Papers by Francisco Franco-marina
PubMed, Nov 1, 2004
Objective: To examine the association between altitude and mortality from tuberculosis (TB) and p... more Objective: To examine the association between altitude and mortality from tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia-influenza in Mexico. Design: We analysed specific causes of death in Mexico according to death certificates for the period 1993-1997, totalling over 2,700,000 deaths and including nearly 23,000 attributed to TB and 115,000 to pneumonia and influenza. Thirty population subgroups were formed based on altitude of residence (six categories) and level of poverty (five categories). The effect of altitude on mortality was estimated through Poisson regression models, with adjustment for age, gender and socioeconomic status. Results: Adjusted death rates for TB decreased with altitude and increased for pneumonia-influenza. Compared to people living below 500 m above sea level, those living between 2000 and 2499 m had a 58% mortality rate for TB and a three-fold increase in mortality due to pneumonia-influenza, despite adjustment for poverty, age and gender. Conclusion: The mortality rate for TB based on death certificates decreases with altitude of residence, whereas the opposite is observed for pneumonia and influenza.
Origen: no solicitado Tipo de revisión: con revisión por cuatro pares revisores externos, a doble... more Origen: no solicitado Tipo de revisión: con revisión por cuatro pares revisores externos, a doble ciego Palabras clave: health-related quality of life, hip fracture, surgery, adult population, follow-up, Mexico Resumen Introducción Las fracturas de cadera son una importante causa de morbilidad, mortalidad y una de las principales causas de discapacidad en poblaciones adultas. El riesgo en el tiempo de vida de tener una fractura por osteoporosis es muy alto, se encuentra en un rango entre 40 y 50% en mujeres y desde 13 hasta 22% para los hombres. En México la probabilidad de tener una fractura de cadera a los 50 años de edad fue de 8,5% en mujeres y 3,8% en varones, pero irán aumentando en los próximos años. Objetivo El objetivo del estudio es reportar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud durante los primeros seis meses después de una fractura de cadera, en dos hospitales públicos y dos hospitales privados de tercer nivel de atención en Ciudad de México. Método Se evalúan los cambios en el tiempo por medio de la observación visual del desarrollo de trayectorias de cada paciente. Esta información se representa en forma gráfica usando el puntaje global del EQ-5D. Las trayectorias fueron agrupadas por afinidad en cinco niveles de progreso de acuerdo a su evolución clínica. Las opciones descriptivas identificadas se analizaron usando un modelo de regresión logística multinomial. Resultados Después de una cirugía se siguieron a 136 pacientes con fractura de cadera, cuyo promedio de edad fue de 77 ± 10 años. Durante el primer mes la movilidad, actividades de la vida diaria y cuidado de sí mismo fueron los aspectos más afectados. El grupo de edad entre 80 hasta 84 años reportó problemas extremos, presentando ansiedad y depresión en el 21% de los casos. Las personas de 50 a 74 años describieron tener dolor y malestar (27%). A los seis meses de seguimiento sólo los mayores de 85 años mostraron un deterioro de su condición. Una alta proporción de ellos se clasifican en el nivel 3 en
Salud Publica De Mexico, Feb 2, 2007
E283 salud pública de méxico / vol. 49, edición especial, XII congreso de investigación en salud ... more E283 salud pública de méxico / vol. 49, edición especial, XII congreso de investigación en salud pública Simposio XIII * En las traducciones oficiales de la OMS y del Banco Mundial, el término empleado es Años de vida perdidos ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD).
Environmental Research, Jul 1, 2017
To describe the studies that have reported association measures between risk of cancer and the pe... more To describe the studies that have reported association measures between risk of cancer and the percentage distribution of urinary inorganic arsenic (iAs) metabolites by anatomical site, in non-ecological epidemiological studies. Methods: Studies were identified in the PubMed database in the period from 1990 to 2015. Inclusion criteria were: non-ecological epidemiological study, with histologically confirmed cancer cases, reporting the percentage distribution of inorganic arsenic (iAs), monomethylated (MMA) and dimethylated (DMA) metabolites, as well as association measures with confidence intervals (CI) between cancer and %iAs and/or %MMA and/or %DMA. A descriptive meta-analysis was performed by the method of the inverse of the variance for the fixed effects model and the DerSimonian and Laird's method for the random effects model. Heterogeneity was tested using the Q statistic and stratifying for epidemiological design and total As in urine. The possibility of publication bias was assessed through Begg's test. Results: A total of 13 eligible studies were found, most of them were performed in Taiwan and focused on skin and bladder cancer. The positive association between %MMA and various types of cancer was consistent, in contrast to the negative relationship between %DMA and cancer that was inconsistent. The summary risk of bladder (OR=1.79; 95% CI: 1.42, 2.26, n=4 studies) and lung (OR=2.44; 95% CI: 1.57, 3.80, n=2 studies) cancer increased significantly with increasing %MMA, without statistical heterogeneity. In contrast, lung cancer risk was inversely related to %DMA (OR=0.58; 95% CI: 0.36, 0.93, n=2 studies), also without significant heterogeneity. These results were similar after stratifying by epidemiological design and total As in urine. No evidence of publication bias was found. Conclusion: These findings provide additional support that methylation needs to be taken into account when assessing the potential iAs carcinogenicity risk. 1. Introduction In 1980 inorganic arsenic (iAs) was classified as a human carcinogen (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1980), despite the limited evidence in animal models that contrasted with the available information from epidemiological studies, mainly ecological, showing that consumption of iAs contaminated water increases the risk of developing skin, lung and bladder cancer (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2012, 2004). The ability to metabolize iAs entering the body is determined by genetic, dietary and environmental factors that might explain the inter-individual variations in cancer risk related to iAs exposure (Tseng, 2009). Ingested iAs is eliminated in the urine as monomethylated metabo-lites (MMA +3 and MMA +5), in a lower proportion than the dimethylated ones (DMA +3 and DMA +5) (10-20% MMA +3 + MMA +5 vs. 60-70% DMA +3 + DMA +5), as well as iAs (10-30%) (Shen et al., 2016). Although the percentage distribution of these metabolites varies in relation to the presence of polymorphisms in genes involved in iAs metabolism (i.e. GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, AS3MT Met287Thr, MTHFR A1298C and Ala222Val, etc.) (Hernández and Marcos, 2008), and it is also related, among other factors, to age, sex, pregnancy, magnitude of iAs exposure, smoking and nutritional status (Tseng, 2009), most variation remains unexplained. More recently, some non-ecologic epidemiological studies have shown a positive relationship between skin, bladder, lung, kidney and breast cancer and urinary %MMA, as well as a negative association with
PubMed, 1989
The differential in mortality by sex has not been broadly studied in Mexico. In this work mortali... more The differential in mortality by sex has not been broadly studied in Mexico. In this work mortality by sex in under one year old children and infants by federal entity for the main infectious diseases during 1980-1982 was analyzed. The results showed that the rate of mortality by sex (RMS) for under one year old children was higher than one, which means that there is a male over-mortality for that group of age. In the one to four year old children group, there were three entities that showed over-mortality among women. The analysis of the proportional mortality revealed that 40 to 50 percent of deaths in under one year old children were due to gastroenteral and respiratory infections. The probable causes of the male over-mortality observed and the need to determine the regional patterns of mortality are also discussed.
Medwave, Jun 18, 2014
Introducción Las fracturas de cadera son una importante causa de morbilidad, mortalidad y una de ... more Introducción Las fracturas de cadera son una importante causa de morbilidad, mortalidad y una de las principales causas de discapacidad en poblaciones adultas. El riesgo en el tiempo de vida de tener una fractura por osteoporosis es muy alto, se encuentra en un rango entre 40 y 50% en mujeres y desde 13 hasta 22% para los hombres. En México la probabilidad de tener una fractura de cadera a los 50 años de edad fue de 8,5% en mujeres y 3,8% en varones, pero irán aumentando en los próximos años. Objetivo El objetivo del estudio es reportar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud durante los primeros seis meses después de una fractura de cadera, en dos hospitales públicos y dos hospitales privados de tercer nivel de atención en Ciudad de México. Método Se evalúan los cambios en el tiempo por medio de la observación visual del desarrollo de trayectorias de cada paciente. Esta información se representa en forma gráfica usando el puntaje global del EQ-5D. Las trayectorias fueron agrupadas por afinidad en cinco niveles de progreso de acuerdo a su evolución clínica. Las opciones descriptivas identificadas se analizaron usando un modelo de regresión logística multinomial. Resultados Después de una cirugía se siguieron a 136 pacientes con fractura de cadera, cuyo promedio de edad fue de 77 ± 10 años. Durante el primer mes la movilidad, actividades de la vida diaria y cuidado de sí mismo fueron los aspectos más afectados. El grupo de edad entre 80 hasta 84 años reportó problemas extremos, presentando ansiedad y depresión en el 21% de los casos. Las personas de 50 a 74 años describieron tener dolor y malestar (27%). A los seis meses de seguimiento sólo los mayores de 85 años mostraron un deterioro de su condición. Una alta proporción de ellos se clasifican en el nivel 3 en movilidad, cuidado personal y ansiedad/depresión. Hacia el final, este último grupo informó tener problemas extremos como la incapacidad de llevar a cabo las actividades cotidianas, y la disminución de su movilidad con 9,2% en la incapacidad para caminar (prueba regresión logística multinomial, p = 0,06).
PubMed, Jul 1, 1997
Objective: This paper describes the global cancer mortality and the specific mortality patterns f... more Objective: This paper describes the global cancer mortality and the specific mortality patterns for the main neoplasms among adult members of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). Material and methods: Using official death certificates and information about the population of the IMSS members during 1991-1995, national and regional annual global cancer mortality as well as specific mortality rates for the 10 most important malignant neoplasms by sex were estimated among people older than 20 years of age. The trends for these neoplasms during the study period were estimated by means of Poisson regression. The rate differences in specific cancer mortality by region and sex, for the two major neoplasms, were calculated subtracting specific regional rates from the respective national rate in 1995. Results: The global mortality rate for cancer among men increased from 76.2 in 1991 to 94.8 x 100000 IMSS' members in 1995; and among women from 85.6 to 105.8 x 100000 IMSS' members, representing an increment of 24.4 and 24% men and women, respectively, during the study period. Among men, neoplasm of kidney, leukemia, pancreas, prostate and lung showed the major increment; among women, neoplasm of colon, breast, pancreas, leukemia and liver showed the most significant increment. Conclusions: In the IMSS it is necessary the integration of a population based cancer registry. The registry will play a main role in disease surveillance and control; will give basic information over incidence and temporal variation, and could be the main source of information for epidemiologic research, as well as planning and evaluation of the quality of medical attention services such as prevention and early diagnosis and treatment.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2011
En Mexico durante los ultimos 10 anos, la incidencia de la tuberculosis (TB) ha sido estable, mie... more En Mexico durante los ultimos 10 anos, la incidencia de la tuberculosis (TB) ha sido estable, mientras que la mortalidad se ha reducido. Estas cifras pueden cambiar, si no se controla la incidencia creciente de diabetes en nuestro pais. Objetivos: Describir las tendencias en el porcentaje de pacientes egresados o que fallecieron por TB, por genero, en un centro de tercer nivel de atencion. Material y metodos: Se analizo la base de datos de pacientes hospitalizados excluyendo los ingresos repetidos de cada paciente durante 2000-2010. El porcentaje de TB se calculo como = (egresos TB en el ano/total de egresos en el ano) x 100 y el porcentaje muertes por TB = (muertes TB en el ano /total de muertes en el ano) x 100. Resultados: El porcentaje de egresos y muertes debido a TB de todas las formas fue de 5.6% y de 6.8%, respectivamente. La tendencia fue descendente hasta el 2009, ano en que se incremento en ambos sexos. El 80.9% de los casos egresaron como TB como primer diagnostico. Conc...
Revista de investigación clínica; organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la Nutrición
Radiation Measurements, 2001
An indoor radon survey was performed in Mexico City in the scope of a lung cancer epidemiological... more An indoor radon survey was performed in Mexico City in the scope of a lung cancer epidemiological study. The radon survey was performed in 416 houses using LR 115 track detectors in a cup array. The exposure time in the dwellings was around three months. A few dwellings were monitored with short term Honeywell and Alphaguard automatic radon monitors. The results indicate a radon concentration arithmetic mean of 145 Bq m −3 ; and the higher data frequency correspond to values lower than 30 Bq m −3. The distribution of the radon concentration is discussed as a function of several local parameters.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2013
Salud pública de México
In spite of the widespread use of oral poliovirus vaccine, some countries have not achieved an op... more In spite of the widespread use of oral poliovirus vaccine, some countries have not achieved an optimal control of poliomyelitis. According to Sabin, this fact is due to a lack of immunization coverage of children under one year of age. In this study, the relationship between the general morbidity rate for polio and vaccination coverage of children under one year of age, in people protected by the Mexican Institute of Social Security, is analyzed. There is a negative correlation between these two variables: the lesser the coverage, the greater the rates. There is also a correlation between the rate of polio and the rate of polio for the year prior to each of the years of the study period. In a multiple regression model, both the coverage and the rate for the previous year were significantly correlated with the rate of polio. In order to get an optimum control of this disease, it is advantageous to consider that it is not enough to increase the coverage but that this coverage must be ...
Neumologia Y Cirugia De Torax, Jun 1, 2014
NCT Efecto de la infección por infl uenza A H1N1 en mujeres embarazadas y ... more NCT Efecto de la infección por infl uenza A H1N1 en mujeres embarazadas y en los neonatos en 2009.
Neumología y cirugía de tórax, Jan 9, 2015
NCT Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax, 2014
NCT Efecto de la infección por infl uenza A H1N1 en mujeres embarazadas y ... more NCT Efecto de la infección por infl uenza A H1N1 en mujeres embarazadas y en los neonatos en 2009.
Revista de investigaci�n Cl�nica, 2020
Background: A 6 s spirometry with an inexpensive pocket spirometer efficiently selects individual... more Background: A 6 s spirometry with an inexpensive pocket spirometer efficiently selects individuals for a diagnostic-quality spirometry for airflow limitation, but could also be useful to identify individuals with a restrictive pattern. Objectives: We evaluated an inexpensive simplified spirometer (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]-6) as a screening tool to identify spirometric abnormalities. Methods: A population-based survey in Mexico City, with 742 participants performing pre-and post-BD spirometry and a three-maneuver 6 s spirometry (pre-BD) with a COPD-6. We evaluated forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1), FEV 6 , and FEV 1 /FEV 6 from the COPD-6, crude and expressed as the percentage of predicted (%P), to discriminate post-bronchodilator airflow obstruction (FEV 1 /forced vital capacity [FVC] <5 th percentile) or restriction (FVC or FEV 1 <5 th percentile with normal FEV 1 /FVC) through receiver operating characteristics and their area under the curve (AUC). Results: FEV 1 %P was the best predictor to identify pre-and post-BD ventilatory abnormalities (best cutoff point 87%P, AUC 92% for restrictive pattern, 89% for obstructive pattern, and 91% for any spirometric abnormality). Deriving to clinical spirometry only those with <87%P (26% of the sample) missed only 12% of spirometric abnormalities most of the latter mild. Conclusions: An FEV 1 <87%P from a pre-BD 6 s spirometry correctly identified individuals with spirometric ventilatory defects, either obstructive or restrictive.
NCT Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax, 2014
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Revista De Investigacion Clinica, 2013
Mexican specialists in oncology, oncologic surgery, thoracic surgery, pneumology, pathology, mole... more Mexican specialists in oncology, oncologic surgery, thoracic surgery, pneumology, pathology, molecular biology, anesthesiology, algology, psychology, nutrition, and rehabilitation (all of them experts in lung cancer treatment) in order to develop the National Consensus on Lung Cancer. The consensus has been developed as an answer to the need of updated Mexican guidelines for the optimal treatment of the disease, as well as to the requirements that such guidelines be established by multidisciplinary panel, depicting the current attention given to cancer lung cases in Mexico. Thus, this paper analyses the epidemiological review, screening, diagnosis, staging, pathology, translational medicine, and the suitable therapies for early, locally advanced, and metastatic disease in the first, second, and third lines of management, as well as rehabilitation and palliative measures.
Salud Pública de México, 2015
Objetivo. Identificar y reasignar defunciones mal clasificadas por sida en México, y reconstruir ... more Objetivo. Identificar y reasignar defunciones mal clasificadas por sida en México, y reconstruir la mortalidad 1983-2012, por entidad federativa, sexo, edad y derechohabiencia a la seguridad social. Material y métodos. Se analizaron 15.5 millones de defunciones de 1979 a 2012. La corrección de la mortalidad por sida se hizo en tres fases: a) por causas directamente relacionadas con sida, y b) por muertes mal codificadas; c) muertes por sida ocultas en otras causas. Se calcularon tasas estandarizadas por edad de mortalidad (TEM) por sexo, derechohabiencia a la seguridad social y entidad federativa. Resultados. Se acumularon 107 981 muertes por sida entre 1983 y 2012 (11% más del total de muertes observadas). La TEM en hombres, para todos los grupos de edad, empieza a descender desde 1996, mientras que para las mujeres la caída inicia en 2008. Un panorama similar se observa para la población con/sin seguridad social. La heterogeneidad caracteriza la TEM estatal. Conclusión. Se present...
Papers by Francisco Franco-marina