
Discord ID: 201800236132204554

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Hello everyone!

Just joined up on the server but been following the fb groups for awhile and quote happy to see the triumphant return

I lived in Germany actually for a bit. Went there right as the 'refugee' crisis started and left in early 2017

I remember the last time going to Nurenburg was at the Mcdonalds at the train station and had this chick in one of those full veils grabbing my arm and pulling me motioning to her mouth saying 'food' in German and had a pack of 7 kids who also started pulling me and trying to steal my food. Tried using a leg to push one away but all the Germans there were looking at me disgusted for not letting them steal my food

Was there with the military and they actually took some of the married peoples housing area and let refugees move in there. Was all a bunch of guys and they just hung around the kids playground and sports fields and just smoked and littered there all day and harassed wives of soldiers

Absolutely ridiculous that we are trying to kill these people but we'll also let them live just down the street from our wives if we went to the field or on a deployment

One guy in my platoon actually got in a fight with one of them because when they were bringing the groceries into the house he went in first and while she was by the car 3 of them came up to her and started groping her and he ran out and started beating one of them while the other 2 ran off buy our guy got in trouble and nearly had UCMJ action for preventing some guys from raping his wife on his front lawn

He managed to lower it to extra duty but that means working from 7am to midnight everyday knowing your wife is home alone next to a bunch of Neanderthal rapists

Yup I still cant believe how so many Europeans are gleefully destroying their entire continent

whenever someone posts these stories the European feminists tell you those women were acting inappropriately and were asking for it or that it is all made up or all the stories are fake

I was on QRF when all those refugees were killing people and pretty much every other day had to hoof it to troop to get our stuff on just to take it off and go back to the barracks

Granted even before the refugee's had the Turkish. Luckily never had a bad run in with any and the ones in the villages around my base were super friendly and frequented the doner shops

But in larger cities and especially in Nuremburg if they knew you were American military and alone they'd beat you half to death the the Polizei would come by and beat you both half to death and arrest you all

Had a club called The One the Turks frequented. the Turkish women had a trick to find soliders and flirt with them for free drinks and when they had their fill would wave their boy friends over and say you tried to molest them and you'd get taken out back and beaten

I always made sure to stick to establishments frequented by officers that didnt condone such tom foolery

I just cant believe seeing any SJW stuff from Australia. You guys have got to everything down to the molecular level there that try to kill you 24/7 but still have some limp wristed pansies trying to ruin the country.

I havent kept track much of Australian politics and admittedly get most of that from people like Bearing

Cant wait until all this stuff is done and over with but feel like it wont be until WW3

and frankly no one has anything to really gain from a full scale war

I'm not a fan of hbomberguy but liked his Fall Out 3 video

I remember in a Discord I'm in this one guy got kicked but went out like a true Aussi

His username was Abboannihilator and one of the mods told him that username was insensitive and he just said "fuck off ya cunt" lol

Just always felt the spiting image of an Australian is a right to the point go getter who can fight their way through any situation so seeing that type of stuff just boggles the mind

I really wish we could take those sjw commies and send them back in time to meet their heros Che Guavera and Karl and see how those guys and how any communist would actually treat them lol

Well I'm a mut myself so sort of happy that became less of a stigma lol

Granted now a days seems like the Left who hate it the most

Though got a bit of a question that has to do with an ex friend and far left politics. Had 3 friends and all of us voted for Trump and didn't like the identity politics. One of them though had a super bad drinking problem and went to rehab for over 2 months but when he came back started posting all over Facebook about how White people commit all the genocides and the Native Americans should genocide white people in the US and Trump supporters are *literal nazis*.

The breaking point for me was when he posted some Buzzfeed tripe about how Fight Club was written by a gay guy to show how fragile masculinity is and when men feel insecure from women their reaction is to rape and abuse others .

Replied to it saying sure sure we'll all take life advice from someone who never lived outside their parents house and maybe lay off on the Buzzfeed and go back to drinking and do us all a favor and choke on it.

Never said anything that vitriolic in my life to anyone and hadn't talk to him about why he was posting all that before and lately been regretting how both of us acted. Should I try to apologize and make amends?

Though he had borrowed some of my stuff prior and a few days later I found it at the front door in a package

Only thatrted thinking about it recently since I saw a picture of him and his dog when cleaning my house up and regardless of our qualms I feel like he should have any memorobelia of his dog as possible

But still lost 2 other friends one botched out and wouldn't even answer the phone and had his sister answer the door saying he was busy instead of telling me not to come back

The other answered and said it was mean what I said (expressing how you want to kill and a tier group of people though is a-ok it seems though) and the part that made me laugh is he said me and that guy were friends for years and he said with how cruel I was to him what I'd do to him if he ever crossed me

I had an NCO like that in the Army

Was pretty much a dad to me and he joined the Army since he said he wanted to escape the hood culture and said it had a tenancy to take anyone trying to pull themselves out and rope them back in

I remember our barracks rules was no loud music or anything inappropriate. My suite mate had 3 massive speakers on full blast and full base 24/7 playing the most vile music I had even heard

One song was literally about a guy wanting to be a gangsta so he joined a group to go around raping and murdering women and when it was his turn he accidently rapes his mom then beats her head in for embarising him

And no complaints from Staff Duty or CQ with the entire building shaking from it

It got to the point where I was passing out at work from lack of sleep from my room shaking from the bass

Eventually he got told to turn it down when I was huddled in the corner half awake muttering about how I wanted to kill him and drop his speakers on his head lol

An NCO heard it since I was in a state of delirium and didn't notice him lol

Felt like it for sure

Was getting headaches from hours straight of vibration from bass

Another thing I hated was in the field his entire platoon would wake up early since they got to go to bed first and be super loud in the open bays

Would just be gibberish ebonics and when one of us told him to be quiet he'd start laughing and say he gots ta be up so all y'all goin to be up

Illinois but was stationed in Germany for a bit over 3 years

23 right now

Absolutely hated that second squadron I got sent to

Mostly from my room mates alone with that music and the other one who slept on the bunk in my room liked it so he opened both the doors to connect the rooms

The first one was the bees knees though

No b.s. stuff just wake up and beat the snot out of eachother and learn to shoot!

So saw an odd video a few weeks ago and not sure if anyone from Asia is able to pitch in on it but was a video from a Chines group in YouTube about Dunkirk and how the movie and the real life event do not follow Chines culture.

Only saw part of the video but from what I saw and the comments they said the troops were cowards and shameful since they should have all charged at the Germans even with absolutly no hope of winning the fight rather then retreating to reinforcements.

Saw comments saying how they would gladly charge at the enemy with no weapons and rather die that way then turn from a fight

Thought that sort of mentality died out after the Korean War and such

Started listening to a podcast about Chines history and it made me sad how after WW2 the Chines military would be so quick to put so little stock on their soldiers lives.

Is that sort of mindset still present in modern China?

I'm not saying you need to run all the time but the ways they did it with just sending millions of men to charge at the enemy to waste their ammo and trigger mines was a bit odd

Saw Shen Yun a few weeks ago and was absolutly lovely. Quite a sad state of affairs China is in now with trying to quell any signs of their older traditions and culture

Was crazy reading some of the stuff that happened in the Pacific Theater during WW2

My first room mate in the Army was actually from China. Lived there until he was 15 but he had 0 trace of any accent

Another thing that really bugs me is how blatantly China can steal stuff and make counter fits

My dad works with industrial machines and during conventions he says you can usually find a few sneaking around behind the booths trying to take pictures or steal documents

Plus the stuff with games or media. Especially after seeing Shen Yun and listening to that history podcast they have such a long history of stuff they could make stories for but the government wants to quell it

Uh oh I don't have any anime memes!

So just wondering anyone see the new Thunder Cats show stuff?

The man bun yesh

Think we need to burn down CalArts

Been curious about that myself and seems for the most part atleast how their government is run they are trying to bring communism back

Reminds me of an article I saw how Black Panther was racist because Wakanda is privileged for not helping and addressing problems faces by black women in America

I used to follow Shapiro but after the stuff in Syria I saw he put the wishes of Israel above commen sense with wanting is to get roped into conflict there because Israel wanted to oust Assad

Honestly not sure why it took me so long to notice though

But still it's asinine how we are fighting ISIS while at the same time giving them weapons and being their personal air force

Should be helping Assad and Russia wipe out the terrorists

Anyone been keeping track of the comic industry? That stuff is hilarious and watching comic creators trying to kill the industry right now

For the Army you could not shoot any of the 300 and still get expert

Granted would have to hit every other one

Ah man i used to be a 240 gunner and absolutly loved it

Suppose STD is a fitting acronym for the show

Reminds me when I visited Loyola and saw posters for people with AIDS telling them it's ok to have sex and for people not to stigmitize them

Was at my grandpa's house Sunday since he passed away last week so we were deciding would would inherit his belongings. Got to get a license but found a shotgun so I claimed it for myself so I can collect it

Fired from hand guns to tanks but never a shotgun

So South Africa sounds like it may be going to shit soon

Heard the political party calling to kill all white people aren't even indiginiois to the region but from an area outside South Africa and plan to use this to kill the white farmers and then the other tribe there

Ah man got a Tumblr account and see that whole 'I want to make 100k for drawing woe is me' all the time

They want you to support them on patreon and every tier is just "Hugs and kisses! ;w;"

Ah that's the name, was trying to recall it. Quote crazy how they and Hamas can have verified Twitter accounts while using it to advocate for genocide lol

Quite a shame to. Heard after Apartheid the whole Rainbow Party thing was supposed to unify the country but then a group from outside the region come in to rile up conflict.

Definitly seems like some in the EU wish to spite Christianity. Read a thing how a female priest in Sweden wanted the churches to take down crosses and play the Islamic call to prayer for the sake of diversity

Plus with the pope wanting to swarm Europe with refugees behind his safe walls

God damn keep getting this guy in my YouTube recommended who pretty much makes videos with "Everyone I disagree with is a nazi" and hate reading the comments of either people praising communists or saying how anyone not far left is a borgua and wants to kill minorities

These people are so fucking dense

They think if they were in the Soviet Union everyone will be sipping capichinos and blogging or drawing CalArts style art and having non binary orgies

In fact with them going to college and having a personal computer made by an exploited worker wouldn't they be borgua and have to be killed to?

Also listening to Trumps speech. Planed Parenthood is defunded finally?

Honestly worried if it'll get to the point that most Western European countries have Islamic law and majority Arab for diversity and will start threatening military action on other countries for not being diverse enough by not allowing refugees

Can picture German tanks with Islamic flags flying over them threatening to jihad Poland for crimes against Islam and diversity lol

Also love how they bitch about systematic racism while saying how they want to kill white people and being praised by the media and having preferential treatment in some companies with hiring and entry into college

Whew nelly that Battlefield 5

The whole trailer was a disjointed mess

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