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 * Guided Tour to test guided tour features.
 * ########### 
 * ########### Lokal angelegt von Church of emacs am 13. Feb. 2013
 * ########### 
( function ( window, document, $, mw, gt ) {

// XXX (mattflaschen, 2012-01-02): See GuidedTourHooks.php
var pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgGuidedTourHelpGuiderUrl' );

gt.defineTour( {
	 * This is the name of the tour.  It must be lowercase, without any hyphen (-) or
	 * period (.) characters.
	 * The IDs below should use the same name in the middle (e.g. gt-test-2).
	name: 'test2',

	 * This is a list of the tour steps, in order.
	steps: [ {
		 * Show overlay at start of tour
		titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-test-testing',
		description: 'Dies ist ein Test der Beschreibung. Willkommen in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia!',
		overlay: true,
		buttons: [ {
			action: 'next'
		} ]
	}, {
		 * Callout of left menu
		titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-test-callouts',
		descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-test-portal-description',

		// attachment
		attachTo: '#n-portal a',
		position: '3',

		buttons: [ {
			action: 'next'
		} ]
	}, {
		 * Test out mediawiki parsing
		titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-test-mediawiki-parse',
		// XXX (mattflaschen, 2012-01-02): See GuidedTourHooks.php
		description: mw.config.get('wgGuidedTourTestWikitextDescription'),

		// attachment
		attachTo: '#searchInput',
		position: 'bottomRight', //try descriptive position (5'oclock)

		buttons: [ {
			action: 'next'
		} ]
	}, {
		 * Test out mediawiki description pages
		titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-test-description-page',
		description: pageName,

		overlay: true,
		onShow: gt.getPageAsDescription,

		buttons: [ {
			namemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-test-go-description-page',
			onclick: function() {
				window.location = mw.util.getUrl(pageName);
				return false;
		}, {
			action: 'end'
		} ]
	} ]
} );

} (window, document, jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour ) );