Discord ID: 719265981276487700
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**Role Menu: Board Residency**
React to give yourself a role.
<:yagpdb:720783945423126529> : `/am/ Primary Resident`
<:yagpdb:720783895947116544> : `/s8s/ Primary Resident`
<:yagpdb:719983471509897308> : `/monarchism/ Primary Resident`
<:yagpdb:719321553585700924> : `/x/ Primary Resident`
<:yagpdb:718617379839541368> : `/v/ Primary Resident`
<:yagpdb:719321505426702389> : `/b/ Primary Resident`
<:yagpdb:718616667361509457> : `/pol/ Primary Resident`
NOTE: Below is the Role to gain access to the rest of the server. CHOOSE THIS LAST!!!
DISCLAIMER: Due to the fact this server is new, chat activity will be low. You can fix this by staying and shitposting in the appropriate channels.
Did not find the role command group specified, make sure you typed it right, if you haven't set one up yet you can do so in the control panel.
**Role Menu: Membership Role (CHOOSE THIS LAST!!!)**
React to give yourself a role.
<:yagpdb:718938881814429757> : `Anon`
4 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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