Papers by Adrie Vd Hoeven

Five peculiar elements of the Gospel pericopes about the anointment of Jesus’ head in Bethany sho... more Five peculiar elements of the Gospel pericopes about the anointment of Jesus’ head in Bethany show that the woman who performed this anointing was Jesus’ immaculate mother Mary. These elements are, besides Jesus’ designation “the woman” for her, his designations “a beautiful work”, “(she has worked ...) in Me”, “what she had, she did”, “this Gospel”, and “a memorial of her”. Only the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception and Mother of God, was ‘in Christ’ before He gave us his flesh and blood to eat and drink in the Holy Eucharist (cf. John 6:56). That this anointment is not the same as the anointment of the feet by Mary of Bethany is confirmed by their different timing relative to Jesus’ festive entry into Jerusalem. Jesus’ virgin mother Mary is the bride of the Holy Spirit and had the full knowledge and prophetic right and maternal authority to anoint her Son both the dynastic triumphant Messiah and beforehand for burial and thus give her maternal consent to his high priestly sacrificial death. The very precious ointment she used for the anointment she may have kept as a part of the myrrh that the wise men from the East had given to the new-born King of the Jews and his mother, probably also in Bethany. The memorial of her that Jesus decreed right after the anointment, could be made a reality by the promulgation of the Dogma of Mary Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Jesus acknowledged the anointment of his head in Bethany as his Messianic anointment, for in the following days, when He stands bound before the high priest, He confirms that He is “the Christ”, and before the governour Pilate He confirms that He is “the King of the Jews” (Mt 26:63-65 Mt 27:11 Mr 15:2 Lu 23:3).
Open Journal of Applied Sciences, Nov 30, 2015
The Turin Shroud was extensively scientifically investigated in 1978. In its pinkish red bloodsta... more The Turin Shroud was extensively scientifically investigated in 1978. In its pinkish red bloodstains, normal features of human blood were found, but also seemingly anomalous ones. In the present study, hitherto unnoticed details of the data are presented, Shroud data and more modern reference data are compared, and the results of a few experiments with linen, madder dye and blood are shown. It turns out that the Shroud’s ‘anomalous’ data are strong consistent evidence that its bloodstains contain acid heme-madder lake, of which the heme derived from cold acid postmortem blood and the madder had been applied to the Shroud at manufacture. It implies that the bloodstains were formed on the Shroud before the still not reproduced body-image was. Several other ‘red-color’ hypotheses for the Shroud’s bloodstains are discussed and dismissed.
The chemical and physical properties of the Shroud of Turin, both of the non-image background, th... more The chemical and physical properties of the Shroud of Turin, both of the non-image background, the image areas, the pinkish red bloodstains and the separate serum, especially their absorbance, fluorescence and FTIR spectra, are described and shown to be evidence for the presence of a pinkish red heme-madder complex, formed by the chemical interaction of authentic acid postmortem blood with yellow madder dye on the cloth before image formation. Besides the many normal blood characteristics, the lack of potassium of the red bloodstains indicates that the blood was hyperkalemic: that potassium had moved out of the red blood cells into the plasma, which inevitably occurs in acidemic blood. The absorbance spectra of the bloodstains

In this article I identify the garment left by the young man who "ran away naked" (Mark 14,51-52)... more In this article I identify the garment left by the young man who "ran away naked" (Mark 14,51-52) with the burial shroud of Jesus (John 19-20) and that young man with the secret disciple John Mark, co-author of the Gospel of John. I explain that it is possible and probable that Joseph of Arimathea bought the garment to give Jesus a burial “as is the burial custom of the Jews” (John 19,40), namely: in a garment. I also identify John Mark as having a high office in the temple, for which he wore a white sindōn with an ornamental margin, at the corners of which a blue cord could be fastened or loosened, in order to fulfill both the commandment of Num 15,38 for all garments and the conflicting commandment of Ex 28,5-6 for temple garments. This may account for the seam and margin in the Turin Shroud. I also account for the two missing corners of the Turin Shroud margin as an effort by John Mark to hide the fact that the burial shroud was his unique temple garment. The image of an oval plate with three Hebrew letters on it, which can be seen under the chin of the body on the Turin Shroud, may be the image of John Mark’s petalon, the Jewish ornament which distinguished him as a ruler.
On how the Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph exposed their Child in Nazareth at the carpenter's and ... more On how the Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph exposed their Child in Nazareth at the carpenter's and He was adopted and Mary later was known as Mary Magdalene
On that the Blessed Virgin Mary's husband Joseph was later the high priest Joseph Caiphas, sacrif... more On that the Blessed Virgin Mary's husband Joseph was later the high priest Joseph Caiphas, sacrificing their Son.
On how Luke's and the Acts' Eleven weren't the (twelve minus one) Galilean apostles, but the teet... more On how Luke's and the Acts' Eleven weren't the (twelve minus one) Galilean apostles, but the teetotal Rechabite officers of the Temple prison (nethinim). At Pentecost Simon Peter "stood up with the Eleven" (Ac 2,14), obviously not the Twelve minus Judas Iscariot. In Lu 24 Jesus appeared risen to "the Eleven" (Lu 24,9.33).
On how Mary was found to be with Child of the Holy Spirit and on how Joseph didn't want to stand ... more On how Mary was found to be with Child of the Holy Spirit and on how Joseph didn't want to stand in the way of Jesus' two biblical conditions for Messianity.
About the canonical Gospel pericopes regarding Jesus' infancy.
On how the Blessed Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph finally were together at the head of the Ch... more On how the Blessed Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph finally were together at the head of the Church in Rome

In 1988, the radiocarbon dating of a sample from the Shroud of Turin yielded a 13-14th century da... more In 1988, the radiocarbon dating of a sample from the Shroud of Turin yielded a 13-14th century date (1260-1390). The scientists involved in the radiocarbon dating announced that the Shroud was medieval. However, many other evidences about the Shroud had already indicated that it couldn’t have been produced in the 13-14th century, and that it is much older. The announcement of a medieval date opened the doors for further studies that countered the radiocarbon dating. During these new researches, many hypotheses were established to help explain the discrepancy. One hypothesis, based on the unexpected presence of cotton and a gum crust in the carbon dating area, says that the carbon dating sample was chemically anomalous in comparison with the main part of the Shroud and that this sample contained a 16th -century repair. In this article I will question both this “anomaly” and that there was a repair, and propose another explanation for the research results: the Turin Shroud, already identified as a Pharisaic priest’s temple mantle in other ways, has an internal cotton-linen selvedge at the Pharisaic seam in the sample area; the mantle was also starched and slightly dyed with Madder at manufacture, to strengthen and give a uniform color to the temple garment, that – as the Talmud commentary Maimonides says of any temple garment – should look new and was not allowed to be washed. Later, when the Shroud was surviving the fire of 1532 AD, in light scorch areas, such as the radiocarbon dating area, the starch coating was roasted to a starch gum coating.

""In questo articolo identifico l’indumento lasciato dal giovane chi « fuggì via nudo » con la si... more ""In questo articolo identifico l’indumento lasciato dal giovane chi « fuggì via nudo » con la sindone funebre di Gesù (Gv 19-20) e questo giovane con il discepolo segreto Giovanni Marco, co-autore del Vangelo di Giovanni. Spiego che è possibile e probabile che Giuseppe di Arimatèa comprò l’indumento per dare a Gesù una sepoltura « com'è usanza seppellire per i Giudei » (Gv 19,40), cioè in indumento. Identifico Giovanni Marco anche come qualcuno che aveva un ufficio alto nel tempio, per cui indossava un sindōn bianco con oraltura decorativa, agli angoli di quale un cordone blu poté essere attaccato oppure staccato, per adempiere sia al comandamento di Nm 15,38 per tutti gli indumenti, che il comandamento contraddittorio di Es 28,5-6 per indumenti da tempio. Questo può spiegare la cucitura e l’orlatura della Sindone di Torino. Giustifico la mancanza dei due angoli della Sacra Sindone come uno sforzo di Giovanni Marco per nascondere il fatto che il lenzuolo funebre era il suo eccezionale
indumento da tempio. L’immagine d’una piastra ovale – con tre lettere ebraiche – visibile sotto il mento del corpo sulla Sindone di Torino, potrebbe essere l’immagine del petalon di Giovanni Marco, l’ornamento Giudaico che lo distinse da capo.""

Le proprietà chimiche e fisiche della Sindone di Torino, sia dello sfondo non-immagine, le aree d... more Le proprietà chimiche e fisiche della Sindone di Torino, sia dello sfondo non-immagine, le aree dell'immagine, le macchie di sangue rosse rosate e il siero separato, in particolare i loro spettri di assorbanza, fluorescenza e FTIR, sono descritti e mostrati di essere evidenza per la presenza di un complesso eme-robbia rosso rosato, formato dalla interazione chimica di autentico sangue acido post-mortem e tintura gialla di robbia sul tessuto prima della formazione dell'immagine. Oltre alle numerose caratteristiche normali del sangue, la mancanza di potassio nelle macchie di sangue rosse indica che il sangue era iperkaliemico: che il potassio era uscito dai globuli rossi nel plasma, che si verifica inevitabilmente nel sangue acidemico. Gli spettri di assorbanza delle macchie di sangue infatti mostrano la banda 'trasferimento di carica' a 630 nm, tipica di sangue acido. La mancanza di globuli rossi, la mancanza di una larga banda di Soret nei spettri di assorbanza delle macchie di sangue (a circa 400 nm), e il peculiare colore rosso-rosato delle macchie di sangue indicano che, dopo uno sgocciolamento del plasma/siero ricco di potassio, i globuli rossi emolizzarono (ruppero e si aprirono) e la loro emoglobina denaturò ulteriormente in acidi dimeri di eme -che hanno solo una piccola banda di Soret -e che questi acidi dimeri di eme mordenzarono rosso rosato la tintura gialla di robbia sulla Sindone. Gli spettri FTIR di grumi di sangue della Sindone sono simili a quelli di coloro a lacca di robbia. Anche il colore rossastro della fluorescenza delle macchie di sangue corrisponde alla fluorescenza rossastra di coloro a lacca di robbia, e la forma dello spettro di riflettanza UV-vis, medio di quattro macchie di sangue, è compatibile con una combinazione di tintura di robbia, coloro a lacca di robbia e eme.
Neurourology and Urodynamics, 1990
Papers by Adrie Vd Hoeven
indumento da tempio. L’immagine d’una piastra ovale – con tre lettere ebraiche – visibile sotto il mento del corpo sulla Sindone di Torino, potrebbe essere l’immagine del petalon di Giovanni Marco, l’ornamento Giudaico che lo distinse da capo.""
indumento da tempio. L’immagine d’una piastra ovale – con tre lettere ebraiche – visibile sotto il mento del corpo sulla Sindone di Torino, potrebbe essere l’immagine del petalon di Giovanni Marco, l’ornamento Giudaico che lo distinse da capo.""