OpenStack CLI

The python-designateclient package comes with a plugin for the openstack command line tool (installed as openstack). This can be used to access a Designate API without having to manipulate JSON by hand, it can also produce the output in a variety of formats (JSON, CSV) and allow you to select columns to be displayed.


Both python-openstackclient and python-designateclient must be installed:

$ pip install python-openstackclient python-designateclient


openstack requires certain information to talk to the REST API. An in-depth explanation is covered in the OpenStack Client configuration documentation.

To get started, all you usually need are the following variables:


Using the Command Line Tool

With enough details now in the environment, you can use the openstack to create a zone and populate it with some records:

$ openstack zone create --email [email protected]
| Field          | Value                                |
| action         | CREATE                               |
| created_at     | 2016-04-19T17:44:04.000000           |
| description    | None                                 |
| email          | [email protected]                    |
| id             | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |
| masters        |                                      |
| name           |                         |
| pool_id        | 794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842 |
| project_id     | 123456                               |
| serial         | 1461087844                           |
| status         | PENDING                              |
| transferred_at | None                                 |
| ttl            | 3600                                 |
| type           | PRIMARY                              |
| updated_at     | None                                 |
| version        | 1                                    |

Now that the zone has been created, we can start adding records.

You’ll note that the zone name ( has a trailing ., as per the DNS standard, and we didn’t set a TTL.

$ openstack recordset create --type A --record www
| Field       | Value                                |
| action      | CREATE                               |
| created_at  | 2016-04-19T17:51:12.000000           |
| description | None                                 |
| id          | 180d3574-3c29-4ea2-b6ff-df904bd3f126 |
| name        |                     |
| records     |                           |
| status      | PENDING                              |
| ttl         | None                                 |
| type        | A                                    |
| updated_at  | None                                 |
| version     | 1                                    |
| zone_id     | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |

Designate-specific Subcommands

Aside from the zone create and recordset create subcommands, this is the full list of subcommands that enable Designate V2 support:



Admin Required

zone create

Create new zone

zone list

List zones

zone show

Show zone details

zone set

Set zone properties

zone delete

Delete zone

recordset create

Create new recordset

recordset list

List recordsets

recordset list all

List all recordsets in all zones

recordset show

Show recordset details

recordset set

Set recordset properties

recordset delete

Delete recordset

ptr record list

List floatingip ptr records

ptr record show

Show floatingip ptr record details

ptr record set

Set floatingip ptr record

ptr record unset

Unset floatingip ptr record

zone export create

Export a Zone

zone export list

List Zone Exports

zone export show

Show a Zone Export

zone export delete

Delete a Zone Export

zone export showfile

Show the zone file for the Zone Export

zone import create

Import a Zone from a file on the filesystem

zone import list

List Zone Imports

zone import show

Show a Zone Import

zone import delete

Delete a Zone Import

zone transfer request create

Create new zone transfer request

zone transfer request list

List Zone Transfer Requests

zone transfer request show

Show Zone Transfer Request Details

zone transfer request set

Set a Zone Transfer Request

zone transfer request delete

Delete a Zone Transfer Request

zone transfer accept request

Accept a Zone Transfer Request

zone transfer accept list

List Zone Transfer Accepts

zone transfer accept show

Show Zone Transfer Accept

zone abandon

Abandon a zone


zone axfr

AXFR a zone

zone blacklist create

Create new blacklist


zone blacklist list

List blacklists


zone blacklist show

Show blacklist details


zone blacklist set

Set blacklist properties


zone blacklist delete

Delete blacklist


tld create

Create new tld


tld list

List tlds


tld show

Show tld details


tld set

Set tld properties


tld delete

Delete tld


Built-in Designate Documentation

You’ll find complete documentation on the shell by running: openstack --help

For a specific command, you can execute: openstack subcommand help


Because command output would make this document long, much of it will be omitted from some examples.

Working with Zones

Create a zone with the following command:

$ openstack zone create --email [email protected]
| Field          | Value                                |
| action         | CREATE                               |
| created_at     | 2016-04-19T17:44:04.000000           |
| description    | None                                 |
| email          | [email protected]                    |
| id             | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |
| masters        |                                      |
| name           |                         |
| pool_id        | 794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842 |
| project_id     | 123456                               |
| serial         | 1461087844                           |
| status         | PENDING                              |
| transferred_at | None                                 |
| ttl            | 3600                                 |
| type           | PRIMARY                              |
| updated_at     | None                                 |
| version        | 1                                    |

See the new zone in your list of zones with the following command:

$ openstack zone list

Display a specific zone with either of these commands; most zone commands accept either the zone_id or name attribute:

$ openstack zone show
$ openstack zone show 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae

Update the zone with this command:

$ openstack zone set --description "Description"

Delete the zone with this command:

$ openstack zone delete

Working with Recordsets

Using the zone above, create a recordset with the following command:

$ openstack recordset create --type A www --record
| Field       | Value                                |
| action      | CREATE                               |
| created_at  | 2016-04-19T17:51:12.000000           |
| description | None                                 |
| id          | 180d3574-3c29-4ea2-b6ff-df904bd3f126 |
| name        |                     |
| records     |                           |
| status      | PENDING                              |
| ttl         | None                                 |
| type        | A                                    |
| updated_at  | None                                 |
| version     | 1                                    |
| zone_id     | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |

Multiple records can be provided for a specific recordset type:

$ openstack recordset create --type A www --record --record

See the new recordset in the list of recordsets with the following command:

$ openstack recordset list

Display a specific recordset:

$ openstack recordset show

Update a specific recordset:

$ openstack recordset set --ttl 10000 --record --record

Delete a recordset:

$ openstack recordset delete

Working with PTR Records

Reverse DNS for Neutron Floating IPs can be managed with the “ptr” subcommand.

Create a PTR record:

$ openstack ptr record set RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f
| Field       | Value                                          |
| action      | CREATE                                         |
| address     |                                    |
| description | None                                           |
| id          | RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f |
| ptrdname    |                               |
| status      | PENDING                                        |
| ttl         | 3600                                           |

List all PTR records:

$ openstack ptr record list

Show a PTR record:

$ openstack ptr record show RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f

Delete a PTR record:

$ openstack ptr record delete RegionOne:5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f

Working with Zone Exports

Zone exports enable you to save Designate zone information offline.

Create a zone export:

$ openstack zone export create
| Field      | Value                                |
| created_at | 2016-04-19T20:42:16.000000           |
| id         | 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5 |
| location   | None                                 |
| message    | None                                 |
| project_id | 123456                               |
| status     | PENDING                              |
| updated_at | None                                 |
| version    | 1                                    |
| zone_id    | 388814ef-3c5d-415e-a866-5b1d13d78dae |

List zone exports:

$ openstack zone export list

Show zone export:

$ openstack zone export show 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5

Show the zone file for the Zone Export:

$ openstack zone export showfile 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5 -f value
$TTL 3600  IN NS  IN NS  IN SOA [email protected] 1458678636 7200 300 604800 300

Delete zone export:

$ openstack zone export delete 6d5acb9d-f3d6-4ed4-96e1-03bc0e405bb5

Working with Zone Imports

Zone imports enable you to import a zone into Designate from a file on the filesystem.

Create a zone import from a file:

$ openstack zone import create zonefile.txt
| Field      | Value                                |
| created_at | 2016-04-19T20:59:38.000000           |
| id         | bab6e152-da9f-4dfc-8a59-3f9710fe4894 |
| message    | None                                 |
| project_id | 123456                               |
| status     | PENDING                              |
| updated_at | None                                 |
| version    | 1                                    |
| zone_id    | None                                 |

List zone imports:

$ openstack zone import list

Show zone import:

$ openstack zone import show 839d8041-1960-4d74-8533-118d52218074

Delete zone import:

$ openstack zone import delete 839d8041-1960-4d74-8533-118d52218074

Working with Zone Blacklists

Blacklisting zone names enables you to block any zone pattern from creation.

Create a zone blacklist

$ openstack zone blacklist create --pattern "^example\.com\.$" --description "This is a blacklisted domain."
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-05-10 00:26:07                  |
| description | This is a blacklisted domain.        |
| id          | 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10 |
| pattern     | ^$                       |
| updated_at  | None                                 |

List zone blacklist

$ openstack zone blacklist list

Show zone blacklist

$ openstack zone blacklist show 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10

Update zone blacklist

$ openstack zone blacklist set --pattern "^([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+\.)*example\.com\.$" --description "Updated the description" 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10

Delete a zone blacklist

$ openstack zone blacklist delete 308ecb82-4952-4476-88b4-9db18fc78e10

Working with Zone Transfers Between Projects

Zone Transfers enable you to perform the transfer of zone ownership to another project.

Create a Zone Transfer Request

$ openstack zone transfer request create --target-project-id 9cc52dd7649c4aa99fa9db2fb94dabb8 53cdcf82-9e32-4a00-a90d-32d6ec5db7e9
| Field             | Value                                                                                  |
| created_at        | 2016-05-10 01:39:00                                                                    |
| description       | None                                                                                   |
| id                | 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57                                                   |
| key               | J6JCET2C                                                                               |
| links             | {u'self':                                                                              |
|                   | u' |
|                   | 8a0ab04f7e57'}                                                                         |
| project_id        | 10457ad1fe074f4a89bb1e4c0cd83d40                                                       |
| status            | ACTIVE                                                                                 |
| target_project_id | 9cc52dd7649c4aa99fa9db2fb94dabb8                                                       |
| updated_at        | None                                                                                   |
| zone_id           | 53cdcf82-9e32-4a00-a90d-32d6ec5db7e9                                                   |
| zone_name         |                                                                           |

List Zone Transfer Requests

$ openstack zone transfer request list

Show Zone Transfer Request Details

$ openstack zone transfer request show 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57

Update a Zone Transfer Request

$ openstack zone transfer request set 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57 --description "demo transfer"

Delete a Zone Transfer Request

$ openstack zone transfer request delete 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57

Accept a Zone Transfer Request

$ openstack zone transfer accept request  --transfer-id 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57 --key J6JCET2C
| Field                    | Value                                                                           |
| created_at               | 2016-05-10 05:02:52                                                             |
| id                       | a8750f50-d7e6-403a-89d2-e209d62ef60e                                            |
| key                      | J6JCET2C                                                                        |
| links                    | {u'self':                                                                       |
|                          | u'      |
|                          | -403a-89d2-e209d62ef60e', u'zone':                                              |
|                          | u''}    |
| project_id               | 10457ad1fe074f4a89bb1e4c0cd83d40                                                |
| status                   | COMPLETE                                                                        |
| updated_at               | 2016-05-10 05:02:52                                                             |
| zone_id                  | 53cdcf82-9e32-4a00-a90d-32d6ec5db7e9                                            |
| zone_transfer_request_id | 98ba1d22-c092-4603-891f-8a0ab04f7e57                                            |

Show Zone Transfer Accept

$ openstack zone transfer accept show a8750f50-d7e6-403a-89d2-e209d62ef60e

List Zone Transfer Accept

$ openstack zone transfer accept list

Working with Top Level Domains

The tld commands enable you to manage top level domains.

Create a TLD

$ openstack tld create --name com --description "demo TLD"
| Field       | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-05-10 05:21:40                  |
| description | demo TLD                             |
| id          | a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113 |
| name        | com                                  |
| updated_at  | None                                 |

List TLDs

$ openstack tld list

Show TLD Details

$ openstack tld show a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113

Update a TLD

$ openstack tld set a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113 --name org --description "TLD description"

Delete a TLD

$ openstack tld delete a7bba387-712b-4b42-9368-4508642c6113