
Dokumen ini menjelaskan semua komponen middleware yang datang dengan Django. Untuk informasi pada bagaimana menggunakan mereka dan bagaimana menulis middleware anda sendiri, lihat middleware usage guide.

Middleware tersedia

Middleware tembolok

class UpdateCacheMiddleware[sumber]
class FetchFromCacheMiddleware[sumber]

Enable the site-wide cache. If these are enabled, each Django-powered page will be cached for as long as the CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS setting defines. See the cache documentation.

Middleware "Umum"

class CommonMiddleware[sumber]

Tambah sedikit kenyamanan untuk perfeksionis:

  • Larang akses ke agen pengguna dalam pengaturan DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS, yang harus berupa daftar dari obyek-obyek regular expression tersusun.

  • Lakukan penulisan kembali URL pada pengaturan APPEND_SLASH dan PREPEND_WWW.

    Jika APPEND_SLASH adalah True dan URL permulaan tidak berakhir dengan garis miring, dan itu tidak ditemukan dalam URLconf, kemudian URL baru dibentuk dengan menambahkan sebuah garis miring pada akhiran. Jika URL baru ini ditemukan dalam URLconf, kemudian Django mengalihkan permintaan ke URL baru ini. Sebaliknya, URL permulaan diolah seperti biasa.

    Sebagai contoh, foo.com/bar akan dialihkan ke foo.com/bar/ jika anda tidak memiliki pola URL sah untuk foo.com/bar tetapi punya pola sah untuk foo.com/bar/.

    Jika PREPEND_WWW adalah True, URL yang tidak memiliki awalan "www." akan dialihkan ke URL sama dengan sebuah awalan "www."

    Both of these options are meant to normalize URLs. The philosophy is that each URL should exist in one, and only one, place. Technically a URL foo.com/bar is distinct from foo.com/bar/ -- a search-engine indexer would treat them as separate URLs -- so it's best practice to normalize URLs.

  • Setel kepala Content-Length untuk tanggapan bukan-aliran.


Awalan pada HttpResponsePermanentRedirect. Sub kelas CommonMiddleware dan menimpa atribut untuk menyesuaikan pengalihan diterbitkan oleh middleware.

class BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware[sumber]

Middleware GZip

class GZipMiddleware[sumber]


Peneliti keamanaan baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa ketika teknik-teknik pemampatan (termasuk GZipMiddleware) digunakan pada sebuah situs jaringan, situs mungkin menjadi terkuak pada sejumlah kemungkinan serangan. Sebelum menggunakan GZipMiddleware pada situs anda, anda harus pertimbangkan sangat hati-hati apakah anda adalah subyek pada serangan ini. Jika anda sedang beranda dalam keraguan apapun tentang apakah anda terpengaruhi, anda harus menghindari menggunakan GZipMiddleware. Untuk rincian lebih, lihat the BREACH paper (PDF) dan breachattack.com.

Memampatkan isi untuk peramban yang memahami pemampatan GZip (semua peramban modern).

Middleware ini harus ditempatkan sebelum middleware lain apapun yang butuh membaca atau menulis tanggapan badan sehingga pemampatan terjadi kemudian.

Itu TIDAK akan memampatkan isi jika apapun dari berikut adalah true:

  • Isi badan kurang dari panjang 200 byte.
  • Tanggapan telah menyetel kepala Content-Encoding.
  • Permintaan (peramban) belum mengirim sebuah kepala Accept-Encoding mengandung gzip.

Jika tanggapan mempunyai sebuah kepala ETag, ETag dibuat lemah untuk memenuhi RFC 7232#section-2.1.

Anda dapat memberlakukan pemampatan GZip pada tampilan sendiri menggunakan penghias gzip_page().

Middleware GET bersyarat

class ConditionalGetMiddleware[sumber]

Menangani tindakan GET bersyarat. Jika tanggapan tidak memiliki sebuah kepala ETag, middleware menambahkan satu jika dibutuhkan. Jika tanggapan mempunyai sebuah kepala ETag atau Last-Modified, dan permintaan memiliki If-None-Match atau If-Modified-Since, tanggapan diganti oleh sebuah HttpResponseNotModified.

Middleware lokal

class LocaleMiddleware[sumber]

Enables language selection based on data from the request. It customizes content for each user. See the internationalization documentation.


Awalan pada HttpResponseRedirect. Sub kelas LocaleMiddleware dan menimpa atribut untuk menyesuaikan pengalihan diterbitkan oleh middleware.

Middleware pesan

class MessageMiddleware[sumber]

Enables cookie- and session-based message support. See the messages documentation.

Middleware keamanan


If your deployment situation allows, it's usually a good idea to have your front-end Web server perform the functionality provided by the SecurityMiddleware. That way, if there are requests that aren't served by Django (such as static media or user-uploaded files), they will have the same protections as requests to your Django application.

class SecurityMiddleware[sumber]

django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware menyediakan beberapa peningkatan keamanan pada siklus permintaan/tanggapan. Setiap satu dapat berdiri sendiri mengadakan atau mentiadakan dengan sebuah pengaturan.

HTTP Strict Transport Security

For sites that should only be accessed over HTTPS, you can instruct modern browsers to refuse to connect to your domain name via an insecure connection (for a given period of time) by setting the "Strict-Transport-Security" header. This reduces your exposure to some SSL-stripping man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

SecurityMiddleware akan menyetel kepala ini untuk anda pada semua tanggapan HTTPS jika anda mensetel pengaturan SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS pada nilai integer bukan-nol.

When enabling HSTS, it's a good idea to first use a small value for testing, for example, SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS = 3600 for one hour. Each time a Web browser sees the HSTS header from your site, it will refuse to communicate non-securely (using HTTP) with your domain for the given period of time. Once you confirm that all assets are served securely on your site (i.e. HSTS didn't break anything), it's a good idea to increase this value so that infrequent visitors will be protected (31536000 seconds, i.e. 1 year, is common).

Additionally, if you set the SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS setting to True, SecurityMiddleware will add the includeSubDomains directive to the Strict-Transport-Security header. This is recommended (assuming all subdomains are served exclusively using HTTPS), otherwise your site may still be vulnerable via an insecure connection to a subdomain.

Jika anda berharap mengajukan situs anda ke browser preload list, setel pengaturan SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD menjadi True. Itu menambahkan preload menunjuk ke kepala Strict-Transport-Security.


The HSTS policy applies to your entire domain, not just the URL of the response that you set the header on. Therefore, you should only use it if your entire domain is served via HTTPS only.

Browsers properly respecting the HSTS header will refuse to allow users to bypass warnings and connect to a site with an expired, self-signed, or otherwise invalid SSL certificate. If you use HSTS, make sure your certificates are in good shape and stay that way!


If you are deployed behind a load-balancer or reverse-proxy server, and the Strict-Transport-Security header is not being added to your responses, it may be because Django doesn't realize that it's on a secure connection; you may need to set the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting.

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Some browsers will try to guess the content types of the assets that they fetch, overriding the Content-Type header. While this can help display sites with improperly configured servers, it can also pose a security risk.

If your site serves user-uploaded files, a malicious user could upload a specially-crafted file that would be interpreted as HTML or JavaScript by the browser when you expected it to be something harmless.

To prevent the browser from guessing the content type and force it to always use the type provided in the Content-Type header, you can pass the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header. SecurityMiddleware will do this for all responses if the SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF setting is True.

Note that in most deployment situations where Django isn't involved in serving user-uploaded files, this setting won't help you. For example, if your MEDIA_URL is served directly by your front-end Web server (nginx, Apache, etc.) then you'd want to set this header there. On the other hand, if you are using Django to do something like require authorization in order to download files and you cannot set the header using your Web server, this setting will be useful.

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

Some browsers have the ability to block content that appears to be an XSS attack. They work by looking for JavaScript content in the GET or POST parameters of a page. If the JavaScript is replayed in the server's response, the page is blocked from rendering and an error page is shown instead.

X-XSS-Protection header digunakan untuk mengendalikan tindakan dari penyaringan XSS.

To enable the XSS filter in the browser, and force it to always block suspected XSS attacks, you can pass the X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block header. SecurityMiddleware will do this for all responses if the SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER setting is True.


The browser XSS filter is a useful defense measure, but must not be relied upon exclusively. It cannot detect all XSS attacks and not all browsers support the header. Ensure you are still validating and sanitizing all input to prevent XSS attacks.

Pengalihan SSL

If your site offers both HTTP and HTTPS connections, most users will end up with an unsecured connection by default. For best security, you should redirect all HTTP connections to HTTPS.

If you set the SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT setting to True, SecurityMiddleware will permanently (HTTP 301) redirect all HTTP connections to HTTPS.


For performance reasons, it's preferable to do these redirects outside of Django, in a front-end load balancer or reverse-proxy server such as nginx. SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT is intended for the deployment situations where this isn't an option.

If the SECURE_SSL_HOST setting has a value, all redirects will be sent to that host instead of the originally-requested host.

If there are a few pages on your site that should be available over HTTP, and not redirected to HTTPS, you can list regular expressions to match those URLs in the SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT setting.


If you are deployed behind a load-balancer or reverse-proxy server and Django can't seem to tell when a request actually is already secure, you may need to set the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting.

Middleware sesi

class SessionMiddleware[sumber]

Mengadakan dukungan sesi. Lihat session documentation.

Situs middleware

class CurrentSiteMiddleware[sumber]

Adds the site attribute representing the current site to every incoming HttpRequest object. See the sites documentation.

Middleware otentifikasi

class AuthenticationMiddleware

Adds the user attribute, representing the currently-logged-in user, to every incoming HttpRequest object. See Authentication in Web requests.

class RemoteUserMiddleware

Middleware for utilizing Web server provided authentication. See Otentikasi menggunakan REMOTE_USER for usage details.

class PersistentRemoteUserMiddleware

Middleware for utilizing Web server provided authentication when enabled only on the login page. See Menggunakan REMOTE_USER hanya pada halaman masuk for usage details.

Middleware perlindungan CSRF

class CsrfViewMiddleware[sumber]

Adds protection against Cross Site Request Forgeries by adding hidden form fields to POST forms and checking requests for the correct value. See the Cross Site Request Forgery protection documentation.

Middleware X-Frame-Options

class XFrameOptionsMiddleware[sumber]

Simple clickjacking protection via the X-Frame-Options header.

Pengurutan middleware

Disini adalah beberapa petunjuk tentang pengurutan beragam kelas-kelas middleware Django:

  1. SecurityMiddleware

    It should go near the top of the list if you're going to turn on the SSL redirect as that avoids running through a bunch of other unnecessary middleware.

  2. UpdateCacheMiddleware

    Sebelum itu yang merubah kepala Vary (SessionMiddleware, GZipMiddleware, LocaleMiddleware).

  3. GZipMiddleware

    Sebelum middleware apapun yang mungkin merubah atau menggunakan tanggapan badan.

    Setelah UpdateCacheMiddleware: Rubah kepala Vary.

  4. SessionMiddleware

    Setelah UpdateCacheMiddleware: Rubah kepala Vary.

  5. ConditionalGetMiddleware

    Sebelum middleware apapun yang mungkin merubah tanggapan (itu menyetel kepala ETag).

    Setelah GZipMiddleware jadi itu tidak akan menghitung sebuah kepala ETag pada isi ter-gzip.

  6. LocaleMiddleware

    Salah satu yang paling atas, setelah SessionMiddleware (menggunakan data sesi) dan UpdateCacheMiddleware (merubah kepala Vary).

  7. CommonMiddleware

    Sebelum middleware apapun yang mungkin merubah tanggapan (itu menyetel kepala Content-Length). Sebuah middleware yang muncul sebelum CommonMiddleware dan merubah tanggapan harus menyetel kembali Content-Length.

    Tutup ke atas: Itu akan mengalihkan ketika APPEND_SLASH atau PREPEND_WWW menjadi True.

  8. CsrfViewMiddleware

    Sebelum tampilan middleware apapunyang menganggap bahwa serangan CSRF telah ditangani.

    Itu harusd atang setelah SessionMiddleware jika anda menggunakan CSRF_USE_SESSIONS.

  9. AuthenticationMiddleware

    Setelah SessionMiddleware: gunakan penyimpanan sesi.

  10. MessageMiddleware

    Setelah SessionMiddleware: dapat menggunakan penyimpanan berdasar-sesi.

  11. FetchFromCacheMiddleware

    Setelah middleware apapun yang merubah kepala vary: kepala itu digunakan untuk mengambil nilai untuk kunci-campuran cache.

  12. FlatpageFallbackMiddleware

    Should be near the bottom as it's a last-resort type of middleware.

  13. RedirectFallbackMiddleware

    Should be near the bottom as it's a last-resort type of middleware.

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