Message from @Wade Garrett
Discord ID: 325838007628201984
He assumes they'll back out
I believe the Cucks will back out as for their leaders no
Proud boys will be a good extra troops to have
@MadDimension just watched that last stream. How are the PB holding up after all that? Were they expecting this sort of reaction to them being there?
Charlottesville libs are the biggest pussy lying sacks of shit.... they have no clue what August brings.... so much triggering tonight 😂
Whoever is on that post trolling is great 😂
ID guys right now. Everyone needs to jump in.
@PrimitveXaoc I was, but got blocked 😢
I've just never in my life seen such pansy ass humans and they're all white....... I definitely needed that laugh!
Nevermind, I'm blocked too.
Time for the sock
"Somebody with different political views from me ate at the restaurant I work at. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED"
That's what triggers me most about this, is that 99% of these faggots are white
I think the post was deleted actually.
No it's still up
Blocking us, apparently.
Yes, but so far they aren't deleting the comments
Nope now it's either deleted or friends only because I can't see it from my other acct either
She just locked her profile down
Mission accomplished. No longer able to signal publicly 👌
I got screen shots of your comments though 😉
Yeah, she had over 80 shares already on that crap.
Better screen of the OP. Pretty epic post, tbh. Lots to unpack here.
This person might actually off herself on August 13th.
I would be interested in knowing what was said to the police to inspire them to get there so fast and remove them from the premises
Can always leave reviews on the taco hut's page...
They were already down there in larger numbers than I've seen ever.
There were flyers passed out earlier tonight to all of downtown, businesses etc.
Charlottesville had been preparing for this...
If they were this prepared for this small gathering, what do they have in-store for the 12th? We need to prepare for their preparedness.
We need scouts and recon
It's going to be an absolute shit show. This was literally the towns people calling out all of their friends to stop the 'nazis'
What we need is people to show up, and to shut down spergs that are freaking out about Stickman's gook wife.
Why does anyone give a shit about his wife?