ZuercherGoetsch Crime Fulltext

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Solving Crimes with Chemistry:

The case of the missing balances

Chandra Goetsch, PhD Candidate, and Rachel Zuercher, PhD Student, UCSC;
Burnne Yew and Ruth Herradora, Chemistry Teachers, Watsonville High School

Field tested: 11th grade chemistry, Watsonville High School, Watsonville, CA (Winter 2014)

Module Type: lab activity

Duration: 110 minute class session

Key materials:
 Evidence packets for each lab group  Chalk (powdered)
 Chromatography paper  KCl
 Ink pens (5 kinds)  Boric acid
 70% isopropyl alcohol  Conductivity tester
 400 ml and 100 ml beakers  Hot plate
 Wooden coffee stirrers  Disposable glass slides
 Sugar  Bunsen burner
 Salt

Concepts: electronegativity; polarity; ionic and covalent bonding; conductivity

Skills: Using chemistry techniques (paper chromatography, flame testing, solubility testing,
melting point testing, conductivity testing) to gather data, answer questions, solve problems,
and argue from evidence.

NGSS DCI: HS-PSI.A Structure and Properties of Matter

NGSS Practices: HS-PS1-3: Planning and carrying out investigations, Analyzing and
interpreting data; HS-PS1-2: Constructing explanations and designing solutions, Engaging in
argument from evidence, and Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
NGSS CCC: 1. Patterns, Cause, and Effect: Mechanisms and explanation

This module is an opportunity for students to synthesize the concepts they have learned on the
structure and properties of matter throughout the semester. It can be modified easily to focus
on one particular concept, such as polarity. During this lab activity students will learn:

 how chemical testing can be used to identify unknown substances,

 how to apply previously learned scientific techniques to novel questions/problems,
 how to collect data from a series of experiments with careful observations, and
 how to record and interpret data and make conclusions based on gathered evidence.

Navigate: Background Materials &Time Starting Point Procedures Standards Supplemental

It’s Elementary, My Dear Watsonville

Background for Teachers

Why this matters: Basic concepts, like bonding and polarity, are often taught at the beginning
of a chemistry course to build a foundation for understanding later, more difficult concepts.
However, many students find it hard to remember these foundational lessons, hindering their
later success. This module is intended to be a synthesis of several basic chemistry concepts
regarding the properties and structure of matter. In addition to providing needed review and
repetition of these concepts, this module is also intended to teach students necessary skills in
the application of concepts to novel problems, collection of data, interpretation of evidence,
and the communication of results.
Assumed background: Students should have prior knowledge of basic properties of matter,
including electronegativity, polarity, solubility, and types of chemical bonding. Students should
have completed previous labs using flame tests, solubility tests, conductivity tests, melting
points, and chromatography. It will be helpful (though not necessary) for students to have
notes on how to conduct each test for reference during this lab. This module can be used as a
follow-up to the SCWIBLES module “Colors in Chemistry” for teaching the concept of
molecular polarity.
Special context: Many specialty fields require practitioners to use a variety of scientific
techniques to answer questions and/or solve problems. For example, forensic scientists often
collect many different types of evidence from a crime scene. Each type of evidence might be
tested in several different ways to determine what it is or how it is important to understanding
the crime. This module allows students to become familiar with ways that techniques learned
in chemistry class can be applied to new situations. The module encourages creative thinking
as students choose which methods are appropriate to test the provided evidence. After
conducting the appropriate chemical tests, the students can conclude, based on their tests,
which suspect committed the crime. This reinforces students’ ability to make inferences and
conclusions based on collected evidence. The lab capitalizes on many students’ interest in
forensic sciences and crime scene investigation.
Scaffolding supplements: The SCWIBLES “Colors in Chemistry” module is a precursor to
this module and can be used to teach electronegativity, polarity, and paper chromatography.
The following links are resources for teaching high school students to do flame tests:
Video showing how to identify substances using a flame test: http://youtu.be/ZsvsptBQUVQ
Examples of a typical high school flame test lab:
The following link has resources for teaching ionic and covalent bonding:

Module Description
Each lab group should have an evidence packet with the following materials:
• Crime suspect bios (MBcrime_bios.docx) – This document has pictures and brief
biographies of the suspects introduced in the PowerPoint presentation
(MissingBalances.pptx). The suspects in this lab are actually teachers from Watsonville
High School (with the names altered, but still recognizable). Teachers from other schools
should feel free to change the suspect photos and names to represent faculty at their own

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school. We found that using actual teachers as suspects increased students excitement
and interest in the lab activity. Similarly, the crime (stolen equipment from Driscoll Berry
Company in Watsonville) was written for Watsonville HS student. The crime story can be
easily changed to make it more relevant to students elsewhere!
• Crime lab protocol (MBstudent_guide.docx) – This can be provided to the students at
discretion of the teacher. Teachers may wish to not provide the instructions and have
students use their own notes from earlier in the semester to decide which tests to use for
the provided evidence and for instructions on how to conduct those tests. Withholding the
instruction sheet is only recommended for advanced classes, and can extend the amount
of time needed to complete the module.
• Chemical reference sheet (MBchemical_reference.docx) – During this lab, students test the
unknown powder provided to them in their evidence packet. They do not test all of the
possible known substances (salt, sugar, KCl, boric acid, chalk). The chemical reference
sheet provides chemical properties of the known substances. Once students complete
chemistry tests on their unknown white substance, they must compare their findings with
the properties of the known substances on this sheet to identify their unknown (and
determine the criminal).
• A pre-prepared strip of chromatography paper with the unknown dot of black ink evidence
at the origin line – Students will be told that this has been pre-processed from the note
found at the crime scene (see the PowerPoint presentation). Additional space should be
left on the origin line to the right of the unknown ink sample since students are required to
test all known pens as well. A diagram of the strip is included in the MBstudent_guide.docx
document and can be drawn on the board as well to show students how to prepare their
chromatography test.
• A sample of unidentified white powder from the crime scene (sugar, salt, chalk, KCl, or
boric acid).
• 5 different pens (confiscated from the crime suspects) for use in the chromatography test.

Additional materials needed for each group:

 70% isopropyl alcohol  Glass stir rod
 400 ml beaker for chromatography test  Metal spatula or scoopula
 Wooden coffee stirrers for flame test  Glass slide for melting point test
and chromatography test  Thermometer (Celsius) with a maximum
 DI water temperature of at least 150 °C
 100 ml beaker for solubility, conductivity,  Bunsen burner
and flame test (clean and rinsed with DI  Conductivity tester
water)  Hot plate
 50 ml graduated cylinder (clean and
rinsed with DI water)

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Preparation: Teachers should prepare an evidence package for each lab group before the
day of the lab. We have provided a cheat sheet for teachers (MBteachers_guide.docx) for 9
different evidence packets. For classes with more than nine groups, evidence packets can be
repeated. For less than nine groups, evidence packets can be eliminated. Each evidence
packet is labeled with a letter and has a different guilty suspect. Teachers can tell the class
this to encourage each group to work separately (a correct answer for one group will be
incorrect for the group next to them!). Teachers should also prepare lab stations with materials
to conduct paper chromatography, a flame test, a melting point test, a solubility test and a
conductivity test. If time is an issue, we recommend setting up each station with the needed
materials before class instead of having students collect the items themselves. If ink pens
other than the types and brands noted in the teacher’s guide are used, teachers should run a
paper chromatography test on the pens prior to conducting the lab to insure that student’s will
be able to distinguish each pen from the others. Finally, teachers should soak wooden coffee
stirrers (used for the flame test) in water for at least several hours before the lab begins.

1. Introduction 20 min.
2. Lab preparation 20 min.
3. Lab activity 60 min.
4. Conclusion (clean-up and debrief) 15 min.

Starting Point For Inquiry:

Most students are familiar with the field of forensic science from television shows like CSI:
Crime Scene Investigation, NCIS, and Law and Order. Teachers can introduce this module by
discussing the broad field of forensic science and its application to law enforcement,
specifically mentioning techniques like fingerprinting, DNA testing, and trace analyses. They
can then transition into the specifics of this module by talking about how forms of techniques
that the students have already learned (e.g. chromatography, testing of chemical properties)
can be applied to forensics.

Detailed Procedure:
1. Introduction (20 minutes)
PowerPoint: Before students break into lab groups, teachers should introduce the activity with
a PowerPoint presentation (MissingBalances.pptx). The PowerPoint allows students to review
previously learned concepts that are necessary for this lab, and introduces the crime story,
evidence and crime suspects. Notes for the presentation are included in the PowerPoint file.

Worksheet: While watching the PowerPoint, students should start to complete the Missing
Balances worksheet (MBworksheet.docx). Once the Case Description section is complete,
student’s can break into lab groups and receive their Evidence Packet.

2. Lab preparation (20 minutes)

Each lab group’s first task is to create a Crime Lab Work Plan (page 2 of worksheet).
Teachers should sign the work plan for each group indicating that the group understands the
lab and is ready to begin chemical tests.

3. Lab activity (60 minutes)

Students will now follow the lab plan that they recorded on their worksheet. Instructors should
be checking in with groups regularly during the evidence-testing phase. Note that students

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should be filling out the worksheet with data as they go! All test results should be recorded in
the appropriate sections of the lab report, and final questions should be answered after tests
are complete. Each lab group will receive a different evidence packet, and thus not all groups
will find the same suspect guilty. Lab groups will test only the unknown substance included in
the lab packet, and compare the results to the Chemical Reference Sheet (included in
supplemental materials) with melting point, solubility, flame test and conductivity values and
results for materials corresponding to each suspect. Lab groups will test both the unknown
pen and all five (5) pens given in the evidence pack with paper chromatography. A document
of crime lab protocols (MBstudent_guide.docx) is included in the supplemental material for
students that need guidance to complete the chemical property tests.

4. Conclusion (15 minutes)

Cleanup: each group should put all items back in the Crime Evidence Packet and leave the
packet for the next class. All materials used during evidence testing should be brought back to
the classroom materials table. Lab benches should be clean before students return to their
seats to complete their lab report. Teachers who are interested in using this module as an
opportunity for their students to gain writing practice can use the attached Missing Balances
Lab Report Worksheet (MBpolice_report.docx). This is a writing assignment for students to
summarize their methods, results and lab conclusions that can be given as homework.

Assessment Methods:
Instructors should check crime reports for the following:
Did students determine the thief correctly?
Did students correctly identify the unknown white powder?
Did students carry out the chromatography test correctly? Did they identify the correct pen?

Instructors should also discuss the concepts of electronegativity, polarity, solubility, and
bonding with students throughout the lab. If students are able to answer questions about the
underlying concepts, then they demonstrate understanding of the material. Example

1. Why can you determine which pen the ink came from? Why does the ink separate into
distinct color bands?

2. Why can you determine the identity of a substance using melting point? Flame testing?

Possible pitfalls:
Students may have trouble remembering how to conduct the tests, even having their
notebooks handy. It may be useful for teachers to write the page numbers on the board where
students can find the procedures in their lab notebooks.

It is helpful to have additional chromatography strips for each evidence packet prepared ahead
of time, so if a group messes up, they can repeat the test. In addition, each new class will
need new sets of chromatography paper (with an unknown ink dot on it). Teachers can make
these prior to the day of the lab. It is important for teachers to label the chromatography paper
so that they know the identity of the unknown ink dot (we used a pencil letter in the upper
corner of the paper).

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If students use non-DI water or have contaminated glassware, then they may get incorrect
results for the conductivity test. It is important to emphasize during set-up that they need to
rinse and use DI water only during the lab.

The flame test color is only visible for a brief period of time when the powder begins to burn. If
students see an immediate color change, they should record it record it. After the chemical has
burned away, the flame will revert to a typical orange color.

Teachers: is helpful to always have the cheat sheet on you to identify when a group is making
a mistake and guide them toward the right answer! For example, you may need to suggest that
a group repeat a certain test. We also found it helpful to remind the students that they can be
working on more than one test at once (especially that they can be working on other tests
while the chromatography paper is developing).

This may be one of the first times that students are doing a lab without an explicit set of
ordered instructions. It will be difficult for students to come up with their own instructions and
directions. It is important to encourage all groups to think creatively and use the materials
provided to them. Teachers can assist students by checking in regularly during the lab and
pointing students back to the evidence that can be tested.

Forensic Science Vocabulary
Forensic Science (Forensics) - the application of a broad spectrum of sciences and
technologies to investigate and establish facts of interest in relation to criminal or civil law.

Crime Scene - Any physical location in which a crime has occurred or is suspected of having

Suspect - Person thought to be capable of committing a crime.

The following terms are words students should have been introduced to previously. This lab
can be used as a review.
Polarity - Separation of electric charge (positive and negative) in a molecule. This leads to a
Electronegativity - The amount of pull that one atom exerts on the electrons that it is sharing
with other atoms.
Chromatography – a laboratory technique for the separation of mixtures.
Ionic Bond – a chemical bond that involves one atom losing an electron to form a positive ion
and the other atom gaining an electron to form a negative ion
Covalent Bond - a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a
Conductivity - The ability of a material to conduct electrical energy
NGSS Standards Addressed
Disciplinary Core Ideas
HS-PSI.A Structure and Properties of Matter

Science & Engineering Practices

HS-PS1-3: Planning and carrying out investigations, Analyzing and interpreting data

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HS-PS1-2: Constructing explanations and designing solutions, Engaging in argument from

evidence, Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Cross Cutting Concepts

1. Patterns, Cause and Effect: Mechanisms and explanation

Guide to supplemental materials

Missing Balances PowerPoint: MissingBalances.pptx

Missing Balances Worksheet: MBworksheet.docx

Missing Balances Lab Report Worksheet: MBpolice_report.docx

Crime suspect bios: MBcrime_bios.docx

Missing Balances Teacher Reference Sheet: MBteachers_guide.docx

Missing Balances Chemical Reference Sheet: MBchem_reference.docx

Missing Balances Student Instructions: MBstudent_guide.docx

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