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21 32a PDF
21 32a PDF
W.Q Judge, he was one of the most noted and renowned of theosophists, perhaps next to
Madame Blavatsky and
Mrs. Annic Besant.
Somebody wrote to him and what that man wrote to him I'll read out to you,
[S] Here the meaning is effort to restrain the modifications, means to stop the modifications?
If you value the sutras sufficiently then your efforts will become automatic and continuous.
What does the 1st law say,
When the object to be gained is sufficiently valued, efforts towards it's attainment are
persistently followed without intermission,
without intermission,
There's not a waiting for a moment.
Now he takes up on the spiritual angle, he adds it.
What does he add now ?
When the steadiness of the thinking instrument and the calming of the vrittis is secured.
If this is what you value, if you value that the steadiness of the thinking instrument and the
restraint of the modifications is very necessary, if you value this then according to the 1st law
your efforts will be automatically nonstop.
But you must value what you want.
What are your priorities, what do you want first ?
Wife, Son, What do you want first?
The calming of the modifications, the calming of the thinking instrument,
If that is what you value most, then your efforts will be nonstop in that direction.
I repeat again this beautiful sutra. When the object to be gained is sufficiently valued, the
efforts towards its attainment are persistently followed without intermission then the
steadiness of the thinking instrument
i.e. the restraint of the vrittis is secured.
The consummation of the non-attachment results in an exact knowledge of spiritual man
when liberated from the qualities or gunas.
The first word, consummation,
a marriage is consummated, perfected, fulfilled.
When the two separate the first question the judge asks is,
Is the marriage consummated?
If not, there is no question, divorce is clear.
But in spite of that, Why? Consummated.
When the non-attachment is consummated, it is fulfilled.
If you can live your life, worldly life beautifully but without attachment
i.e when non-attachment is perfected.
What happens, then?
Results in exact knowledge of the spiritual man.
You get some hazy idea about the spiritual man.
He says, exact idea, but he is saying something more.
When liberated from the qualities or gunas.
When liberated from the qualities or gunas.
Ask any man who is trying to go on the path of spirituality and the 1st thing he'll say is,
I want to get rid of tamas and rajas,
I want to accumulate sattva.
What will happen?
There is imbalance, he will be like this, when he will walk, he will walk like this because
sattva is bending him here, rajas and tamas is no more here.
He must walk this; he must balance both.
And in the sutra, this is not mentioned that you've to get rid of tamas and rajas.
He says,
When liberated from the qualities.
That means, Nothing! even sattva should not become an attachment.
Even the vision of God should not be an attachment.
One day Laxmi told Lord Vishnu, I've got millions of devotees,
I don't know how many you got,
I don't think you have five also. So, Vishnu said I'll find out so he came on earth and went
place to place to place, everybody was worshipping Laxmi, nobody cared for poor Vishnu, at
last he came across a man, one man who was a great devotee of Vishnu.
Ahh! He said, I've found you,
Ask anything from me.
That man had reached…..