Old farmhouses

I miss our farmhouse where we raised our kids! Something special about them. Wide front porches, rocking chairs. Sigh....
41 Pins
The Messes of Men
I love old homes, I grew up in one! I dont love that they use oil for heat and the windows leak and roof needs replacement...the list goes on! lol BUT in my dreamland none of that matters and Id love to swing on this front porch <3
Flickriver: Searching for photos matching 'decayed farmhouses'
Farmhouse......can you imagine the memories shared here...much work I'm sure..buts of love I know.......
would snatch this old beauty up in a heartbeat! Such a shame to let them go like this...
abandoned house archives
Bet Was Pretty In Her Days...Old Farm House
The Quiet Inside, A Short Story
Old farmhouse somewhere....
Abandoned Farm House I just love this house.
abandoned house 11
Abandoned home in Michigan.
Melanie Summers Photography
Old farm house in Doniphan county, Kansas. It seems to have some victorian flare.
This Old House
new london, connecticut...20 min. from where i grew up...i'm always drawn to the beauty and stories waiting to be created.