History CE 1200 to 1274

In the history of European culture, this period is considered part of the High Middle Ages. After its conquests in Asia, the Mongol Empire stretches from Eastern Asia to Eastern Europe. By 1204, the Fourth Crusade captures Zara for Venice & sacks Byzantine Constantinople. By 1204, Norman domination is ended in France. The Battle of Adrianople occurs in 1205 between soldiers under Tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria & Crusaders under Baldwin I, calling himself the first emperor of the "Latin Empire".
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13th century- After 2 centuries of reliance, Chinguetti is re-founded as a fortified caravan trading center connecting the Mediterranean with Sub-Saharan Africa. Although the walls of the original fortification will disappear over the centuries, many of the buildings in the old section of the city will survive into the 21st century. The city will become seriously threatened, however, by the encroaching desert; high sand dunes will mark the western boundary.
1200-1300- Chinguetti is founded in what will one day be Mauritania.
13th century- Chinguetti is founded in what will one day be Mauritania as the center of several trans-Saharan trade routes. The small city features spare architecture in desert scenery & will become home to Muslim libraries.
1250- reconstruction of a pueblo in what will one day be Arizona
at the Field Museum, Chicago
1202- The Tartars of northeast Asia are subjected to a foreign ruler known as the Ong-Khan.
1202- The Tartars of northeast Asia are subjected to a foreign ruler known as the Ong-Khan, possibly a Chinese governor. They are so terrified by this foreign takeover, that they first overthrow the Ong-Khan, & then set out on a pan-Eurasian orgy of destruction to expand their borders. Living on horseback & surviving for months on nothing but mare’s milk, they will sweep into South Russia, placing boards over defeated princes & then sitting on them, crushing the humans beneath while feasting.
1211-1230- Mongolia gets more rain & warmth than usual, causing more grass & more livestock.
1211-1230- Mongolia gets more rain & warmth than usual, causing more grass, more livestock, & more warhorses. This coincides with & probably causes the rise of Genghis Khan's army engine.
1212- To put up a roadblock against sex, the Council of Paris rules that nuns may not sleep together
Also a lamp must be kept burning all night in dormitories. The Council of Rouen will follow suit two years later. Other rules this century will outlaw nuns spending time in each other's rooms, locked doors, & special friendships which seem closer than the general communal bond.
1236- Razia Sultana had endured an interregnum in Delhi.
She had obeyed the aristocracy & given her ancestral throne to an incompetent man. Now she is finally accepted as sultan of Delhi. She will rule for four humane years before her liberal policies incite rebellion & she dies in battle.
1215- Soldiers under Genghis Khan destroy the Chinese auxiliary capital at Zhongdu.
The city will one day be rebuilt as Beijing.