Bad day in the gym?! 😲 You might want to consider these factors 👇🏼 • BAD SLEEP quality sleep is crucial for recovery & feeling energized • OVERTRAINING: don't forget your body needs time to recover & repair itself • DEHYDRATION: this impairs your body's ability to regulate heat, which causes your body temperature & heart rate to rise. This causes you to feel more tired during exercise • POOR NUTRITION: if you're not fueling your body with the right foods, you might have a lack of energy Kito Diet, Lack Of Focus, Poor Nutrition, Quality Sleep, Lack Of Energy, In The Gym, Bad Day, Diet Tips, Heart Rate

Bad day in the gym?! 😲

Bad day in the gym?! 😲 You might want to consider these factors 👇🏼 • BAD SLEEP quality sleep is crucial for recovery & feeling energized • OVERTRAINING: don't forget your body needs time to recover & repair itself • DEHYDRATION: this impairs your body's ability to regulate heat, which causes your body temperature & heart rate to rise. This causes you to feel more tired during exercise • POOR NUTRITION: if you're not fueling your body with the right foods, you might have a lack of energy


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