Discord ID: 306110958365966338
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I'm here guys
Here I am!
anyone get video footage?
Anyone wanting to beat a few Antifa senseless today?
I know I am.
hey dude!
I say someone (Jimmy, seeing as he is already ousted) should make a very large sign in his front yard naming off, oh, say, a couple thousand Jews as media executives, hedge fund managers, high ranking faggs, etc.
I'll ask Austin if he can do this.
Hey snow nigga, your not allowed to breed.
Do we have any Roseburg members yet?
Who is this Fluxis fellow?
I'm calling Jew here...
I double that.
Actually, can we have a bible burning?
And a torah burning?
@Fluxis Do you know where we can only get the old testament?
Also, I did some checking, under rule 14, section 88, I can indeed call someone a Jew in the discord chat, if they have been a member for under less than nine day's.
Why do we have a gaming channel?
Did the street march accomplish anything?
Well, the internet is the only place where I can talk to like minded individuals.
I was unaware of that.
Weren't Ron Mcvan's poems published there as well?
seapea, I thought you died on us.
ah, that explains it.
seapea, who are you?
uh, that's fair i suppose.
uh, name, address, mothers maiden name, social security number, under wear size, last time you visited the doctor.
Here is the coolest picture.
My blond hair, Nordic nose, and pure blue eyes make me racially superior to everyone of you.
Right, for reals though.
Heading down to grants pass everyone.
I have perfect features, as you saw when we last met ๐
If he's Scandi, then he isn't.
Do we have any Grants Pass Goys?
Hmm, It depends, will it be during school hours so I can sneak out of my parents house? And can I do background checks on each one of you so I know I won't be shot in the back.
Thinking of moving to Minnesota guys, this shithole (Cascadia) is lost.
uhh, I think I say what is on everyone elses mind.
Oh yeah, well, I'll stay here until I make my mind up, it's a big choice but I don't even like going into town any more...
I hate 99% of the individuals in this god forsaken wasteland.
Fucking fatasses.
I was!
oh lol, I love it when you talk in rpgspeak.
What else do
I call the references and metaphors you make?
I have known you long enough to take a guess.
Besides, I'm planning on moving based on the consistent browning of the area I'm in.
Scorpios make good liars btw.
I would hardly say easier, I'm seeing several more syllables.
You know I'm a consistent downer.
well, on a happier(?) subject, it's my birthday tomorrow!
meh, I don't really care for it actually lol.
Not getting anything worthwhile.
So I'm not actually looking forward to I just realized.
Yeah, I'm turning twenty and I still can't buy myself booze... ๐ฆ
Well, you have people who will buy you the booze.
Hey guys, not necessarily leaving the chat, but I won't be talking on here for probably a very long time (here or the twitter chat). I'm not doing any good regardlessly.
Right, well, we don't have anywhere left, it's over.
Right, delete me if you want then.
I'll think on it, maybe take some of the anti depressants I should have been taking.
It's hard for me because my parents (who I live with), are cucks and there is no way I could manage that. I have no friends locally, and haven't met a national socialist for months.
Have her eat lots of Cashews.
Cashews contain natural chemicals that can stimulate happiness and reduce irritation.
So... to answer your question... never...
Ah man guys I'm sorry, talking like this isn't good for if the chat gets busted.
Also maybe she shouldn't be drinking soy if she is?
I have had these diagnosed to me before to help with my depression, they have many benefits that have visible effects.
Yeah, I downed some less than an hour ago, there finally taking affect.
If cashews are too expensive, cashew milk has the same effects.
Not to mention more can be done with them/
Done with the milk*
I don't know much about pregnancy, other than a good friend of mine is about to give birth to my god son... I can ask her about it.
Alright, she says have sex with your wife more.
That's weird looking haha.
But yes, you need to have more sex for sure.
If she is too sore for normal sex, then just... Just help her without putting your dick in there.
Also ask her if she wants help, and let her know she's attractive.
Earlier when I said they were taking effect, I meant towards my depression, not my bitch tits.
Is the OP taking note of all this?
Well, can someone relay this to him? I've got all of this from a very reliable source, a pregnant woman.
"Just tell him to talk to her and offer her help that's the sure fire way.
Women need to feel wanted and appreciated.
They want to feel like they're attractive and a lot of women struggle feeling attractive while they're pregnant. Today even I feel like a fatty haha"
But yes, for non Freuding babble, have her down some cashews to balance out her hormones.
I don't take misery in other peoples suffering, I just feel good when I'm helping them.
Actually it's just the Cashews, I do have a bit of a hormonal imbalance that causes me to feel severely depressed and apathetic, I was actually prescribed to eat them for that very reason. I don't want to talk about it either.
Once again though, keep her away from soy products, soy contains severe amounts of estrogen, which may be causing her to be a moody bitch.
Cashew milk should perhaps be given to her instead of regular milk, because lord knows that is done to that.
Is this too much information?
Well, the advice is sound and I'm good evidence of that.
I meant TMI as in, "Dear gods, I didn't need to know that Ian."
I used to take knife drills, you can get a lot of information on youtube.
Also, professor Blackwood, who is a blackbelt in several forms of martial arts, could really help you if you actually went to college.
You lazy SOB, take some initiative, you shouldn't need to ask for help! ๐
I'm just being salty ๐
Pick up a Sparring knife bro (Sportsman warehouse, or just make one yourself), and watch the videos that are already on youtube, and practice with T.
Also, practicing with a heavier knife is an obvious way to get started.
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