Unsorted scripts#

basic script#

An incomplete sample script

This is not a complete bot; rather, it is a template from which simple bots can be made. You can rename it to mybot.py, then edit it in whatever way you want.

Use global -simulate option for test purposes. No changes to live wiki will be done.

The following parameters are supported:


The bot won’t ask for confirmation when putting a page


Use this text to be added; otherwise ‘Test’ is used


Don’t add text but replace it


Place additional text on top of the page


Set the action summary message for the edit.

This sample script is a ConfigParserBot. All settings can be made either by giving option with the command line or with a settings file which is scripts.ini by default. If you don’t want the default values you can add any option you want to change to that settings file below the [basic] section like:

[basic] ; inline comments starts with colon
# This is a commend line. Assignments may be done with '=' or ':'
text: A text with line break and
    continuing on next line to be put
replace: yes ; yes/no, on/off, true/false and 1/0 is also valid
summary = Bot: My first test edit with pywikibot

Every script has its own section with the script name as header.

In addition the following generators and filters are supported but cannot be set by settings file:

This script supports use of pagegenerators arguments.

change_pagelang script#

This script changes the content language of pages

These command line parameters can be used to specify which pages to work on:

This script supports use of pagegenerators arguments.

Furthermore, the following command line parameters are supported:


What language the pages should be set to


If a language is already set for a page, always change it to the one set in -setlang.


If a language is already set for a page, never change it to the one set in -setlang (keep the current language).


This script is a ConfigParserBot. All options can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini by default.

Added in version 5.1.

coordinate_import script#

Coordinate importing script


python pwb.py coordinate_import -site:wikipedia:en -cat:Category:Coordinates_not_on_Wikidata

This will work on all pages in the category “coordinates not on Wikidata” and will import the coordinates on these pages to Wikidata.

The data from the “GeoData” extension (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GeoData) is used so that extension has to be setup properly. You can look at the [[Special:Nearby]] page on your local Wiki to see if it’s populated.

You can use any typical pagegenerator to provide with a list of pages:

python pwb.py coordinate_import -lang:it -family:wikipedia -namespace:0 -transcludes:Infobox_stazione_ferroviaria

You can also run over a set of items on the repo without coordinates and try to import them from any connected page. To do this, you have to explicitly provide the repo as the site using -site argument.


python pwb.py coordinate_import -site:wikidata:wikidata -namespace:0 -querypage:Deadendpages

The following command line parameters are supported:


If used, the bot won’t ask if it should add the specified text.


Create items for pages without one.


This script is a ConfigParserBot. All options can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini by default.

This script supports use of pagegenerators arguments.

delinker script#

Delink removed files from wiki

This script keeps track of image deletions and delinks removed files from current wiki in namespace 0. This script is suitable to delink files from an image repository as well as for local images.

The following parameters are supported:


Retrieve pages to delink from “Pages with missing files” category. Usually the category is found on Q4989282 wikibase item but can be overwritten by giving the category title with that option. -since option is ignored.


If the deletion log contains this pattern, the file is not delinked (default is ‘no-delink’).


Retrieve deleted File pages from local log only


Start the deletion log with this timestamp given in MediaWiki timestamp format. If no -since option is given, the start timestamp is read from setting file. If the option is empty, the processing starts from the very beginning. If the script stops, the last timestamp is written to the settings file and the next script call starts there if no -since is given.


This script is a ConfigParserBot. All settings can be made either by giving option with the command line or with a settings file which is scripts.ini by default. If you don’t want the default values you can add any option you want to change to that settings file below the [delinker] section like.

Added in version 7.2: This script is completely rewriten from compat branch.

Changed in version 9.4: -category option was added.

djvutext script#

This bot uploads text from djvu files onto pages in the “Page” namespace


It is intended to be used for Wikisource.

The following parameters are supported:


name of the index page (without the Index: prefix)


path to the djvu file, it shall be: .. hlist:

* path to a file name
* dir where a djvu file name as index is located optional,
  by default is current dir '.'

upload; optional, start=1, end=djvu file number of images. Page ranges can be specified as:

A-B -> pages A until B
A-  -> pages A until number of images
A   -> just page A
-B  -> pages 1 until B

This script is a ConfigParserBot. The following options can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini by default:


(str) Custom edit summary. Use quotes if edit summary contains spaces.


Overwrites existing text optional, default False.


Do not bother asking to confirm any of the changes.

download_dump script#

This bot downloads dump from dumps.wikimedia.org

This script supports the following command line parameters:

-filename:# The name of the file (e.g. abstract.xml)

-storepath:# The stored file’s path.

-dumpdate:# The dumpdate date of the dump (default to latest)

formatted as YYYYMMDD.


This script is a ConfigParserBot. All options can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini by default.

Added in version 3.0.20180108.

fixing_redirects script#

Correct all redirect links in featured pages or only one page of each wiki

Can be used with:


The bot won’t ask for confirmation when putting a page


Run over featured pages (for some Wikimedia wikis only)


Usually only the link is changed ([[Foo]] -> [[Bar|Foo]]). This parameters sets the script to completly overwrite the link text ([[Foo]] -> [[Bar]]).


Do not try to solve deleted pages after page move.

This script supports use of pagegenerators arguments.

misspelling script#

This script fixes links that contain common spelling mistakes

This is only possible on wikis that have a template for these misspellings.

Command line options:

-always:XY instead of asking the user what to do, always perform the same

action. For example, XY can be “r0”, “u” or “2”. Be careful with this option, and check the changes made by the bot. Note that some choices for XY don’t make sense and will result in a loop, e.g. “l” or “m”.


only check pages in the main namespace, not in the Talk, Project, User, etc. namespaces.

-start:XY goes through all misspellings in the category on your wiki

that is defined (to the bot) as the category containing misspelling pages, starting at XY. If the -start argument is not given, it starts at the beginning.

noreferences script#

This script adds a missing references section to pages

It goes over multiple pages, searches for pages where <references /> is missing although a <ref> tag is present, and in that case adds a new references section.

These command line parameters can be used to specify which pages to work on:

This script supports use of pagegenerators arguments.

Furthermore, the following command line parameters are supported:


Retrieve information from a local XML dump (pages-articles or pages-meta-current, see https://dumps.wikimedia.org). Argument can also be given as “-xml:filename”.


Don’t prompt you for each replacement.


Use this option to get less output

If neither a page title nor a page generator is given, it takes all pages from the default maintenance category.

It is strongly recommended not to run this script over the entire article namespace (using the -start) parameter, as that would consume too much bandwidth. Instead, use the -xml parameter, or use another way to generate a list of affected articles

parser_function_count script#

Used to find expensive templates that are subject to be converted to Lua

It counts parser functions and then orders templates by number of these and uploads the first n titles or alternatively templates having count()>n.



Will start from the given title (it does not have to exist). Parameter may be given as “-start” or “-start:title”. Defaults to ‘!’.


Returns the first n results in decreasing order of number of hits (or without ordering if used with -nosort) Parameter may be given as “-first” or “-first:n”.


Returns templates with at least n hits. Parameter may be given as “-atleast” or “-atleast:n”.


Keeps the original order of templates. Default behaviour is to sort them by decreasing order of count(parserfunctions).


Saves the results. The file is in the form you may upload it to a wikipage. May be given as “-save:<filename>”. If it exists, titles will be appended.


Specify a page in your wiki where results will be uploaded. Parameter may be given as “-upload” or “-upload:title”. Say good-bye to previous content if existed.

Precedence of evaluation: results are first sorted in decreasing order of templates, unless nosort is switched on. Then first n templates are taken if first is specified, and at last atleast is evaluated. If nosort and first are used together, the program will stop at the nth hit without scanning the rest of the template namespace. This may be used to run it in more sessions (continue with -start next time).

First is strict. That means if results #90-120 have the same number of parser functions and you specify -first:100, only the first 100 will be listed (even if atleast is used as well).

Should you specify neither first nor atleast, all templates using parser functions will be listed.

replicate_wiki script#

This bot replicates pages in a wiki to a second wiki within one family


python pwb.py replicate_wiki [-r] -ns 10 -family:wikipedia -o nl li fy


python pwb.py replicate_wiki [-r] -ns 10 -family:wikipedia -lang:nl li fy

to copy all templates from nlwiki to liwiki and fywiki. It will show which pages have to be changed if -r is not present, and will only actually write pages if -r is present.

You can add replicate_replace to your user config file (user-config.py), which has the following format:

replicate_replace = {
    'wikipedia:li': {'Hoofdpagina': 'Veurblaad'}

to replace all occurrences of ‘Hoofdpagina’ with ‘Veurblaad’ when writing to liwiki. Note that this does not take the origin wiki into account.

The following parameters are supported:

-r, --replace

actually replace pages (without this option you will only get an overview page)

-o, --original

original wiki (you may use -lang:<code> option instead)

-ns, --namespace

specify namespace

-dns, --dest-namespace

destination namespace (if different)

destination_wiki destination wiki(s)

watchlist script#

Allows access to the bot account’s watchlist

The watchlist can be updated manually by running this script.


python pwb.py watchlist [-all | -count | -count:all | -new]

Command line options:


Reloads watchlists for all wikis where a watchlist is already present.


Count only the total number of pages on the watchlist of the account the bot has access to.


Count only the total number of pages on all wikis watchlists that the bot is connected to.


Load watchlists for all wikis where accounts is set in user config file

Changed in version 7.7: watchlist is retrieved in parallel tasks.