Ria Hazarika

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Most 18 motivational quotes for depression
Sometimes when i say I'm okay. #quotes #inspirational #inspirationalquotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivationalthoughts #inspirationalthoughts
You are welcome. When you are sitting in jail, pondering about your evils deeds, may you always remember all the ugly truths, you had done to harm others, especially, if you abuse your power, and may you wear that scar well, so it will serve a lesson in a future, in case you forget.
Love and Dating Advice Quotes
Love and Dating Advice Quotes Read more at tseshephard.com
Before You Judge Someone, Watch This Video by Jay Shetty, It Will Change Your Life!
Before you judge anyone, watch this! Jay Shetty talks about success and how you shouldn't allow it to blind you to the people who have been there since the beginning of your journey. Don't change the way you treat people that have always loved you when you have more money, popularity, fame or status. Stay humble, and don't allow yourself to become emotionally blinded. #jayshetty #wordsofwisdom #humbleness #inspiration #motivational
Think Positive To Make Things Positive
Never miss out on a good person that can make your life great..
Quotes 'nd Notes
Solence is the best answer to someone who doesn’t value your words.
Träume groß und unerschrocken
Träume groß und unerschrocken. Lass dir den Weg von deinem Herzen zeigen. Es weiß, wo es lang geht. Laura Malina Seiler > Klicke auf den Pin und lass dich inspirieren ❤️Zitat | Quote | moderne Spiritualität | persönliche Weiterentwicklung | Inspiration | Mindset | Selbstbewusstsein | Selbstwert | Liebe