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<score raw="1" sound="1">\version "2.22.0"
\header { tagline = ##f}
\score {
\drums \with {midiInstrument = "drums"}
\with { \numericTimeSignature }
\repeat volta 2 {
<<{cymra4 cymra cymra cymra}\\{bd2 sne2}>>
<<{cymra8 r cymra r cymra r cymra r}\\{bd4 r sne4 r}>>\break
\layout {}
\score {
\unfoldRepeats {
\drums \with {midiInstrument = "drums"}{
\repeat volta 2 {
<<{cymra4 cymra cymra cymra}\\{bd2 sne2}>>
<<{cymra8 r cymra r cymra r cymra r}\\{bd4 r sne4 r}>>\break
\midi { \tempo 4 = 100 }
BeschreibungHalf time rock pattern.png
English: Simple quadruple drum pattern: divides four beats into two. Half time: notice the snare moves to beats 3 of measure one and two (beats 3 & 7) while the hi-hat plays only on the quarter notes. Note also, for example, that the quarter notes 'sound like' eighth notes in one giant measure.
Created by Hyacinth (talk) 20:12, 1 March 2010 using Sibelius 5.
This media depicts a rhythm outside of a specific musical context. Rhythms without melody or harmony (no "distinctiveness"), may be used in compositions by multiple composers ("common material"), and may not be readily apparent in compositions. As such, a rhythm is a musical concept or technique, which is considered too simple to be eligible for copyright protection, or which consists only of technique, with no original creative input.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This media depicts a musical concept or technique, which is considered too simple to be eligible for copyright protection, or which consists only of technique, with no original creative input.
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