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Force Index does not work on aws mysql

I have a table sales with a compound index on (user_id, eastern_date, state) CREATE TABLE sales ( id int not null auto_increment, user_id int not null, eastern_date date not null, ...
RSHAP's user avatar
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MySQL performance issue when a hash join is used

I'm having an issue where the optimizer seems to be doing a full table scan and exhibiting a big performance hit when a hash join is used. Schema and sample data: CREATE TABLE `px_po_status` ( `...
Eaten by a Grue's user avatar
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Query with left join not using index

The below query is taking about 1 second to run SELECT `taxi_driver_mapping`.*, concat("dpk00", taxi_driver_mapping.mapping_payment_plan_id) AS package_text, `people`.*, ...
user5594148's user avatar
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What exactly happens when optimizer_prune_level = 1?

This documentation link states that optimizer_prune_level Controls the heuristics applied during query optimization to prune less-promising partial plans from the optimizer search space. Can ...
Arun S R's user avatar
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Analyzing a query plan for a query with TWO predicates, but index only has ONE

Note: This is from an introductory database systems course at my university so I'm not entirely sure if it matters, but for what it's worth we are being taught MySQL. One homework question I'm doing ...
Veins's user avatar
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What does MySQL actually use to decide which index should be used?

I know there is already similar question here like How does the database decide which Index to use. But it seems that those answers are not cool and useless. In my development and use of MySQL, I ...
Tommy.Tang's user avatar
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Create a proper index for query

I have a query that needs to be executed by a maximum of 10 concurrent processes at the same time. Each process must extract one different record from the table. The result which I'm trying to obtain ...
tobia.zanarella's user avatar
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Same database, different mysql: ENORMOUS DIFFERENCE in query time execution

I have two MySQL installations, one is on Windows with Xampp, the other one is on Mac. Machines are similar in hardware. The databases are the same, imported in each MySQL from a DUMP file. I ...
Ferex's user avatar
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Simple SELECT takes forever, but works as a subquery. Why?

I'm running a MySQL 5.1 server and I have a MyISAM table called my_table with nearly 5 million records. Its structure is the following: +---------------------------------------------------------------...
Dero's user avatar
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