Papers by Arif Darmawan
Dalam beberapa dekade ini, masalah pengendalian senjata menjadi pusat perhatian terkait dengan up... more Dalam beberapa dekade ini, masalah pengendalian senjata menjadi pusat perhatian terkait dengan upaya global dalam usaha untuk menahan penyebaran senjata nuklir. Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) menjadi satu upaya yang ambisius yang dilaksanakan oleh komunitas internasional dalam usahanya untuk mencegah akusisisi dan penggunaan senjata nuklir. Selama keberadaannya, NPT telah menjadi satu-satunya rezim pengendalian senjata yang melibatkan organisasi internasional (yaitu Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional â�� IAEA) di dalam proses mekanisme verifikasi dan inspeksi yang dilaksanakan. Setelah seperempat abad sejak perjanjian ini dinyatakan aktif, NPT kemudian diperluas secara tak terbatas, sehingga sekarang perjanjian ini menjadi sebuah rezim pengendalian senjata yang mapan dan hampir bersifat universal dalam keanggotaan, serta dipandang sebagai sebuah fondasi kuat bagi usaha-usaha internasional untuk mencegah penyebaran senjata nuklir. Dilihat dari kondisi ini, maka NPT sepertinya sudah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari politik internasional, dan menjadi instrument yang penting bagi banyak negara yang menentang proliferasi nuklir. Dalam beberapa tahun ini, gambaran cerah akan NPT tersebut dibayangi oleh adanya perkembangan yang mengkhawatirkan. Walaupun masih ada kepercayaan dan dukungan luas terhadap keberadaan NPT, tetapi terdapat faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan NPT bermasalah. Perkembangan negatif yang ada akhir-akhir ini menyebabkan melemahnya kepercayaan diri rezim, serta memunculkan pertanyaan terkait dengan NPT sebagai sistem utama dalam menghadapi proliferasi nuklir, dan juga memunculkan pertanyaan serta keraguan atas fungsi dan masa depan NPT. Efektivitas rezim NPT dalam mengatasi proliferasi senjata nuklir menjadi obyek analisa yang menarik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang issu non-proliferasi. Thesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa efektivitas rezim NPT dalam upayanya untuk menghentikan proliferasi senjata nuklir. Hasil dari analisa mengindikasikan bahwa NPT bukan merupakan rezim yang efektif untuk menghentikan proliferasi senjata nuklir, karena sejak dinyatakan aktif sampai dengan sekarang, rezim ini telah gagal meraih hasil optimal yang diharapkan bisa tercapai. Pada saat ini proliferasi senjata nuklir masih berlanjut, dilakukan oleh beberapa negara, dan masa depan NPT semakin dipertanyakan seiring dengan perkembangan yang ada saat ini. Tetapi harus diakui ada beberapa keberhasilan yang bisa dicatat, terutama adalah terkait dengan adanya perubahan perilaku didalam komunitas internasional. Kondisi akan jauh lebih buruk bila tidak ada NPT, dimana ketika NPT belum dibentuk ada banyak sekali negara yang mempunyai kapabilitas senjata nuklir, dimana negara-negara tersebut menghentikan program nuklirnya setelah bergabung dengan NPT. For several decades, arms control has been at the center of global efforts to restrain the spread of nuclear weapon. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) has become most ambitious attempt ever made by international community to constrain the acquisition and use of nuclear weapons. For most of its existence, it has been the only arm control regime that includes international organization (International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA) among its mechanism of inspection and verification. After a quarter century of being in force, the NPT has been extended indefinitely, and become a well established arms control regime of indefinite duration and nearly universal participation that is widely regarded as the foundation for international efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. Viewed in this light, the NPT might be regarded as an unquestioned feature of the international landscape, as a prized instrument for those many states that oppose nuclear proliferation. In recent years, however, this bright picture has been clouded by a number of adverse development. Though there are still wide support for and wide belief in the NPT system, corrosive factors have been work. These pernicious development have been undermining confidence in the regime, calling into question the centrality of the NPT in dealing with proliferation threats, and in at least some minds raising doubts about its utility and its future. The effectiveness of this regime dealing with nuclear proliferation issues become interesting object of analysis for an improved knowledge of the nonproliferation issues. This thesis aims to analyse the effectiveness of NPT to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The result of the analysis indicates that NPT is not an effective regime to stop proliferation of nuclear weapons because this regime has failed to reach an optimum results that hopefully gained when the regime entered into force. The proliferation of nuclear weapon still continued by a few states, and the future of the regime is questionable because of recent developments. But, there is a notable success, showed by behavioral change in the international community. Conditions would be indubitably have…
Review of International Relations, Jul 11, 2022
Astropolitik merupakan suatu fokus kajian yang mendefinisikan mengenai adanya keterkaitan antara ... more Astropolitik merupakan suatu fokus kajian yang mendefinisikan mengenai adanya keterkaitan antara medan antariksa, teknologi, serta pengembangan kebijakan politik, militer dan strategi. Astropolitik kemudian menjadi bidang yang menarik bagi negara maju termasuk Amerika Serikat, sehingga mengakibatkan terbentuknya militer luar angkasa yang bertujuan untuk menghindari ancaman luar angkasa dan mengamankan domain luar angkasa. Artikel ini dibuat untuk membahas terkait pengaruh perkembangan astropolitik pada militer dan pertahanan Amerika Serikat di masa kepemimpinan Donald Trump dengan menggunakan perspektif teori Astropolitik.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif serta melalui penelaahan sumber sekunder. Dalam penelitian ini argument utama yang disampaikan adalah bahwa Amerika Serikat menganggap domain luar angkasa dirasa menjadi salah satu domain perang terestrial jenis baru, yang juga ditujukan sebagai arena perlombaan persenjataan rudal balistik dan juga satelit navigasi militer. Pembentukan dari angkatan bersenjata luar angkasa Amerika Serikat ini juga merupakan salah satu respon pemerintahan Amerika Serikat dibawah kepemimpinan Donald Trump terhadap perkembangan teknologi pertahanan rudal dan militer keantariksaan yang juga tengah dikembangkan oleh Rusia dan juga Cina. Dari perspektif Astropolitik bisa dilihat bahwa keberadaan ranah luar angkasa menjadi satu ranah baru dalam keamanan internasional yang ke depannya akan berperan penting dalam persaingan antar kekuatan global.
KnE Social Sciences
This paper examines the People’s Republic of China’s diaspora as a tool of foreign policy from it... more This paper examines the People’s Republic of China’s diaspora as a tool of foreign policy from its founding (Mao’s era) to the present ( Jinping’s era). China’s diaspora policy evolved from time to time, showing the changing migration pattern and reflecting favorable global conditions. Chinese diaspora has become an instrument of China’s domestic policy and foreign policy agenda since Kuomintang to the Communist government era. One of China’s domestic agenda is the need to attract foreign investment –primarily through diaspora community. In the foreign policy field, there has been a significant continuity in its foreign policy objectives related to its diaspora policy. To strengthen its global ambition, China implemented “new diplomacy,” aiming to change how its neighbors view their ambition with the help of their diaspora communities. Thus, the estimated 50 million Chinese diasporas have become important assets in connecting China to the world. Keywords: Chinese Diaspora, new diplo...
Insignia Journal of International Relations, 2014
ASEAN Community 2015 became one of its own products made by ASEAN leaders to ease the creation of... more ASEAN Community 2015 became one of its own products made by ASEAN leaders to ease the creation of a variety of access both in the economic, political, social, cultural, defense and security. Within the ASEAN Community 2015, becoming one of its own steps to open markets more freely so that the movement of the mobility of goods and services can be channeled properly not only in the country in each of the ASEAN countries, however, can be transferred to all other countries. One of the constraints in this regard is how the readiness of the government of a country in ASEAN to face of fierce competition that will take place freely and openly among various countries so that if not handled properly can result in a fairly high unemployment because the foreign labor which is presented in one of the ASEAN countries is a labor that has a high skill. Therefore, the government must also concern related to the brain circulation phenomenon are able to strengthen the various sectors where the governm...
Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs
Bilateral relations between China and Indonesia have increased in recent years. Indonesia conside... more Bilateral relations between China and Indonesia have increased in recent years. Indonesia considers as a strategic partner of China in Southeast Asia. The application of Panda Diplomacy is proof that China considers Indonesia as a friendly country that has a significant meaning. Through the application of Panda Diplomacy, China strives to show a face that is friendly and does not pose a threat to other countries. In this article, we will discuss how the implementation of Panda Diplomacy by China in strengthening bilateral relations between China and Indonesia which will analyse through a constructivist perspective. This perspective views that the performance of Panda Diplomacy is a diplomacy tool and a symbol of friendship to shape a better Chinese image and identity. Here Constructivists see that Panda Diplomacy is a form of symbolic interaction. In carrying out panda diplomacy, indeed, China Government has thought of any strategies that can help in smoothing their national interes...
Indonesian Journal of International Relations
China is not only the most populated country in the world. China's success is so rapidly, esp... more China is not only the most populated country in the world. China's success is so rapidly, especially in the economic field that China so overwhelmed many countries. Entering a new chapter in the 21st century is not only focused on economic, China then renewed its defense policy to strengthen China's sovereignty and achieve its national interests. One of China's strategies was to build its first military base in Djibouti, Africa, in 2016 then. It was a new history for China in its military field. This study aims to analyze the intentions and objectives of China that built its military base in Djibouti using the neorealist theory of Kenneth Waltz. The focus of this research lead to the China’s military base that grown from some factors and the effect on the global order.
Dalam beberapa dekade ini, masalah pengendalian senjata menjadi pusat perhatian terkait dengan up... more Dalam beberapa dekade ini, masalah pengendalian senjata menjadi pusat perhatian terkait dengan upaya global dalam usaha untuk menahan penyebaran senjata nuklir. Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) menjadi satu upaya yang ambisius yang dilaksanakan oleh komunitas internasional dalam usahanya untuk mencegah akusisisi dan penggunaan senjata nuklir. Selama keberadaannya, NPT telah menjadi satu-satunya rezim pengendalian senjata yang melibatkan organisasi internasional (yaitu Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional � IAEA) di dalam proses mekanisme verifikasi dan inspeksi yang dilaksanakan. Setelah seperempat abad sejak perjanjian ini dinyatakan aktif, NPT kemudian diperluas secara tak terbatas, sehingga sekarang perjanjian ini menjadi sebuah rezim pengendalian senjata yang mapan dan hampir bersifat universal dalam keanggotaan, serta dipandang sebagai sebuah fondasi kuat bagi usaha-usaha internasional untuk mencegah penyebaran senjata nuklir. Dilihat dari kondisi ini, maka NPT sepertinya su...
China is not only the most populated country in the world. China's success is so rapidly, esp... more China is not only the most populated country in the world. China's success is so rapidly, especially in the economic field that China so overwhelmed many countries. Entering a new chapter in the 21st century is not only focused on economic, China then renewed its defense policy to strengthen China's sovereignty and achieve its national interests. One of China's strategies was to build its first military base in Djibouti, Africa, in 2016 then. It was a new history for China in its military field. This study aims to analyze the intentions and objectives of China that built its military base in Djibouti using the neorealist theory of Kenneth Waltz. The focus of this research lead to the China’s military base that grown from some factors and the effect on the global order.
AbstractThe gap in Latin American countries is a fertile ground for the emergence of a populist m... more AbstractThe gap in Latin American countries is a fertile ground for the emergence of a populist movement, so that populism is not considered as a deviation, but become a rational alternative to address the problems rooted in the failure of the nation-building process. The existence of populism in Latin America indirectly also has an influence on the movement rooted in populism in the global sphere. This paper will analyze the close connection between the recent wave of populism in the international world by looking at the historical roots of how populism developed in Latin America and its effect on the “Occupy Movement” movement phenomenon in order to know how the pattern of populist movements in the global realm. This article will begin by understanding the clear definition of what is populism, then the roots of populist history in Latin America, and how it relates to the emergence of the Occupy Movement as a new form of populist movement that is becoming a global tren.Keywords: po...
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
This article is part of an international relations study conducted by the authors. This study aim... more This article is part of an international relations study conducted by the authors. This study aims to illustrate the extent to which Indonesia can get out of the “entanglement” of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the tourism industry sector. Another purpose of writing this article is to analyze the Indonesian government’s role in using the term “new normal” and its relation to sustainable tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended. Tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic is the focus of the discussion of this article because it is one of the industries most harmed by this pandemic. Globally the loss of world tourism reaches US$22 billion. This figure will continue to increase as long as this pandemic cannot be controlled through vaccines and drugs. No exception for Indonesia, which lost the country’s original income from this sector, reaching tens of trillions of rupiah in just four months since WHO announced COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The new normal situation during th...
The practice of racism in the US stems from a long history of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamat... more The practice of racism in the US stems from a long history of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation and the various laws that the Government had issued in an attempt to regulate the rights of black people did not prevent black discrimination from continuing to this day. This situation triggered the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, which is one of the biggest movements in the United States. This research discusses the role of Anonymous as a community using cyberspace during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. This research applies the qualitative method using various kinds of secondary data ranging from books, related journals, government websites, and other online sources aiming to analyze the concept of cyberactivism and the idea of cyber libertarianism regarding the role of Anonymous within the BLM movement. This research shows that based on the cyber libertarianism concept the role of Anonymous is as one of the important information sources within the BLM move...
ASEAN Community 2015 became one of its own products made by ASEAN leaders to ease the creation of... more ASEAN Community 2015 became one of its own products made by ASEAN leaders to ease the creation of a variety of access both in the economic, political, social, cultural, defense and security. Within the ASEAN Community 2015, becoming one of its own steps to open markets more freely so that the movement of the mobility of goods and services can be channeled properly not only in the country in each of the ASEAN countries, however, can be transferred to all other countries. One of the constraints in this regard is how the readiness of the government of a country in ASEAN to face of fierce competition that will take place freely and openly among various countries so that if not handled properly can result in a fairly high unemployment because the foreign labor which is presented in one of the ASEAN countries is a labor that has a high skill. Therefore, the government must also concern related to the brain circulation phenomenon are able to strengthen the various sectors where the government is able to provide its own facilities with the provision of the allocation of funds for research and development and create policies that ensure the products to the convenience of skilled labor to carry out research in homeland then it will strengthen the stability of labor market in ASEAN.
JIIP: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan
Hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan Cina salah satunya didasarkan pada prinsip One China P... more Hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan Cina salah satunya didasarkan pada prinsip One China Policy atau Kebijakan Satu China, dimana Indonesia hanya mengakui satu negara Cina yaitu Republik Rakyat Cina dan tidak mengakui secara resmi negara Taiwan. Walaupun tidak ada pengakuan secara resmi, tetapi ada hubungan diantara Indonesia dengan Taiwan, yaitu dalam sektor ekonomi dan juga pendidikan dan juga people-to-people exchange. Kemudian pemerintah daerah juga berinisiatif untuk mengadakan kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah di Taiwan dalam bentuk Sister City, salah satunya adalah Kota Bogor yang berupaya untuk mengadakan kerjasama dengan Kota Tainan. Penelitian ini akan menganalisa bagaimana implikasi penerapan kebijakan One China Policy dalam upaya mewujudkan kerjasama sister city antara Bogor di Indonesia dengan Tainan di Taiwan. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implikasi kebijakan One China Policy juga sangat berpengaruh di level sub-state, sehingga kemudian kerjasama dalam...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Public Management 2014, 2014
As the roles of a state as an international actor lessens, cooperation between individuals or gro... more As the roles of a state as an international actor lessens, cooperation between individuals or groups from several countries or across regions gets stronger. The understanding of one-door policy these days doesn"t necessarily translate to a policy that is controlled by a diplomatic legal institution. The desire to cooperate without the involvement of a complicated bureaucracy makes regional institutions create cooperation between regions in different areas, these spirits are then came to be known as Paradiplomacy.Regionalism that continues to emerge after the birth of European Union or countries that agreed to unite in one Europe area makes other regions have a strong desire to copy this idea. The success of Europe have inspired Southeast Asian countries that are members of ASEAN to create ASEAN Community that will be implemented in the upcoming year of 2015.The strong utopianism towards regionalism actually creates an emerging question about the role and existence of state, or even in a more sarcastic tone, is there still a need for a state. Region or province that are within the territory of a state saw this as a chance to bring prosperity to their own area. The most commonly heard example is cooperation between cities across states, known as sister city. Sister city is not the only example that can be put forward as a future of relation between regions, as there are still a lot of examples or cases that can be brought up as an improvement in cooperation between regions that crosses the borders of countries of areas.The battle between idealism and regulism that happens in every states actually brings a new dynamic and breakthrough in the world of international relations, this idea enriches the discourse of international analyst in preparing their own areas. These are an inseparable part in an attempt to exceed the boundaries of law of each countries that became the general definition of international relations.
ASEAN Community 2015 became one of its own products made by ASEAN leaders to ease the creation of... more ASEAN Community 2015 became one of its own products made by ASEAN leaders to ease the creation of a variety of access both in the economic, political, social, cultural, defense and security. Within the ASEAN Community 2015, becoming one of its own steps to open markets more freely so that the movement of the mobility of goods and services can be channeled properly not only in the country in each of the ASEAN countries, however, can be transferred to all other countries. One of the constraints in this regard is how the readiness of the government of a country in ASEAN to face of fierce competition that will take place freely and openly among various countries so that if not handled properly can result in a fairly high unemployment because the foreign labor which is presented in one of the ASEAN countries is a labor that has a high skill. Therefore, the government must also concern related to the brain circulation phenomenon are able to strengthen the various sectors where the government is able to provide its own facilities with the provision of the allocation of funds for research and development and create policies that ensure the products to the convenience of skilled labor to carry out research in homeland then it will strengthen the stability of labor market in ASEAN. Keywords: ASEAN Community 2015, Imbalancing Competition, Brain Circulation, R&D, Stability in ASEAN labor market 1 I. Pendahuluan ASEAN Community 2015 merupakan salah satu agenda terbesar yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat di Asia Tenggara untuk mewujudkan persatuan dalam satu kawasan regional serta untuk membentuk sebuah komunitas bersama dimana mampu untuk saling memperkuat dan menguntungkan baik dalam aspek politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan keamanan. ASEAN Community 2015 juga menjadi salah satu acuan atau pedoman tersendiri dimana menjadi sebuah platform besar untuk memicu pertumbuhan perekonomian serta pembangunan dari negara -negara di Asia Tenggara. Oleh karena itu, secara bertahap para anggota ASEAN berupaya untuk berintegrasi secara penuh melalui sebuah tahapan yang strategis yaitu pada KTT ASEAN ke-14 di Thailand, Desember 2008 yang kemudian memastikan berbagai anggota ASEAN bersama -sama meratifikasi Piagam ASEAN (ASEAN Charter) dan sepakat mendirikan ASEAN Community 2015 yang memiliki tiga pilar besar tersendiri yakni ASEAN Political Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community, dan ASEAN Socio -Cultural Community yang mewakili berbagai aspek untuk tercapainya pembangunan berkelanjutan serta terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat di kawasan Asia Tenggara (Roadmap for an ASEAN Community, 2011:108-115).
Conference Presentations by Arif Darmawan
KnE Social Sciences / International Conference on Politics, Social, and Humanities Sciences (2nd ICPSH 2022), 2023
This paper examines the People's Republic of China's diaspora as a tool of foreign policy from it... more This paper examines the People's Republic of China's diaspora as a tool of foreign policy from its founding (Mao's era) to the present (Jinping's era). China's diaspora policy evolved from time to time, showing the changing migration pattern and reflecting favorable global conditions. Chinese diaspora has become an instrument of China's domestic policy and foreign policy agenda since Kuomintang to the Communist government era. One of China's domestic agenda is the need to attract foreign investment-primarily through diaspora community. In the foreign policy field, there has been a significant continuity in its foreign policy objectives related to its diaspora policy. To strengthen its global ambition, China implemented "new diplomacy," aiming to change how its neighbors view their ambition with the help of their diaspora communities. Thus, the estimated 50 million Chinese diasporas have become important assets in connecting China to the world.
Teaching Documents by Arif Darmawan
Handout, 2023
Feminism as a Concept and Movement Feminism represents a broad concept and movement encapsulating... more Feminism as a Concept and Movement Feminism represents a broad concept and movement encapsulating diverse theories and struggles focused on gender issues, particularly elevating the rights and societal status of women. The feminist movement arose from the understanding that women have been systematically placed in inequitable conditions compared to men across political, economic, and cultural dimensions. This movement engages a variety of political, cultural, and economic initiatives seeking to alter social structures and practices that discriminate against women or hinder their access to equal rights and opportunities.
Handout, 2023
is an approach in the study of international relations that gained popularity in the late 20th ce... more is an approach in the study of international relations that gained popularity in the late 20th century. It emerged as an alternative to complement the existing frameworks, namely realism and liberalism, which have dominated the field for many years.
Papers by Arif Darmawan
Conference Presentations by Arif Darmawan
Teaching Documents by Arif Darmawan