Papers by Mahmut Kayaalti

Sosyal Bilimler ve Eğitim Dergisi
Culture and identity issues occupy a great deal of place in postcolonial studies. Contemporary sc... more Culture and identity issues occupy a great deal of place in postcolonial studies. Contemporary scholars have been highly debating the intersection of cultures belonging to divergent groups and the identity crises of individuals within those groups. Accordingly, new insights based on understanding the invisible aspects of these relations are gained to literature. In this study, Nigerian feminist writer Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde (1994) is analysed through the lenses of culture and identity since the protagonist Kehinde is forced to prefer either her native African culture, called Igbo or her acquired European culture. Such pressure causes Kehinde to strive for two different identities: a Nigerian woman adhering to local traditions and a European woman favouring freedom, though she is inclined to the latter. The paper has been approached by theorist Homi K. Bhabha’s postcolonial notions since he holds culture and identity issues complementarily with particular terms which are hybridity ...

This thesis examines how William Blake represents God and Christianity in Songs of Innocence and ... more This thesis examines how William Blake represents God and Christianity in Songs of Innocence and of Experience, and to what extent this representation parallels Blake's religious outlook. First, Blake's religious outlook as demonstrably recorded in his biographies and in the referential works written on his literary works, is handled to better understand his religious presentation in Songs of Innocence and of Experience. How he regards God and interprets Christianity is clearly depicted in the study. Then, 15 selected poems that are relevant to each other in terms of religion are analysed in detail. The selected poems have been analysed thematically. The data obtained as a result of the analyses proves that Blake does not show a consistent representation of God and Christianity in Songs of Innocence and of Experience. More clearly, the concepts of God and Christianity are represented through different means in different poems. Therefore, this representation somehow contrasts with Blake's own religious outlook. In other words, his understanding of God and Christianity is presented in a controversial way in some of the analysed poems in this thesis.

Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2022
The term "mid-term break" is frequently attributed to a short vacation season between two half te... more The term "mid-term break" is frequently attributed to a short vacation season between two half terms in an education year for students. However, as one of Irish poet Seamus Heaney's poem, represents a new period, a characteristic transition from one situation to another. Through this autobiographical poem narrating his brother Christopher's death, Heaney presents a moment of death which may happen to anyone, as far away from emotions as possible, with all its nakedness. Contrary to the event's ordinariness, the grief triggered by death within the family causes unusual reactions, in other words, "breaks", in all members. Even though all people within the impact circle of the event have been intensely influenced by culture and religion and accordingly they shaped their characteristics in these ways, they display unexpected behaviors as a result of these breaks. In this study, including a versatile analysis of the poem from history to religion, Heaney's sudden stepping into the nature of an adult from adolescence, and how personalities shaped by culture take on different roles in the situation of pain and grief are examined.

This study has been prepared with the aim of to find out the (a) relationship between online game... more This study has been prepared with the aim of to find out the (a) relationship between online games and vocabulary learning and (b) whether gender effects vocabulary learning through the online games. As one of the outcomes of technology, computer assisted language learning (CALL) increased the popularity of using computers in the classroom environments as a tool for learning languages. Along with the development of internet, the games started to appear in the form of online games. Correlatively this paper investigated five international articles related to online games and vocabulary learning from Iran, Turkey and China in which different methods have been employed including quantitative and qualitative measurements. The evaluation of the articles showed that adopting online games in language teaching for vocabulary learning is more efficient than rote learning; however the success depends on the gender. Male students do better in gaining vocabulary through online games comparing to...
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 2018
ARTICLE INFORMATION Original Research Paper Received Mar. 2018 Accepted May. 2018

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
As a prominent representative of the Neo-romantic movement in the 1940s, Dylan Thomas, with his p... more As a prominent representative of the Neo-romantic movement in the 1940s, Dylan Thomas, with his poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" (1952), presents his thoughts on the phenomenon of death. Contrary to the main idea in other death-themed poems, this poem depicts that though death's inevitability is known, one should not accept death all at once. Instead, people should fight to get as much time from death as possible. Even though Thomas's advice encourages resistance to death, it contains some uncertainty about how this resistance should be. How and why does a human try to take time off death, knowing that the impending doom will come sooner or later? Moreover, Thomas has been said to produce this poem for the sake of his ill father, and this makes difficult to recognize the audience he intended. Has the poem been written to uplift his dying father? Or is it for Thomas' readers to know the poet's thoughts on death? Accordingly, this paper has been prepared to examine the implications in the tercets in-depth to investigate Thomas's approach to the concept of death, and to shed light on Thomas's target group with his poem. The study reveals that the failures and regrets, which are highlighted by Thomas to refuse the death, are insufficient to motivate people to stay more on earth.

Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences , 2022
The term "mid-term break" is frequently attributed to a short vacation season between two half te... more The term "mid-term break" is frequently attributed to a short vacation season between two half terms in an education year for students. However, as one of Irish poet Seamus Heaney's poem, represents a new period, a characteristic transition from one situation to another. Through this autobiographical poem narrating his brother Christopher's death, Heaney presents a moment of death which may happen to anyone, as far away from emotions as possible, with all its nakedness. Contrary to the event's ordinariness, the grief triggered by death within the family causes unusual reactions, in other words, "breaks", in all members. Even though all people within the impact circle of the event have been intensely influenced by culture and religion and accordingly they shaped their characteristics in these ways, they display unexpected behaviors as a result of these breaks. In this study, including a versatile analysis of the poem from history to religion, Heaney's sudden stepping into the nature of an adult from adolescence, and how personalities shaped by culture take on different roles in the situation of pain and grief are examined.

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
As a prominent representative of the Neo-romantic movement in the 1940s, Dylan Thomas, with his p... more As a prominent representative of the Neo-romantic movement in the 1940s, Dylan Thomas, with his poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" (1952), presents his thoughts on the phenomenon of death. Contrary to the main idea in other death-themed poems, this poem depicts that though death's inevitability is known, one should not accept death all at once. Instead, people should fight to get as much time from death as possible. Even though Thomas's advice encourages resistance to death, it contains some uncertainty about how this resistance should be. How and why does a human try to take time off death, knowing that the impending doom will come sooner or later? Moreover, Thomas has been said to produce this poem for the sake of his ill father, and this makes difficult to recognize the audience he intended. Has the poem been written to uplift his dying father? Or is it for Thomas' readers to know the poet's thoughts on death? Accordingly, this paper has been prepared to examine the implications in the tercets in-depth to investigate Thomas's approach to the concept of death, and to shed light on Thomas's target group with his poem. The study reveals that the failures and regrets, which are highlighted by Thomas to refuse the death, are insufficient to motivate people to stay more on earth.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2018
This study has been prepared with the aim of to find out the (a) relationship between online game... more This study has been prepared with the aim of to find out the (a) relationship between online games and vocabulary learning and (b) whether gender effects vocabulary learning through the online games. As one of the outcomes of technology, computer assisted language learning (CALL) increased the popularity of using computers in the classroom environments as a tool for learning languages. Along with the development of internet, the games started to appear in the form of online games. Correlatively this paper investigated five international articles related to online games and vocabulary learning from Iran, Turkey and China in which different methods have been employed including quantitative and qualitative measurements. The evaluation of the articles showed that adopting online games in language teaching for vocabulary learning is more efficient than rote learning; however the success depends on the gender. Male students do better in gaining vocabulary through online games comparing to female learners.

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Metho, 2018
A study was conducted with an aim of investigating the different approaches used by both EFL lear... more A study was conducted with an aim of investigating the different approaches used by both EFL learners and educators to learn and teach vocabulary respectively. In the study, particularly two different techniques were focused on: The "Memorisation" technique which is one of the most applied methods in teaching vocabulary and the "Mnemonic" technique, which is thought to produce higher results in teaching vocabulary by most scholars. An experiment was carried out to compare the efficiency of these two methods. A group of students from Khoja Akhmet Yassawi University Preparatory Faculty in Kazakhstan were chosen to participate in the experiment. The factor that makes this study different from other studies in the scope of its field is that the training given at the time of the "mnemonic" education was not in the native language of the students, which is Kazakh. The students had been learning Turkish as a foreign language. The acquired findings after the experiments, throughout pre and post tests indicated that although the participants did not receive education in their native language during the experiment, the use of the mnemonic technique gave better results compared to the rote learning technique.
The Journal of Kesit Academy, 2021
Mary Shelley’s well-known novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818) has been one of th... more Mary Shelley’s well-known novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818) has been one of the greatest works of English literature. The novel contains such a great number and variety of elements that - since its publication, while be-ing studied by many authors - it has been studied from various perspectives from feminism to Marxism, from materialism to psychology. Accordingly, based on a transhumanist view, this paper has been prepared to query the ethics and limits of science by combining and equalling Victor Frankenstein’s Monster and the tech-nology operated with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The paper interrogates to what extent the gadgets both technological and non-technological produced for the good of humanity are useful, and whether they pose a threat to the lifecycle of the uni-verse.
Books by Mahmut Kayaalti

Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, 2021
This thesis examines how William Blake represents God and Christianity in Songs of Innocence and ... more This thesis examines how William Blake represents God and Christianity in Songs of Innocence and of Experience, and to what extent this representation parallels Blake’s religious outlook. First, Blake’s religious outlook as demonstrably recorded in his biographies and in the referential works written on his literary works, is handled to better understand his religious presentation in Songs of Innocence and of Experience. How he regards God and interprets Christianity is clearly depicted in the study. Then, 15 selected poems that are relevant to each other in terms of religion are analysed in detail. The selected poems have been analysed thematically. The data obtained as a result of the analyses proves that Blake does not show a consistent representation of God and Christianity in Songs of Innocence and of Experience. More clearly, the concepts of God and Christianity are represented through different means in different poems. Therefore, this representation somehow contrasts with Blake’s own religious outlook. In other words, his understanding of God and Christianity is presented in a controversial way in some of the analysed poems in this thesis.
Papers by Mahmut Kayaalti
Books by Mahmut Kayaalti