Message from @Wes The Savage

Discord ID: 618590809704497152

2019-09-03 23:34:22 UTC  

Equating the State to healthy bacteria is quite self-defeating

2019-09-03 23:34:38 UTC  

it was an analogy >_>

2019-09-03 23:34:51 UTC  

mmm anal

2019-09-03 23:34:54 UTC  

I was speaking on behalf of analogies's sake

2019-09-03 23:35:19 UTC  

indeed. I don't know of any healthy bacteria that steals and coerces people in order to survive. Sounds more like a parasite to me

2019-09-03 23:35:31 UTC  

Hence why most anarchists, anti-corporate minded hard-workers, volutnaryists, panarchists, and hard reformists refer to the the state as being comparable to cancer.

2019-09-03 23:35:46 UTC  

@ayy lmao If you aren't against the state getting money for police why are you against the state getting involved in bread production?

2019-09-03 23:36:16 UTC  

wowowow look all of a sudden everyone wants to talk politics ahahah okay one after the other

2019-09-03 23:36:32 UTC  

This is the power of autism.

2019-09-03 23:36:32 UTC  

GG @The_NothingForEverything, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-09-03 23:36:33 UTC  

Politics, more like **LOLI**tics amirite?

2019-09-03 23:36:34 UTC  

kill me

2019-09-03 23:36:44 UTC  

Okay wes

2019-09-03 23:36:51 UTC  

@The_NothingForEverything That pleases the nut

2019-09-03 23:37:46 UTC  

@Wes The Savage yes I know it is a way better analogy. I'm also not denying that the state is camcerous. I was making the argument that if the state is completely and utterly removed inevitably some sort of local small governments are going to form potentially worsening the situation to before

2019-09-03 23:38:09 UTC  

so because cancer might happen

2019-09-03 23:38:13 UTC  

let's just all get cancer

2019-09-03 23:38:19 UTC  

hence the bacteria analogy

2019-09-03 23:38:38 UTC  

People will willingly be coerced?

2019-09-03 23:38:55 UTC  

Let's keep a little e. coli in my asshole, and let's see how long we can keep it from giving me "stomach flu"

2019-09-03 23:39:01 UTC  

That's literally that analogy in a nutshell

2019-09-03 23:39:31 UTC  

Eh, the government body stuff never formed in Gaelic Ireland when the Monarchy dessolved, nor the many Market Anarchy Societies of the Americas.

2019-09-03 23:39:57 UTC  

and the Wild West was also so minarchistic,it practically was panarchy and was the least violent time in USA history

2019-09-03 23:40:10 UTC  


2019-09-03 23:40:32 UTC  

Also, no corporations existed in those societies either

2019-09-03 23:40:46 UTC  

minus the Wild West

2019-09-03 23:40:48 UTC  

you guys act like living is for free. You will always have some sort of price to pay for living and I'm not talking about funding big police, I'm talking about keeping the minimum required justice so people don't murder fuck each other to death unpunished

2019-09-03 23:41:10 UTC  

Corporations can't exist without a state. By definition, corporations are firms that are given legal protections. The closest thing to a corporation in a freed market would be a trust, which is not the same thing

2019-09-03 23:41:11 UTC  

No, we don't act like living is free, living is a cost, just like everything else.

2019-09-03 23:41:15 UTC  

this is a complete non sequitor

2019-09-03 23:41:17 UTC  
2019-09-03 23:41:23 UTC  

@Jeebus Yeah that is

2019-09-03 23:42:02 UTC  

We don't need to point guns at each other for justice to be a thing.

2019-09-03 23:42:47 UTC  

I'm talking about keeping the rules to NAP and the justice system only retaliating for offended partys in cases of murder rape theft and all that stuff im not talking about keeping corporations

2019-09-03 23:43:04 UTC  

You can't uphold the NAP if you're violating to enforce it

2019-09-03 23:43:09 UTC  


2019-09-03 23:43:26 UTC  

how are you violating it? Defense isn't violating it

2019-09-03 23:43:35 UTC  

What the argument can be deduced down to is simply "since mafias could fall, let's just make one single mafia with special privileges, expect it to protect us, and allow itself access to a little fruits of out labor"

2019-09-03 23:43:35 UTC  

GG @Wes The Savage, you just advanced to level 8!

2019-09-03 23:43:37 UTC  


2019-09-03 23:43:37 UTC  

it's about helping people defend themselves who couldn't