Amazing Grace. Christian Hymn Gospel Church Music.

The beautiful and very touching song, Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see - written by John Newton, the former slave trader, turned Christian after having a radical encounter and transformation with the Holy Spirit. We totally love this wonderful song.
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creativetrio123 on Instagram: As the lyrics say, "Amazing grace how sweet the sound!" Thank God for His amazing grace that never fails towards His people. Enjoy the…
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Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace - song by Creative Trio | Spotify
Amazing Grace Christian Hymn Gospel Song. Church Music
One of the iconic and powerful hymn that we all love to listen and sing. Yes Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound. I was lost but now I am found.
Powerful adlibs vocal by 7yo and her siblings.Great voice the kids singing “Amazing Grace” song
Powerful vocal and sweet singing by little girl (7yo) with her brothers. Watch the end for the high notes when she belted her voice in this song. Great singing voice with stunning music video captured in a beautiful scenery that can be watched from our #youtube channel. #singer #singing #songs #christianwomen #christianliving #kidsfashion #church #music #voice #vocals #children #kids #girlpower #girlboss #powerful #gospel #inspiration #siblings #musician #jesus #grace #favourite #song #scenery