I can confirm the android version is working again, however I personally will continue using the .love file with the love android loader since for some reason this release has some issues with lag (only loading screens as far as I can tel. Loading at startup is instant with the love loader vs like 10 seconds with this android release. Not sure why. I blame google because they taint everything as a condition of it being on their store.
Still, money very well spent. Good game.
As an aside: Have you considered adding some sort of naive mod loader so people can tinker and expand it, so it can garner a community? Something simple as being able to select a folder and toggle loading lua files from it after the main game data is loaded (in a chosen order) would open the door for modders to try their hand. Idk just felt I should ask.
I would love to see more from this game, and Steam/iOS release. It’s my absolute favourite roguelike and would love to see others find it and enjoy it as much as I have!
beat the game on impossible! seeking for break combination of equipments are really interesting, especially when the legendary pieces coming out that exactly fits your build. My loots on the run: legendary poison staff + the Untouchable Ring (lgd of impulse) + ice crown + teleport shoes + some other things. Would say that Witch with the first four may be enough to beat the Impossible even without loss any HP.
First time beating the game on master. The amount of time I dedicate to this game is appaling, and yet I cannot stop. Very good learning and challenge curve, increasing difficulty but staying on the predictable side of enemy moves is a great design!
I wasted like 3 days playing and had alot of fun , but once I beat the boss (in normal tho) I felt the fun decreased . This game definitely needs an endless mode?!
I come back to this game every couple of months, still awesome. I come back here to check for updates and always hope there is announcement for an iOS release or new content! Thanks again for creating such a fantastic game.
Absolutely love this game, it's perfect in so many ways. Hoping this game gets more updates down the line but doesn't change the formula too much.
I still haven't been able to win, managed to get to floor 16 multiple times but can't get any further. Does anyone have any tips? I try to build my character to include aoe, single-target damage, some heals, some mana regen but overall just not getting there. Should I try avoid exploring every room? What's some top tips?
Once you find gear you like, avoid exploring every room and just find the stairs. Also, don't get cornered as it is an easy way to end a run! Also learn the attack and movement patterns of all the enemies. Give all of the types different names to help you remember what they do. And you do find extra gear, just salvage it unless it's a better version of something your have for gear. Let me know if this helped!
Note: spears are the most op weapons in the game in my opinion because of reach, which allows you to attack from 2 squares away
Also, try to make ability combos. Ex: throw a spear and then pull them with Singularity, making the enemy take damage from the spear and Singularity at the same time. Or, Meteor Strike and Blizzard. You decide the combo.
Thanks for your response, some really good tips! Shorty after posting I actually did manage to win (twice) both were melee, one was more focused on health regen while other just pure health. I had some really nice max damage combos so was hitting over 100 which is awesome. I've only done swords/axe/mace builds but after your spear review I might try that next! Thanks again
Finally completed the game! All classes on Master, 100% loot log... "Impossible" has some element of luck, unlike easier difficulty modes which only require skills to be winnable... However, it IS actually possible! Excellent game!
Very cool game, i love it with the item based progression. My first run did a bit well (i think) and i was surprised how many different enemies occur in this game.
Hey! I really am loving this game and also got my roommate hooked on it, but we noticed that Wanderer of the Infinite has a typo in the tooltip! Regardless, I'm gonna keep recommending this to everyone i know who likes roguelikes.
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Why are Hard and Easy the same with enemies
The android version no longer works (A51-5G), but you can unpack the apk and grab the game.love file.
This will run with love's android launcher apk.
The dev could include this version of the .love file alongside the others for inexperienced users who experience crashes.
Android version should be working again.
I can confirm the android version is working again, however I personally will continue using the .love file with the love android loader since for some reason this release has some issues with lag (only loading screens as far as I can tel. Loading at startup is instant with the love loader vs like 10 seconds with this android release.
Not sure why. I blame google because they taint everything as a condition of it being on their store.
Still, money very well spent. Good game.
As an aside:
Have you considered adding some sort of naive mod loader so people can tinker and expand it, so it can garner a community?
Something simple as being able to select a folder and toggle loading lua files from it after the main game data is loaded (in a chosen order) would open the door for modders to try their hand.
Idk just felt I should ask.
This is an awesome idea! the foundations and game are so good, would love to see it expanded.
The game crashes on start up on Android, after a black screen. Any way to fix that ? Using a Xiaomi Redmi note 13, Android 13.
Android version should be working again.
report a rare bug of map generation: no exit.
I would love to see more from this game, and Steam/iOS release. It’s my absolute favourite roguelike and would love to see others find it and enjoy it as much as I have!
beat the game on impossible! seeking for break combination of equipments are really interesting, especially when the legendary pieces coming out that exactly fits your build. My loots on the run: legendary poison staff + the Untouchable Ring (lgd of impulse) + ice crown + teleport shoes + some other things. Would say that Witch with the first four may be enough to beat the Impossible even without loss any HP.
I love this game! Out of curiosity, are there plans for updates in the future? Even if there aren't I'll still play this over and over
First time beating the game on master. The amount of time I dedicate to this game is appaling, and yet I cannot stop. Very good learning and challenge curve, increasing difficulty but staying on the predictable side of enemy moves is a great design!
Thank you for many wondrous moments :)
Really enjoyed playing it the last couple of days :)
Feels well crafted. Are there plans for further development?
I need more games like this one.
I recommend playing pixel dungeon if you haven't. That's where a lot of games get their inspiration from. Caves is also a masterpiece.
I've played pixel dungeon, but I haven't tried caves, I'll give it a look! Thanks for the input.
Take a look at Brogue and The Ground Gives Way. If you like some kind of sci-fi theme, take a look at cogmind :)
I wasted like 3 days playing and had alot of fun , but once I beat the boss (in normal tho) I felt the fun decreased . This game definitely needs an endless mode?!
Looks interesting! Is content still being added?
I just found out today that Fandom shut down my wiki for no reason! All that hard work for nothing...
Was it for this game? Dang, that really sucks
new balance update is good!!! good job again this is how roguelike should looks like
Wow! Solid work!
to many files and I cant find the game (Linux)
Is this a joke?
You are supposed to load the .love file, not extract it.
The files say that the game does not exist and won’t let me start it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I come back to this game every couple of months, still awesome. I come back here to check for updates and always hope there is announcement for an iOS release or new content! Thanks again for creating such a fantastic game.
Unfortunately there are no plans for an iOS release.
game is really good! thanks for this great game! but i wonder, where the game's save file?
If you're on windows, it's on "C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\Labyrinth of Legendary Loot"
tysm <3
the game came up when I added game pad support and I found it on the play store and hoped it would work. But it does not
Gamepad support is only for the PC version.
Are there any plans to add gamepad support to the android version?
Unfortunately there are no plans to add gamepad support to the android version.
Great game.
Here's the wiki page I made for this wonderful game! Feel free to add to it!
Really fun game
Absolutely love this game, it's perfect in so many ways. Hoping this game gets more updates down the line but doesn't change the formula too much.
I still haven't been able to win, managed to get to floor 16 multiple times but can't get any further. Does anyone have any tips? I try to build my character to include aoe, single-target damage, some heals, some mana regen but overall just not getting there. Should I try avoid exploring every room? What's some top tips?
Once you find gear you like, avoid exploring every room and just find the stairs. Also, don't get cornered as it is an easy way to end a run! Also learn the attack and movement patterns of all the enemies. Give all of the types different names to help you remember what they do. And you do find extra gear, just salvage it unless it's a better version of something your have for gear. Let me know if this helped!
Note: spears are the most op weapons in the game in my opinion because of reach, which allows you to attack from 2 squares away
Also, try to make ability combos. Ex: throw a spear and then pull them with Singularity, making the enemy take damage from the spear and Singularity at the same time. Or, Meteor Strike and Blizzard. You decide the combo.
Thanks for your response, some really good tips! Shorty after posting I actually did manage to win (twice) both were melee, one was more focused on health regen while other just pure health. I had some really nice max damage combos so was hitting over 100 which is awesome. I've only done swords/axe/mace builds but after your spear review I might try that next! Thanks again
You're welcome Borgling for the tips! If you have any more questions, just let me know.
Very cool game, i love it with the item based progression. My first run did a bit well (i think) and i was surprised how many different enemies occur in this game.
My Score:
Gratefully radiant.
do you know how to get it working in the itch app?
Finally I am the Star Eater! Fantastically Underrated game
mac build does not work
Did you install the LOVE2D engine? Get it from here:
how do you open the love download
Install the LOVE2D engine:
Then open the file with it.
And here I was thinking i was going to be productive this week, instead I ended playing this for just an insane amount of time
Woa woa woa you got featured by Retromation!
Looking forward to new updates!
Ever gana go back to orrias
Hey! I really am loving this game and also got my roommate hooked on it, but we noticed that Wanderer of the Infinite has a typo in the tooltip! Regardless, I'm gonna keep recommending this to everyone i know who likes roguelikes.
just curious, are you still planning to update this? I have some ideas, if you want to hear them
Took some work to beat this. I really like how once you finsh the game on Hard mode then...%%$%&$%&#... ERROR
congrats on getting featured in a major video! I played this a while ago but it's good to see you are finally getting more recognition.
Why when I search by android is this here? Can I use joiplay for this or?
Click the "Get in on Google Play" button below the "Also Available On" Section for the android version.
Ah yes I'm just blind but why is a dollar on the app store but free on here?
It is not free on android.
yeah that's what I said. Why though?
it's name your own price on itch.io. Google Play doesn't support that feature so he set it to a roughly appropriate amount for a mobile port.