Bloggers Gonna Blog
I created this collaborative board a long time ago and it has blown up!! That's so cool!
- please have a legitamate blog
- if asking to be invited, please message me directly with your blog url and what you are about!
- not many rules in here :) just don't spam!! and make sure to look around and SUPPORT others!
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By , , and 713 others
Muffins al cioccolato con il Bimby, ma li potete preparare anche senza!
Muffins al cioccolato, il re dei muffins. Li ho preparati con il Bimby, ma se non ce l’avete nessun problema, potete prepararli anche senza, come facevano le nonne. Meno li mescolate e meglio è, questa una delle regole per preparare dei muffins perfetti. #muffins #muffintinrecipes #muffinsdechocolate
Instant Pot Butter Chicken | Easy Lunch Box Ideas
This Instant Pot butter chicken is a delicious way to make Indian food at home. No need to go to an Indian restaurant, you can make this authentic Indian butter chicken dish at home with your pressure cooker. | Easy Lunch Box Ideas, Kids Lunchbox ideas for school, Lunch box ideas for adults, Cheap lunch ideas for work