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Prodigal Son art, joyful contemporary Christian art, God of love art, reproduction of art by Vicki Shuck, free GrndAdv USPS shipping in US
This painting was inspired by the parable in Luke 15:11-32. Though there are many aspects to this parable, my focus here is on the Father's whole-hearted joy and forgiveness in welcoming back his son. How amazing to think that such an extravagant "welcome home party" is for US when we turn to God! Read on for more info about the print and shipping. About the artwork: * Reproduction of an original gouache painting by Vicki Shuck * The image measures 10 inches wide and 14 inches tall and is on 11
Who Is Our Neighbor? Lessons from the Good Samaritan - Providence
Who Is Our Neighbor? Lessons from the Good Samaritan
Lucas 10:33-35 Pero un samaritano, que iba de camino, vino cerca de él, y viéndole, fue movido a misericordia; y acercándose, vendó sus heridas, echándoles aceite y vino; y poniéndole en su cabalgadura, lo llevó al mesón, y cuidó de él. Otro día al partir, sacó dos denarios, y los dio al mesonero, y le dijo: Cuídamele; y todo lo que gastes de más, yo te lo pagaré cuando regrese.♔
Beautiful illustrations of Bible stories and concepts - The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30
Millions Will Attend—Will You? On the night before he died, Jesus met with his apostles. At that time, he introduced a simple ceremony, and he told them: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” They were to do so in remembrance of the sacrifice he was about to make in behalf of mankind.—Luke 22:19, 20. Last year, in obedience to Jesus’ command, almost 20 million people worldwide observed this annual event. What about this year? The Memorial of Christ’s death will be held on Friday, April 3, ...
The Needed Choice. The Better Choice.
Mary, Martha, and what they have to do with us. Don't neglect Jesus in the business of life. Choose what is better. Choose Him!