Papers by Dewi Harahap

One of the components of enterprise architecture (EA) is information architecture (IA), which has... more One of the components of enterprise architecture (EA) is information architecture (IA), which has three elements, those are people, process, and technology. The research was conducted using the variables on the process elements involving people and technology elements. This research discusses the designing of information architecture model of vocational training process at the Balai Besar Pengembangan Latihan Kerja Dalam Negeri (BBPLKDN) Bandung. Stages of the research are using qualitative approach method. COBIT 5 and TOGAF framework are used as the references during the analysis and designing. The analysis tool used is the consolidation of BSC and CSF. Validation of the research result is done by triangulation method to the theory, vocational training regulatory/policy, and the BBPLKDN Bandung need. The conclusion from this research is that the information architecture model of vocational training process in BBPLKDN Bandung is affected by elements of people, process, and technolog...
Salah satu komponen enterprise architecture adalah arsitektur informasi, yang memiliki tiga eleme... more Salah satu komponen enterprise architecture adalah arsitektur informasi, yang memiliki tiga elemen, yaitu people, process, dan technology. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan variabel-variabel pada elemen process dengan melibatkan elemen people dan technology. Penelitian ini akan membahas perancangan model arsitektur informasi proses pelatihan kerja di Balai Besar Pengembangan Latihan Kerja Dalam Negeri (BBPLKDN) Bandung. Tahapan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan qualitative method. COBIT 5 dan framework TOGAF digunakan sebagai acuan pada saat analisis dan perancangan. Alat bantu analisis yang digunakan adalah konsolidasi BSC dan CSF. Validasi hasil rancangan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode triangulasi terhadap teori, regulasi/kebijakan pelatihan kerja, dan kebutuhan BBPLKDN Bandung.
Teaching Documents by Dewi Harahap
Papers by Dewi Harahap
Teaching Documents by Dewi Harahap