Panda bears

265 Pins
Roses are red, cake is divine, this masterpiece is officially mine 🎂🌹🐼 #CakeGoals #sweetescape
I asked for a light wrap… not a mummy makeover! 🐼😂 #WrappedUpInBamboo
Squat now, snack later… or maybe just snack now #LegDayPanda #SquatGoals #FluffAndMuscles #struggleisreal
Hide and seek champion 2024. Just because you're big doesn't mean you're not sneaky. 🤫🐼 #ninjapanda
When you’re trying to figure out if 101° is serious or just extra toasty! 🐼🔥 #PandaMD #hotpaws
’I’ll get up soon,’ said every panda ever 🐼🙃 Let’s just call it a productive pause. #FiveMoreMinutes #LazyPandaMode #DreamBigAndNap
When you realize it’s Friday but you forgot to finish Monday’s to-do list. 🐼📅 #oops
Cleaning? Nah, I'm manifesting a clean house. ✨🐼 #ProcrastinationMaster #ChoresAreOverrated #ManifestingCleanVibes #BubblesOverBrooms
Yawning so hard the pillow might just fly off! 🐼💤 #NotAMorningPanda #sleepyvibes
When the bed wins the battle, but you promise to get up... eventually 🐼⏰ #SnoozeChampion #BedtimeStruggles #eventuallyrisingfromtheashes
Leaf it to me to make salad look this good! 🥗🐼 #LettuceCelebrate #PandaEatsClean