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Review of scheduled bulk deletion on a production database

I have a EU privacy requirement to delete production data regularly. The script runs weekly when the traffic is quiet. I wondered if there is any way to improve this script. I can't delete directly ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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6 votes
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SQL Server - Files timestamps unchanged so what is it that's being backed up?

Please see the below snapshot, showing the timestamps of all the data files as well as transaction log files for one of the SQL Server instances under my management. This is a production instance. ...
RGO's user avatar
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Do I need to leave some extra space available on the disk which my database log files reside, for log backup operations to successfully occur?

If I size my log files to evenly split the entire drive they reside on, leaving no extra space available, will log backups still be able to occur successfully? I have several databases, with one log ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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Why Won't a Database Backup if the Log File is Full?

I've got a simple backup script for a database in the full recovery model on SQL Server 2008 R2: backup database livendb to disk = '\\ehsjmaydb01\Data\livendb.bak' with init, format backup log ...
James's user avatar
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Can't shrink Log file - "An invalid Floating point operation occurred. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3623)"

When selecting the Transaction Log file from the dropdown on the Shrink Files screen in SSMS, I get the following error: Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management....
Sil8ntDBA's user avatar
3 votes
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Database with replication and mirroring stuck in LOG_BACKUP after log file shrink

Need an advice from SQL Server Experts. I'm just a developer, not a DBA, so pardon my ignorance. My environment consists of 2 equal instances (Node1 and Node2) of SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 (10.50.4339.0)...
andrews's user avatar
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Database transaction log growth who is the cuplrit? [duplicate]

There are abundant information on how to shrink a growing Transaction log, from frequent log backups, to changing the RECOVERY from FULL to SIMPLE and truncate. A daily background job takes care of ...
fcm's user avatar
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Cannot get LOB data from SQL Server transaction logs

I am trying to extract all information (Insert, Update and Delete Operations) from the transaction log file of SQL Server manually. For this work, I am using the undocumented functions fn_dblog and ...
maddy's user avatar
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Bloated transaction log and .bak backup size confusion [duplicate]

I recently inherited a poorly-managed SQL server. One of the databases is in rough shape. Here are the details: The .mdf file is a modest 369MB. The .ldf file is a bloated 29.7GB. The recovery model ...
Charley Kowalski's user avatar
2 votes
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Log shipping monitor primary not seeing recent backups, warnings triggered in error

I am receiving the Log shipping Primary Server Alert warning in error In msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary the last backup time is 1215 however on that machine there are .trn files that have been ...
cockbeard's user avatar
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Is a manual log file grow procedure working different that autogrowth?

I wonder if the internal methods of growing a file using ALTER DATABASE testdb MODIFY FILE ( NAME = testdb_Log , SIZE = 40960MB --40 GB ) work different then letting the file ...
Magier's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 R2 - Rebuild Log

I'm trying to rebuild a log file for my database. I want to know if what is happening is normal. This is what I'm doing: use master ALTER DATABASE my_db SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; ALTER ...
phatneff's user avatar
0 votes
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Sql Server log: is 'Backup|Log was backed up' the same as 'BackupDatabase: Log files done'?

One transaction log file is growing and growing for a couple of days and I can't find out why. Now I figured out that either the way the activities are stored in the sql logfile OR the behaviour of ...
Magier's user avatar
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Why isn't transaction log free space always reused?

After monitoring the Transaction log files for a while I noticed that some of them sometimes behave in a way I did not expect. Here are two samples for comparison. All data is based on EXEC('DBCC ...
Magier's user avatar
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Redefine Transaction log size restricion fails

I am trying to set the transaction log's max size restriction to UNRESTRICTED using SSMS using the following dialogue: The actual setting is set to 2.097.152 MB - a nonsense value that exceeds the ...
Magier's user avatar
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I had configured Log shipping from INSTANCE1 to INSTANCE2. For the past few days, am able to find that the log backup is truncating only at the midnight. Due to this, LSRestore Job in INSTANCE2 got ...
Vinesh Senthilvel's user avatar
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Influence of index rebuild tasks in tempdb on the transaction log?

I have read pretty much about index maintenance and all the pros/cons of reorg, rebuild, online, offline, TEMPDB and timing and right now I am kind of more confused than ever before... The goal is to ...
Magier's user avatar
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Really big LOG backups on a DB with Image field

Normally, our log backups has < 10MB size In a big database with a lot of transactions per hour ). But now we have a database, that is storing Images on a Image field. the problem is, the ...
Racer SQL's user avatar
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Index Rebuilding Log File Growth

I would like to start running regular index maintenance on a server that has been running for a while without it. The database is running in FULL recover with log shipping. The problem I am having is ...
Chris Albert's user avatar
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Shrinking log files on development

I've been looking at getting some disk space back on some of our development machines. These are machines that are not being backed up, not being developed on directly, and not being maintained ...
Reaces's user avatar
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First log backup after FULL taking lots of space

In the backups I'm doing in my database, the first LOG backup I do after the FULL backup is taking too much space, even more than the full backup. For example: 4:50 AM: FULL BACKUP - .bak 7.2GB 6:...
Diego Jancic's user avatar
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Change recovery mode and enforce a transaction log backup?

I am going to do a special data deletion operation - once and during a maintenance with no user access (Sql 2008 r2). The result is a large deletion of millions of blob data from a table by re-...
Magier's user avatar
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How can I avoid writing to the Transaction Log file when I drop, create and reload data to a table?

I need to create a couple of snapshot tables that will export a large amount of data. While running a few tests, I need to create the table, import data, inspect the results, update the export query ...
RLH's user avatar
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Size of individual transactions in log file

is there a way to find out the size of transactions from the transaction log by looking at the log file in SQL Server 2008? I do have an unexpected bloat of my logfile from some maintenance jobs which ...
dim's user avatar
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How are these two SQL Server rollbacks different?

In SQL Server 2008 R2, how are these two rollbacks different: Run an ALTER statement, for a few minutes, and then hit 'Cancel Executing'. It takes a few minutes to rollback completely. Run the same ...
ToC's user avatar
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How can I reduce the Initial Size of a LOG file?

I've inherited a SQL Server 2008r2 database; the Data file was created with an initial size of 1,000 mb, but the Transaction Log has an initial size of 28,016 mb. No backups were being performed. I'...
Brent Brown's user avatar
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Restore a large number of transaction logs

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2, and I need to restore 36 .trn logs to a database. I have restored the first 4 using the restore transaction log functionality in SSMS (right-click database > tasks > ...
Sadie's user avatar
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Could not redo log record on mirror

One of my database mirrors is in the suspended state today and the error log on the mirror shows the following. Could not redo log record (338934:102862:477), for transaction ID (0:848150408), on ...
Krystoff's user avatar
4 votes
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Unable to shrink log file due to snapshot replication

Our database log (SQL Server 2008 R2) is growing too big, and truncating it via DBCC SHRINKFILE doesn't work (the database is set to simple recovery mode). A bit of background. I released some ...
MLT's user avatar
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Log Sequence Numbers in Full BackUp and Log Backup

My full back-up starts daily at 02:00 AM. It takes about 3 hours. I also take T-Log back-ups every 15 minutes (at 15,30,45 and 00 hours). I can verify the LSN sequences of T-log backups when I "...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
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Checkpoints and Logging

I'm working on getting full grasp of logging architecture. Please correct me if I'm wrong here: I understand that a checkpoint occurs (also lazywriter) to write the dirty pages in the memory to the ...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
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How do you create a job in SQL server 2008 R2 that will clear transaction logs?

I have created a maintenance plan in SQL Server 2008 to delete transaction logs backups older than 3 days. Every day I look in the folder designated and the logs are still there. The job states it has ...
Jericho's user avatar
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Why does transaction log continue to grow in Simple recovery mode with nightly backups

Before immediately marking as duplicate, I have read Mike Walsh's Why Does the Transaction Log Keep Growing or Run Out of Space?, but I don't think it gave an answer to my situation. I looked through ...
DerekCate's user avatar
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Fixing an error 9004 without taking the database offline

My database (SQL Server 2008 r2) is running fine but I’m getting the following error in my event log. Error: 9004, Severity: 23, State: 6. An error occurred while processing the log for database '...
Kenny Johansen's user avatar
5 votes
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Switching from SIMPLE to FULL recovery mode implications

I have several databases that I'd like to move over to FULL recovery mode so we can have point-in-time restore capability. We don't need it on all of our databases, just the ones that are transaction ...
Kris Gruttemeyer's user avatar
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Log File Management - Space on Disk

At our organisation we have several non-Production environments where Developers run free and wild with TSQL code and databases. The DBA team do not normally monitor or maintain them. Recently several ...
Paul's user avatar
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Virtual Log Files (VLFs) Fragmentation

I have a database with 160 VLFs. How do I determine whether the VLFs are fragmented? Further, how do I find the percentage of fragmentation? Another thing that I want to confirm: Are the following ...
AA.SC's user avatar
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Transaction Log Shipping doesn't use the latest transaction log

I have setup transaction log shipping between two servers every 15 minutes, this is on SQL Server 2008 R2. The problem is that when the logs are being restored on the secondary server, it always uses ...
M Bartolomeo's user avatar
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SQL Server - Data and Log Separation

We have a SQL Server 2008 R2 which has, among others, a 12K RPM HDD and a 7.2K RPM HDD. The original intention was to store the data files on the 12K drive and the log files on the 7.2K drive, as is ...
TheColonel's user avatar
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Encountered unexpected growth Transaction log file size

We are using SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard version, we created Maintenance plan Rebuild Index, Reorganized Index and update Statistic , Scheduled Every day at 1 AM. After Executing this Maintenance Plan,...
user35318's user avatar
2 votes
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Transaction Log Backups on SQL Server

Running SQL2008 R2 SP2, database is in FULL Mode Is it Possible to shrink the transaction log without putting it into SIMPLE mode? Temporarily cannot take log backus and don't want it to grow until I ...
user avatar
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How to pinpoint root cause of excessive log file growth

The log file stays pretty small (~500MB) until about 11PM, and at that point it begins growing until no disk space is available. The log file reached it's maximum size at 12:39AM, so the growth took ...
TechDawg270's user avatar
1 vote
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Securely deleting data from SQL Server logs

Is there a good way to purge data from a particular DB's *.LDF? A little background... I'm a SysAd, not a DBA. I'm running SQL Server 2008 R2 for one of my applications and I'm not particularly ...
Doct0rZ's user avatar
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Rebuilding index

I have a transaction database and one of nightly job is to rebuild indexes that followed by a log backup and then shrink the log. Is this safe to do so ? Thanks Antony
cibin's user avatar
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Sneaky rollback in SQL Server 2008 R2

Is it possible for an entire set of committed transactions to be rolled back in SQL Server 2008 R2 without any notification or logging anywhere? We had a set of data apparently get rolled back this ...
Valkyrie's user avatar
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Difference between Full backup and Copy-only full backup

I saw in the SQL Server Central thread Does a full backup truncate the log? that full backup does not truncate the log: No. Neither Full or Differential backups truncate the transaction log. - Lynn ...
IT researcher's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I decrypt TDE transaction log files for use with 3rd party software?

Is there a way to decrypt TDE log files on disk for use with 3rd party software? I have the original key and certificates. I am trying to use the transaction files with a 3rd party tool in order to ...
bbqfrito's user avatar
9 votes
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When performing a cross-database transaction, in which transaction log(s) is the information stored?

Given the following snippet: -- error checking omitted for brevity begin tran exec database1..my_stored_procedure exec database2..my_other_stored_procedure if (@@error <> 0) rollback ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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Reducing high VLF count

I have been using Brent Ozar's sp_blitz script to review our database setup and have found that the VLF count is high (13562!) on the primary DB since changing to Full recovery model. I ran a full ...
mizzle's user avatar
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Database not naturally shrinking log file [duplicate]

I have a database that is set to Simple recovery mode. There is 99% free space in the log file and I can manually truncate the log file right down to 500 MB. The next day, after a daily import ...
codingbadger's user avatar