Form 45

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[Refer Rule 82(1)]
The State Transport Authority,
I/We the undersigned hereby apply for the grant of permit for tourist vehicle valid
throughout the territory of India/in the State of.........................(specify the names of the
1. Name of the applicant(s) in full ...........................
2. Status of the applicant, whether individual, company
or partnership firm, co-operative society, etc. ..........................
3. Name of father or husband (in case of individual and in case
of firm or company the particulars of managing partner or
managing director, as the case may be.) ..........................
4. Full address (to be supported by attested copy of ration card,
electricity bill, etc., in case of individual or any other valid
documentary proof to the satisfaction of State Transport
Authority and in case of company or firm, certified copy of the
memorandum of association or copy of partnership deed) ..........................
5. (a) Whether the applicant himself intends to drive the vehicle ?
(b) If so, whether the applicant holds—
(i) Heavy passenger motor vehicle driving licence .........................
(ii) The number, date and validity period of driving licence ..........................
(iii) Name and address of the licensing authority .........................
6. Registration certificate along with the date of first
registration, insurance certificate number .........................
7. Details of other permits, if any, held in respect of a
particular vehicle .....................
8. Details of total number of tourist permits held by the applicant .........................
9. Type of vehicle .........................
10. Make of motor vehicle .........................
11. Particulars of convictions/suspensions/cancellation, if any,
during the past three years in respect of the vehicle/permit
held by the applicant(s) .........................
12. I/we forward herewith the certificate of registration of the
vehicle or I/we will produce the certificate of registration of the
vehicle before the permits are issued. .........................
13. I/we hereby declare that the above statements are true
and that I/we am/are resident(s) of this State having principal
place of business in this State at ........................
14. I/We have paid the fee of Rs. ........................
Date...................... Signature or thumb impression of the applicant

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