Thanks for the taking the time to consider the PEP and for being clear about the position of the Steering Council. While I don’t agree with the decision and would have liked more direct discussion with the Steering Council, I’m on board and ready to move forward.

FWIW, I do see the point you (and Alyssa) have made about uncertainty with the design choices (e.g. names), regardless of the scale of the proposal. I also agree that community feedback from an implementation of the PEP on PyPI has a good chance of identifying potential improvements.

(Personally, I consider the advantage of exposure in the stdlib to outweigh the risk of having to tweak the API in later versions, given the small proposed surface area. That said, I’ll readily admit that my perspective is skewed toward the value I anticipate the new module to add for Python users, making it hard for me to tell if I’m weighing things fairly.)

Here’s my plan for 3.13:

  • wrap up the various various 3.13 fixes I have in flight (or planned)
  • rename the _xxsubinterpreters module to _interpreters
  • work on a PyPI package (3.12/3.13) that uses _interpreters (still keeping it minimal)
  • look for collaborators

There are alternatives for the second point: expose a bunch of necessary internal C-API in the public API, or use the internal C-API directly (i.e. with Py_BUILD_CORE). However, I’d much prefer using the low-level _interpreters module as it make a lot of things simpler.