Rising Above When Life Is Hard

We can have joy in the journey when life is hard. Let's rise above the storms of life: a broken heart, being a single woman, abandonment, divorce, loss of a loved one, or scary current events, to name a few.
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18 Of The Best Bible Verses For After A Breakup
God cares about the hurts we face in life. We can find comfort in Bible verses for after a breakup.
The Meaning Of It Is Well With My Soul - Then And Now
When life hurts, what is the meaning of it is well with my soul? How do you hold onto God's promises in those moments?
God Heals Broken Hearts | Rising Above | Life Is Hard
Real women share their testimonies of how God healed their broken hearts. You should be encouraged by their stories. There are also practical resources that should help you if your heart has been broken.
What To Do With Broken Promises | Storms Of Life | Rising Above | Life Is Hard
People make promises for all kinds of reasons. At many weddings, the couple promises to love each other until one of them dies. Politicians make promises about things they think people want to hear. Just before you drive away in your shiny new vehicle, you promise to pay a certain amount each month. Parents make promises to their children. Unfortunately, many promises are not kept. What are you to do when promises are broken?
Get Back Up Again | Rising Above | Life Is Hard | School Of Hard Knocks
Have you been knocked down by life? Do you need to know how to get back up again? It can be done so let’s take a look at how that can happen.
Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear | Rising Above | When Life is Hard | Courage
Nelson Mandella, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, and Marin Luther King all spoke about courage. All agreed that courage is not the absence of fear. As Christians, though, how do we reconcile this statement with the many quotes in Scripture to “fear not”? Is fear part of human existence, and where does courage come in? Read about 4 Biblical characters who knew "COURAGE IS NOT THE ABSENCE OF FEAR" and how you too can be courageous even though you might be shaking in your boots.
What if we accept the struggle...
Following Bible verses about giving it to God and allowing God's strength in our weakness, will bring you freedom you've never had before.
Get Back Up Again | Rising Above | Life Is Hard | School Of Hard Knocks
Have you been knocked down by life? Do you need to know how to get back up again? It can be done so let’s take a look at how that can happen.
3 Promises From God When You’re Feeling Anxious — Worthy of Grace Ministries Co.
There is no shame in having anxiety as a Christian. Many Christians experience struggles with their mental health. However, we have an amazing God to help us through these trials. Read these three promises from the Bible for when you’re having anxiety. #ChristianBlogsForWomen #MentalHealth #ChristianResources #ComfortForAnxiety #BibleVersesOnFear #ChristianEncouragement
Feeling Hopeless | Rising Above | Life Is Hard | Widow Of Zarephath | Finances
Down to her last penny. Broke. Destitute and discouraged. That was the widow of Zarephath. She was in a hopeless situation, or so it seemed. Does this describe you? Feeling hopeless? What can we learn from this single mom with only enough groceries to make one last meal? I can tell you it has nothing to do with suddenly becoming prosperous. No. This is a much richer story.
This may contain: a woman sitting in a chair with a quote on her face that reads, are you struggling with feeling instructions for the rest of your life?
Are you struggling with feeling insufficient for the trial at hand?
Are you struggling right now? Do you feel too weak and insufficient for the trial at hand? Can I encourage you that you are in the perfect place. The Bible stays, when we are weak, He is strong. Just like the childhood song, Jesus loves me this I know. It also says when we are weak, He is strong. The Bible also says we are made perfect through our weakness. That's when Jesus comes in and does what only He can do. If you're feeling weak and insufficient for the task at hand, just surrender it up. Jesus wants to lend you His strength. You don't have to carry it on your shoulders. That's a reason why today can be a good day. Start the new year off right and register for my 7-day Today is Going to be a Good Day challenge. Register at https://DrMichelleBengtson.com/goodday