ED Leadership-Admin

25 Pins
4 Things Principals Can Say That Make Teachers Happy - Stephanie McConnell/Principal Principles
What to do if Classroom Observations are Unsatisfactory - Stephanie McConnell/Principal Principles
9 Qualities the Most Admired School Leaders Share - We Are Teachers
Home - Appletastic Learning
Qualities Found in a Great Assistant Principal - Stephanie McConnell/Principal Principles
Principals: Are you brave enough to ask for staff feedback? | Cult of Pedagogy
What to do if Classroom Observations are Unsatisfactory - Stephanie McConnell/Principal Principles
This topic, What to do if classroom observations are unsatisfactory, has two parts. Part I is for principals and Part 2 is for teachers. I wanted
Building a Culture that Respects Teachers and Reduces Stress
Should I Become a School Principal?