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Kristen Cafero on Instagram: "Yes, I’m very aware that my comb has color stains (but it’s my fave cutting comb 😜) Shattering the ends to create movement on this lob ✨ shears are @hanzonation @behindthechair_com @thebtcteam #hanzo #hanzonation #haircut #haircutvideo #behindthechair #thebtcteam #btcreelquickie @oneshothairawards #btconeshot2024_cutvideo #oneshothairawards"
Rachel Eggie on Instagram: "Sometimes it's just a matter of styling🔥 The easiest way to fix this is by straightening your hair to condense the volume. (IF that is the look you are going for.) Using a flat iron, gently glide the heated plates over the bottom layers, smoothing out any excess volume and creating a more sleek and polished look. This process helps to flatten the hair and eliminate that bubble-like effect, giving you a more balanced and chic bob. Just remember to protect your hair with heat protectant products before applying any heat! Linking below @kevin.murphy HEATED.DEFENSE for wet hair OR @euforainternational RETAINER that can be applied wet or dry!! #shorthair #shorthaircut #bob #shorthairtips #shorthairtipsplease #hairtutorials #BubbleBobFix #SleekAndStylish #BobH