Papers by İdris Bedirhanoglu

Sınırsız eğitim ve araştırma dergisi, May 22, 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic served as a disjuncture causing individuals to seek various learning opport... more The COVID-19 pandemic served as a disjuncture causing individuals to seek various learning opportunities, including intentional informal learning (IIL). This study investigated 190 Turkey-based civil engineers’ IIL experiences influenced by the pandemic. Data were collected using a survey with close- and open-ended questions. Results revealed that the participants’ overall IIL engagement was at a moderate level, trying to compensate for the lack of information and skills deemed essential, most of which were job-related. Although they also indicated general interest-related IIL activities, these were still related to work. Results also showed that the participants normally used internet-based learning sources and had a tendency toward communicative and collaborative IIL activities. Based on the results, training programs for civil engineers are recommended to emphasize the notion of IIL and create communicative and collaborative learning opportunities in virtual and non-virtual environments.

Engineering programs have to develop students' teamwork skills. However, the onus on content spec... more Engineering programs have to develop students' teamwork skills. However, the onus on content specialists to teach teamwork skills may be challenging partly because of students' negative attitudes towards and experiences with teamwork. This study investigated 295 engineering students' thoughts on teamwork and the strategies they used to solve problems with underperforming team members. Data were collected using a survey and a discourse completion task. The results revealed that among the key reasons why the students liked such activities was the exchange of information and experience, increased quantity and quality of work, and interpersonal communication. However, they indicated lack of harmony, social loafing, lack of attention paid to tasks, and individual approaches to learning as reasons for skepticism about teamwork. As to problem-solving strategies, emphatic inquiry and judgmental questioning were most common. Based on these results, we suggest that engineering faculty collaborate with communication instructors in planning and executing softskills training for students. Engineering faculty should also be provided with technical support for the incorporation of teamwork activities in virtual environments.

Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2013
The Adaptively Shifted Integration (ASI) technique, which produces the highest computational effi... more The Adaptively Shifted Integration (ASI) technique, which produces the highest computational efficiency in the finite element analyses of framed structures including static and dynamic collapse problems, is applied to the seismic damage analysis of a reinforced concrete building. By expressing member fracture by a plastic hinge located at the exact position with a simultaneous release of resultant forces in the element, discontinuous problem such as this kind can be easily analyzed even by the conventional finite element code with the displacemental form. By using the algorithms described in this paper, sufficiently reliable solutions for the practical use have been obtained in the seismic damage analysis of a five stories-five span reinforced concrete building. The present technique can be easily implemented with a minimum effort into the existing finite element codes utilizing the linear Timoshenko beam element. 63
Sustainability, Dec 20, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
Dicle üniversitesi mühendislik fakültesi mühendislik dergisi, Jul 1, 2017
Betonun en önemli mekanik özelliklerinden olan elastisite modülünün hasarlı yöntemlerle tespiti o... more Betonun en önemli mekanik özelliklerinden olan elastisite modülünün hasarlı yöntemlerle tespiti oldukça zahmetli bir iştir. Bu çalışmada betonun elastisite modülünün daha pratik bir şekilde belirlenmesi için hasarsız yöntemlerden olan ultra ses dalgası kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla beton silindir numuneler üretilerek bu numuneler üzerinde hem ultra ses dalgası geçiş hızı ve basınç testleri yapılmıştır. Bu deneysel veriler kullanılarak elastisite modülünün tahmini için ses dalgası geçiş hızına bağlı olan bir model geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada geliştirilen model literatürdeki mevcut modeller ve veriler ile karşılaştırıldığında tahmin performansının iyi olduğu görülmüştür.

Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Oct 10, 2015
The main goal of this study was to develop a convenient strengthening technique for retrofitting ... more The main goal of this study was to develop a convenient strengthening technique for retrofitting of reinforced concrete members. For this purpose a new retrofitting material so-called prefabricated-HSPRCC (high performance steel plate reinforced cementitious composite) panel was developed by using high performance concrete and perforated steel plate. Prefabricated-HSPRCC composes advantages of steel and high performance concrete. The prefabricated-HSPRCC panels were either only bonded on the specimens using epoxy mortar or anchored to the specimen by steel bolts as well as bonding. Effect of different variations such as prefabricated-HSPRCC panel thicknesses, steel plate thicknesses, puncture orientation of perforated steel plate, existence of anchorage etc. were studied through a simple experimental work. The behaviour of the specimens under vertical point load was also studied by using simple mechanics. The retrofitted specimens were found to exhibit much better performance both in terms of strength and deformation capability. The anchorage application was found to positively affect this improved performance. Furthermore, as a result of the tests the best parameters of prefabricated-HSPRCC plate for improving strength and deformation capacities were determined.
Buildings, Dec 19, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, May 1, 2019
In this study, the performance of a damaged dam was evaluated through a threedimensional finite e... more In this study, the performance of a damaged dam was evaluated through a threedimensional finite element model. The dam is located in Derbendikhan city of Northern Iraq and damaged during a 7.3 magnitude earthquake which was happened 30 kilometers south of Halabja city. Derbendikhan dam which was built between the years 1956-1961 is a clay-core rock fill dam. The damage of the dam was investigated at the site right after the earthquake and some cracks were observed in the main body of the dam. The main goal of this work is to present the results of the survey which was conducted at the site and investigating the damage development mechanism through a realistic three-dimensional finite element model of the dam. As complying with the observations at the site, the finite element analysis has shown that the primary failure mechanism is due to the separation of the core and rock fill sections at the downstream side of the dam.
Journal of Composites for Construction, Feb 1, 2022

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi dergisi, eğitim bilimleri, Feb 24, 2022
In tertiary education, lifelong learning (LL) skills alongside technical skills need to be priori... more In tertiary education, lifelong learning (LL) skills alongside technical skills need to be prioritized. Is it, however, correct to assume that all university students are familiar with LL? Even so, might some students believe that LL is a source of tension? One way to understand these aspects is through metaphors, commonly used to convey the meaning individuals attach to concepts. Thus, this study investigated 229 university students' metaphoric perceptions of LL. Data were collected using a discourse completion task. Results revealed that the students had limited understanding of LL as reflected through their chosen metaphors. The metaphors most frequently used to define LL were "tree," "life," "universe" and "trip." The students' explanations pointed to a variety of attributes of LL, "continuity," "limitlessness," and "expansion of horizons" being the most frequent ones. There were also metaphors and attributes denoting negative perceptions. We recommend LL skills be made an integral part of curricula to enhance students' potential for becoming lifelong learners.
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Seismic bearings have been used to mitigate the harmful effect of the earthquakes. Torsion mode, ... more Seismic bearings have been used to mitigate the harmful effect of the earthquakes. Torsion mode, one of the most important irregularities, generally increases the shear forces to the vertical members such as columns and shear walls in turn this may results in brittle failure of the reinforced concrete (RC) members. Accordingly, it is vital to eliminate the torsion failure mode or switch to the higher modes with lower mass contribution. This study has evaluated the seismic performance of a high-rise building with torsion mode through push-over analysis including nonlinear time history analyses. The damage conditions of RC structural members are defined considering the Eurocode definitions and general performance assessments of the building have been evaluated accordingly. Lead rubber bearings have been used for base isolation system. By using enough number of rubber bearings, the dominant torsion mode (first free vibration mode) has been shifted to higher modes. Various earthquake re...

One of the reasons that cause the collapse of buildings is deficient short columns, which need to... more One of the reasons that cause the collapse of buildings is deficient short columns, which need to be retrofitted to prevent the collapse of the building in a potential earthquake. External reinforced concrete (RC), steel plates, and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jacketing are standard retrofitting methods to retrofit columns to increase their shear capacity. However, in compression shear failure, the effectiveness of steel and FRP jacketing is quite limited due to the premature buckling of the FRP and steel material. On the other hand, RC jacketing is not practical because it requires more labor and covers more architectural places. Thus, the main motivation of this study is to present the effectiveness of a new method to retrofit short columns, including those with dominated shear compression failure. For this purpose, HSPRCC (high-performance steel plate-reinforced cementitious composite) was adapted to retrofit such short columns. This method is a combination of high-performance...

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 2022
In tertiary education, lifelong learning (LL) skills alongside technical skills need to be priori... more In tertiary education, lifelong learning (LL) skills alongside technical skills need to be prioritized. Is it, however, correct to assume that all university students are familiar with LL? Even so, might some students believe that LL is a source of tension? One way to understand these aspects is through metaphors, commonly used to convey the meaning individuals attach to concepts. Thus, this study investigated 229 university students’ metaphoric perceptions of LL. Data were collected using a discourse completion task. Results revealed that the students had limited understanding of LL as reflected through their chosen metaphors. The metaphors most frequently used to define LL were “tree,” “life,” “universe” and “trip.” The students’ explanations pointed to a variety of attributes of LL, “continuity,” “limitlessness,” and “expansion of horizons” being the most frequent ones. There were also metaphors and attributes denoting negative perceptions. We recommend LL skills be made an integ...
Betonarme binaların dayanımlarının hızlı bir şekilde belirlenmesinde beton dayanımının kolay bir ... more Betonarme binaların dayanımlarının hızlı bir şekilde belirlenmesinde beton dayanımının kolay bir şekilde tespiti kilit bir öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada beton basınç dayanımının pratik, kolay ve yapıya zarar vermeyecek bir şekilde belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu nedenle hasarsız bir yöntem olan ultra ses dalgası yayılma hızından faydalanılmıştır. Bu çalışma çerçevesinde yapılan deneysel ve istatiksel değerlendirme çalışmaları neticesinde ultra ses dalgasının beton içindeki yayılma hızı ile beton basınç dayanımı arasında ampirik bir model geliştirilmiştir.
Betonun en önemli mekanik özelliklerinden olan elastisite modülünün hasarlı yöntemlerle tespiti o... more Betonun en önemli mekanik özelliklerinden olan elastisite modülünün hasarlı yöntemlerle tespiti oldukça zahmetli bir iştir. Bu çalışmada betonun elastisite modülünün daha pratik bir şekilde belirlenmesi için hasarsız yöntemlerden olan ultra ses dalgası kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla beton silindir numuneler üretilerek bu numuneler üzerinde hem ultra ses dalgası geçiş hızı ve basınç testleri yapılmıştır. Bu deneysel veriler kullanılarak elastisite modülünün tahmini için ses dalgası geçiş hızına bağlı olan bir model geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada geliştirilen model literatürdeki mevcut modeller ve veriler ile karşılaştırıldığında tahmin performansının iyi olduğu görülmüştür.

Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, 2019
In this study, the effect of age on the strength development of concrete was investigated. For th... more In this study, the effect of age on the strength development of concrete was investigated. For this purpose, specimens casted with ready mix concrete for different grades of concrete were obtained from ready-mix concrete firms available in Diyarbakir city which is the one of the biggest cities of Turkey. A few sets with different grade of concrete cube specimens were used in the experimental work. Each set included over 40 specimens. For measuring concrete strength development, two different tests were used: ultrasonic pulse velocity testing (UPV) and uniaxial compressive strength testing. After UPV and compressive strength tests, strength development for early ages was evaluated and defined. The aim of this work is to define the path of strength development of certain grades of concrete used in the east regions of Turkey. Another aim of the work is to be able to determine concrete strength through non-destructive UPV tests. As a result, it was seen that concrete strength developmen...
Papers by İdris Bedirhanoglu