8th waldorf

GRADE 8 - Language Arts (same as Gr. 7, plus literary forms, Shakespeare) - Literature (Shakespeare, poetry) - Mathematics (practical math, Algebra, precise Geometry) - History (the Industrial Revolution to the present day, U.S. History, current events) - Geography (Asia, Australia, Antarctica, contrasts, as related to World Economics) - Eurythmy (poems with tension/relief, contraction/expansion) - Science (Physics, Organic Chemistry, Physiology) - Foreign Language (conversational, vocabulary, word study) - Physical Education (team sports, Greek wrestling, gymnastics) - Handwork (machine sewing, simple clothing, darning) - Artwork (painting - shadows, portraits, landscapes, drawing, clay sculpting - the human head, soapstone carving) - Woodworking (simple moveable toy, stool, simple carpentry) - Music (recorder ensemble, orchestra, chorus, Elizabethan songs)
109 Pins
A Beka, Saxon, And Other Math Texts
current 8th package for sale less then half new here http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/7130-current-oak-meadow-2-8-pluswaldorf-lectures/
8th Grade Main Lesson Book
In These Hills: 8th Grade Main Lesson Book
8th Grade Main Lesson Book
In These Hills: 8th Grade Main Lesson Book
8th Grade Main Lesson Book
In These Hills: 8th Grade Main Lesson Book