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Salem alejkum
dis shit good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9ch4oEZK0c&t=5s
Turkish? Is it some kind of mix between Greek, Armenian and Kurdish? Just like the ethnicity of "Turks"?
@Spzer231#9690 >mix between
Nice anachronism there mate
Good luck reading that, seems like you don't read enough if you think "mix between Kurdish & ...." is an anachronism
Wikipedia huh? Without linking the page for the actual argument?
Good luck reading that mate, next should be the page regarding the ethnicity of "Turks"
Well the Ottoman Turkish allegedly had much Arabic and Persian influence, but the republican reform into modern one has wiped it off. I wonder how was Seljuq Turkish.
Modern day Turks are only 21% Turkish ๐
"Muh Ottoman empire"
You are just a collection of inbreds
They are 21% Turkish due to the migration policies of Ottoman Empire, no one claims to be pure Turk in Turkey, hence an adequate environment for the dialect without all those retarded prehistoric caveman ideologies revolving around ethnicity. Still doesn't change the fact that Turks have the leading role in the extinction of the white race and destruction of white European culture, you are all getting kebab'd <:HYPERLUL:356954543436726272>
Your point about language is adequately refuted, yet you're on for moving the goalpost with changing the subject. Name a single authentic k*rdish word that isn't from Turkish, Persian, Armenian or Arabic and I'll take your arguments, which are the works of a crippled, malformed brain seriously.
This article should be just short enough for your intelligence level, hope you can finish it without having brain seizures https://menas.arizona.edu/turkish-lang
Hi I have the leading role in destroying white people
Turks are always extremely proud of their "Turkish" and "Ottoman" heritage so your #1 statement is already bullshit
The Ottomans couldn't even fully conquer the balkans (Europe's most chaotic part) before being smashed to shit by Russia a couple of dozen times so your "we destroyed ur culture hurr durr" logic is retarded. At most we destroyed yours
Refuting a statement with arguments that include insults renders the argument invalid. If it was a good argument you wouldn't have felt the need to insult ๐
Nice little propaganda site right there mate, contrary to you and your fellow inbred goat-fucking countrymen I can see the difference betweeen actual facts and propaganda
If you had the minuscule of thinking aptitude, you would understand that I am by no means a sympathizer of Turks nor the Ottoman Empire.
And if you had the tiniest bit of comprehension skills, you would see that I wasn't referring to the Ottoman Era, rather I was talking about the recent Cuckening and Cultural Marxist narrative that makes you lose your wives and mothers in a process of filling them with sandnigger cum in all of their orifices, which is essentially what you deserve.
Finally, if you weren't equal with an olive baboon in terms of intellectual capacity, you wouldn't resort to "duh ad hominem made your argument invalid xdddd" when I have stated everything there is to refute your halfwitted points, which you still can't come up against with a single argument and it was you who started throwing shit in the first place.
>university of arizona
>turkish propaganda
Oh god forget about everything I've said above, you're actually fucking retarded
<:goldface:314828170694098944> <:goldface:314828170694098944> <:goldface:314828170694098944>
1) Where did I say you are a "sympathizer of turks or the Ottoman Empire"? What I'm saying is that *turks in general* are. You're assuming stuff, which isn't helping your case
2) I was talking about the actual ethnicity of Turks. Any arguments about "the current state of Europe hurr durr" are completely invalid in this case. Making up arguments that don't even belong in the debate aren't arguments at all mate
3) I have shown you a factual website where the current ethnicity of the Turks is listed, whereas you haven't shown me a single website as evidence that they're not. You have provided only strawman arguments, I have yet to see any counter arguments from you
4) Ridiculing and insulting, not bringing up any counter information... It's pretty clear who's definitely lost any form of debate ๐
Nice try mate
We all know the average IQ of Turks is below average on a global scale, so it's not very surprising you can't even manage to hold a simple debate, but still
Are The Young Turks of US actually Turks? If so why is Cenk called after the Uyghur people of China?
Does anyone here actually speak turkish?
or is this just a roach circlejerk
Why is Turkish so high up in the channel list when Turks are irrelevant pieces of Islamic shit that nobody respects nor likes?
lol coming from the asian animal, take a wild guess why you are at the bottom at the list
@Faggot youยดre so edgy i donยดt need any razorblades
yes I cut you bitch
turk yokmi?
I can't believe that video of the serbian accordian guy got taken down
Anybody have a mirror?
ben turk konusamiyar
wowowow Tรผrk barฤฑndฤฑrmayan tรผrkรงe kanalฤฑ
Return to 4chan my man
Says the cockroach
No, that's a 4chan meme
In Krautchan we say "Cockroach Britain", it was created to shame the Anglos and made before that stupid Turkroach
Mosley is sexi
@Cotton ฤฐลte bunu beklemiyordum.
u are all some fucking jews
lets fuck
only if you're under 13
remove kebab
remove kebab
kebab R E M O V E
Remove kebab
Remove K E B A B
Kebab removes you
cockroach noises
@Faruk#6880 you are man
remove <#335603006794104833>
Turks are cockroaches in the Russian and lithuanian languages
Turkas = tarakonas
Remove kebab
@twook turkish not serbian XD
shut the fuck up
oh wrong chat
bu ne orospu รงocuklarฤฑ
@Eiskaffe#8571 reyiz coลma sakin.
remove kabab
tfw when you remove kebab
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