protection Coefficients (NNPC) and although of the improvement than before 2003 but it is not paralleled with importance of Agricultural sector.
The demand for livestock products (dairy, meat, eggs) is characterized by a continuous increase i... more The demand for livestock products (dairy, meat, eggs) is characterized by a continuous increase in its basic importance as well as being essential in the prevailing food pattern domestically. The livestock sector suffers from a problem of poor funding and the investor’s inability to compete for several reasons, the most important of which is the high interest on loans granted by institutions. Borrowing, and since the project needs large capital, it will make the investor a loser without any doubt. The demand for livestock products is characterized by a continuous increase in its basic importance and its entry as a major component of the prevailing food pattern locally. With the exception of the governorates of Nineveh and Salah al-Din for the period (2009-2013), it decreased to less than 50% for the period (2014-2018) and the reason is due to the events that occurred in addition to the repeated postponement decisions for all loans within the Federal Budget Law. The rate of late loan...
Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences, 2018
The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes of the agricultural sector of the GDP and ... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes of the agricultural sector of the GDP and ratio of the agricultural employment , the total employment .In addition to the relation of the agricultural sector with other sectors in the economy of Iraq. It appears that economic growth ,measured as a growth rate in the real per-capta GDP , and population growth cause a decrease in both. The contribution of the agricultural sector to the GDP and the agricultural employment measured in absolute terms and as a ratio to the total .
Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and interna... more Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and international policy analysis. The value of trade elasticities has remained the subject of diverse opinion in most international economic policy debates. Therefore, this paper uses import substitution model framework to estimate the price and income elasticities of imports demand on agricultural products in Iraq for the period 1980 – 2018. We use Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) to study the long run relationship between variables of the study. The results of the unit root test based on ADF and PP provide justification for the use of ARDL bound test. The co-integration results show that there is a long run relationship between import demand of agricultural products and the chosen explanatory variables, thus all the variables move together in the long run. The estimated long run coefficients show that the price and income elasticities of import demand of agricultural products in Iraq ...
Tomato production consider the main source of income of most farmers in Abo Graib district, and w... more Tomato production consider the main source of income of most farmers in Abo Graib district, and with scarcity of water in Iraq and in this district in particular there is necessity to finding alternatives working to saving irrigation water to increasing the productivity of tomato. The study aims to knowing the influencing factors of adoption subsurface drip irrigation technique and forecasting of time period it needed to spread in wide range of farmers by applying this technique on group of tomato farmers in study district via Water and Livelihoods Initiative project (WLI). The random sample of study from farmers from Abo-Graib district in province of Baghdad which was one of the important middle region in Iraq in producing tomato within the agricultural season 2019. The results showed that level of adoption of subsurface drip irrigation technique can reach to (%90) of farmers within (10.6) years, and that came from analyzing recent situation. Sensitivity analysis showed the most im...
The interconnected between the phenomena of structural changes and poverty comes from the fact th... more The interconnected between the phenomena of structural changes and poverty comes from the fact that structural change in developing countries requires serious reversals in the paths of economic policies based on a package of economic directives different from those adopted by countries, and these changes often have undesirable economic effects that push many groups of members of society towards the poverty line or below it, so the research aimed to measure the impact of structural changes in rural poverty in Iraq for the period 1990-2019 by identifying the structural variables that affect rural poverty, and the relationship between the poverty index (average per capita income) was represented as a dependent variable and the factors determining it, which are each of the contribution of agricultural output to the gross domestic product, agricultural employment, agricultural land, the proportion of agricultural labor, total employment, mechanical technology, capital invested in agricul...
Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and interna... more Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and international policy analysis. The value of trade elasticities has remained the subject of diverse opinion in most international economic policy debates. Therefore, this paper uses import substitution model framework to estimate the price and income elasticities of imports demand on agricultural products in Iraq for the period 1980 – 2018. We use Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) to study the long run relationship between variables of the study. The results of the unit root test based on ADF and PP provide justification for the use of ARDL bound test. The co-integration results show that there is a long run relationship between import demand of agricultural products and the chosen explanatory variables, thus all the variables move together in the long run. The estimated long run coefficients show that the price and income elasticities of import demand of agricultural products in Iraq ...
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector i... more This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector in Iraq. Moreover, studying and analyzing the most important factors affecting it during 1990-2019. This research reached to-via results of unit root test-that all variables were non-stationary at the level, but all of them were stationary at the difference. The research conclude-through significance of parameters of agricultural trade openness in the model. That the imported inflation can be rising in agricultural sector after the trade liberalization and interring to WTO and increasing of dumping policy in agricultural products, whereas found when measuring the imported inflation the high dependency of agricultural sector in Iraq on the imported equipment's and agricultural and foods products, and influence of rising of global prices in it especially after 2003.The research recommended to controlling the rates of imported inflation by using studied import policies and not allowed of randomized of importing agricultural products, the research recommends also to reduce the impact of dumping policy in agricultural products. Keywords: agricultural imports, exchange rate, agricultural trade openness, marginal propensity of imports. * Part of M.Sc. thesis of the author.
This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector i... more This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector in Iraq. Moreover, studying and analyzing the most important factors affecting it during 1990-2019. This research reached to-via results of unit root test-that all variables were non-stationary at the level, but all of them were stationary at the difference. The research conclude-through significance of parameters of agricultural trade openness in the model. That the imported inflation can be rising in agricultural sector after the trade liberalization and interring to WTO and increasing of dumping policy in agricultural products, whereas found when measuring the imported inflation the high dependency of agricultural sector in Iraq on the imported equipment's and agricultural and foods products, and influence of rising of global prices in it especially after 2003.The research recommended to controlling the rates of imported inflation by using studied import policies and not allowed of randomized of importing agricultural products, the research recommends also to reduce the impact of dumping policy in agricultural products. Keywords: agricultural imports, exchange rate, agricultural trade openness, marginal propensity of imports. * Part of M.Sc. thesis of the author.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two... more The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two concepts could use to achieve water savings at the local level to meet the water supply deficit in Iraq, which is expected to increase in the coming years and influence of that on food security in Iraq by using these concepts when drawing production, irrigated and import plans in Iraq. The study aimed to studying the water footprint and virtual water and their impact on the foreign trade for wheat and rice crops during the period 2000-2022 and estimating the most important indicators of virtual water and the water footprint of the study crops due to the importance of these criteria in determining the amount of increase or decrease in the area of the studied crops, according to the foreign trade policy. This study was concluded that the average total water footprint of the wheat and rice crops during the study period is (20.27,13.89) billion m3 respectively, and the average percentage of...
This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector i... more This research was aimed to measure and evaluation the imported inflation in agricultural sector in Iraq. Moreover, studying and analyzing the most important factors affecting it during 1990-2019. This research reached to- via results of unit root test- that all variables were non-stationary at the level, but all of them were stationary at the difference. The research conclude- through significance of parameters of agricultural trade openness in the model. That the imported inflation can be rising in agricultural sector after the trade liberalization and interring to WTO and increasing of dumping policy in agricultural products, whereas found when measuring the imported inflation the high dependency of agricultural sector in Iraq on the imported equipment's and agricultural and foods products, and influence of rising of global prices in it especially after 2003.The research recommended to controlling the rates of imported inflation by using studied import policies and not allowe...
There is no doubt that Agricultural Policy is the main responsible for the degrading in Agricultu... more There is no doubt that Agricultural Policy is the main responsible for the degrading in Agricultural sector in Iraq during the period 2003-2013, and that was very clear from magnitude of indicators because of little sharing of each of agricultural product in GDP because it was (9.38%) in average during the study period and the annual changing of it was negative (-5.82%), and there is increasing in deficit of trade balance in Agriculture during the study period about (4185.73) million US$, and the percentage of agricultural exports from total exports was (0.14%) in average only. The foreign trade policy in Agricultural products also cannot determine map of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) of Agricultural products and crops. The study showed that there is continuous deficit in agricultural price policy because the agricultural producer is still receive prices for strategically crops less than world prices and that was showed by Net Nominal Protection Coefficients (NNPC) and although of the improvement than before 2003 but it is not paralleled with importance of Agricultural sector.
The demand for livestock products (dairy, meat, eggs) is characterized by a continuous increase i... more The demand for livestock products (dairy, meat, eggs) is characterized by a continuous increase in its basic importance as well as being essential in the prevailing food pattern domestically. The livestock sector suffers from a problem of poor funding and the investor’s inability to compete for several reasons, the most important of which is the high interest on loans granted by institutions. Borrowing, and since the project needs large capital, it will make the investor a loser without any doubt. The demand for livestock products is characterized by a continuous increase in its basic importance and its entry as a major component of the prevailing food pattern locally. With the exception of the governorates of Nineveh and Salah al-Din for the period (2009-2013), it decreased to less than 50% for the period (2014-2018) and the reason is due to the events that occurred in addition to the repeated postponement decisions for all loans within the Federal Budget Law. The rate of late loan...
Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences, 2018
The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes of the agricultural sector of the GDP and ... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes of the agricultural sector of the GDP and ratio of the agricultural employment , the total employment .In addition to the relation of the agricultural sector with other sectors in the economy of Iraq. It appears that economic growth ,measured as a growth rate in the real per-capta GDP , and population growth cause a decrease in both. The contribution of the agricultural sector to the GDP and the agricultural employment measured in absolute terms and as a ratio to the total .
Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and interna... more Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and international policy analysis. The value of trade elasticities has remained the subject of diverse opinion in most international economic policy debates. Therefore, this paper uses import substitution model framework to estimate the price and income elasticities of imports demand on agricultural products in Iraq for the period 1980 – 2018. We use Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) to study the long run relationship between variables of the study. The results of the unit root test based on ADF and PP provide justification for the use of ARDL bound test. The co-integration results show that there is a long run relationship between import demand of agricultural products and the chosen explanatory variables, thus all the variables move together in the long run. The estimated long run coefficients show that the price and income elasticities of import demand of agricultural products in Iraq ...
Tomato production consider the main source of income of most farmers in Abo Graib district, and w... more Tomato production consider the main source of income of most farmers in Abo Graib district, and with scarcity of water in Iraq and in this district in particular there is necessity to finding alternatives working to saving irrigation water to increasing the productivity of tomato. The study aims to knowing the influencing factors of adoption subsurface drip irrigation technique and forecasting of time period it needed to spread in wide range of farmers by applying this technique on group of tomato farmers in study district via Water and Livelihoods Initiative project (WLI). The random sample of study from farmers from Abo-Graib district in province of Baghdad which was one of the important middle region in Iraq in producing tomato within the agricultural season 2019. The results showed that level of adoption of subsurface drip irrigation technique can reach to (%90) of farmers within (10.6) years, and that came from analyzing recent situation. Sensitivity analysis showed the most im...
The interconnected between the phenomena of structural changes and poverty comes from the fact th... more The interconnected between the phenomena of structural changes and poverty comes from the fact that structural change in developing countries requires serious reversals in the paths of economic policies based on a package of economic directives different from those adopted by countries, and these changes often have undesirable economic effects that push many groups of members of society towards the poverty line or below it, so the research aimed to measure the impact of structural changes in rural poverty in Iraq for the period 1990-2019 by identifying the structural variables that affect rural poverty, and the relationship between the poverty index (average per capita income) was represented as a dependent variable and the factors determining it, which are each of the contribution of agricultural output to the gross domestic product, agricultural employment, agricultural land, the proportion of agricultural labor, total employment, mechanical technology, capital invested in agricul...
Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and interna... more Foreign trade elasticities are considered to be crucial for both economic forecasting and international policy analysis. The value of trade elasticities has remained the subject of diverse opinion in most international economic policy debates. Therefore, this paper uses import substitution model framework to estimate the price and income elasticities of imports demand on agricultural products in Iraq for the period 1980 – 2018. We use Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) to study the long run relationship between variables of the study. The results of the unit root test based on ADF and PP provide justification for the use of ARDL bound test. The co-integration results show that there is a long run relationship between import demand of agricultural products and the chosen explanatory variables, thus all the variables move together in the long run. The estimated long run coefficients show that the price and income elasticities of import demand of agricultural products in Iraq ...
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 2015
The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is us... more The Gravity Model is considered as one of the important models in foreign trade, because it is used to explain the most important determinants of country exports of it's exported goods and to determine the competitive state for exports of the country in world market, besides it gives an idea about the most important countries in exporting their goods. The study aims to determine the most important factors affecting the flow of Iraqi dates to world market, and to measure the influence of these factors and to determine suitable model to understand most important determinants of foreign trade of Iraqi dates with most important trading partners. The study proved that per capita of GDP, quantity of commodity produced by country ,quantity of commodity exports from Iraq to global market , export price (FOB) of commodity and equilibrium exchange rate of local currency versus US$, were the most important factors because these factors formed about (%99) of determinants of flow of Iraqi dates to global market. By analyzing this model with most important trading partners (UAE and Syria), the study found that per capita of GDP representing economic size of the two partners, population in the two partners and the distance between trading capitals with inverse sign were the most important factors. Most of these factors compatible with gravity trade model between states, and these factors determine (%98) and (%58) of changes in flow of Iraqi dates to UAE and Syria respectively.
Papers by Basim Badri