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Install MySQL for Windows from .zip and reset root password

I wanted to have on my PC (with Windows 8.1 x64) the MySQL server only, without Workbench or something. So I downloaded .zip archive from It's a download for Win64 on x86_64 ...
retif's user avatar
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3 answers

Forgotten PostgreSQL Windows password

This morning I’ve been trying to connect the PostgreSQL database on my Windows 7 Professional desktop. The default value is ‘postgres’, but sure enough I forgot what password I used when I originally ...
AKIWEB's user avatar
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17 votes
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How do I reset the postgres password for PostgreSQL on Windows? [duplicate]

I have installed PostgreSQL on my Windows machine for development. Now I haven't used it for a while, and have forgotten the password for user postgres (default admin user in PostgreSQL). How can I ...
Jonas's user avatar
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