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Questions tagged [mysql]

All versions of MySQL (not Microsoft SQL Server). Please also add a version-specific tag like mysql-5.7 if that is relevant to the question.

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2 answers

How to use mysqldump to transfer data to another server with a different database name

I have a production MySQL server and I want to copy everything to a development MySQL server (actually, I believe it is really MariaDB on the development side). Both servers are hosted (one Azure, the ...
John's user avatar
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How to reduce running time? Execution time exceeded

Excuse my grammar Im dyslexic: The main issue is that after calculating all the lags and flows at the ISIN level, when I try to do the final grouping by bucket, asset class, and date, I'm forced to re-...
Frank's user avatar
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`--single-transaction` equivalent for mysqlsh util.dumpSchema

My database is using InnoDB, and when using mysqldump I have the option to set --single-transaction to avoid locking the tables while still having a consistent view of them. I'm trying to switch over ...
Nate Glenn's user avatar
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MySQL loses connection on accessing some tables

MySQL: On some specific tables in one database, SELECT or other commands immediately fail with "2013 Lost connection to server". Sometimes the initial "USE database" fails the ...
CCP's user avatar
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Unable to create root@localhost mysql 5.7 or 8.0.31

I have received a mysql environment to work on and currently Audits are being performed. What I see in mysql.user is 'root'@'%' created everywhere and it is required that access to root is to be ...
Avinash Pawar's user avatar
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How to calculate the intersection area between polygons in MySQL

I have a table parcels where I store polygons in a column. I'm trying to find all parcels that intersect with a user-provided polygon and calculate the intersection area in square meters. The table: ...
Dario PP's user avatar
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MYSQL Authentication Error

I have a MYSQl Database hosted by our ocal ISP. IT recently crashed and they attempted to recover what they could from the VM.However, on core application (a Student Reporting System) fails to ...
Declan Milimo's user avatar
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varchar or blob for encoded data

I plan to store a lot of customer responses in a table I have used snappy.compress with utf_8 but now the table seems to occupy more spaces I tried with varchar and blob and blob seems to take twice ...
Chandra Mouli's user avatar
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Issue when performing mysqldump - Matomo - MySQL error 2013

On premise setup, **Ubuntu 20.04: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor Memory: 64GB RAM** mysql Ver 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)) We’re recently being confronted by an ...
surilin3's user avatar
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Should I break a large user table into smaller tables for specific roles and information?

I am designing a database for a system that has a users table. Currently, the table has around 50 columns, which include: Personal information (e.g., name, email, phone_number, address, etc.) Work-...
JayDev95's user avatar
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1 answer

Innodb - Can you safely ignore the warning "Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size"

We get this warning in our online shop report.WARNING: Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size. Please update innodb_buffer_pool_size or decrease ...
Black's user avatar
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Failure Case of "drop_swap" Option in alter-foreign-keys-method for Percona's pt-online-schema-change Tool

I am looking at the option called "alter-foreign-keys-method" in the pt-online-schema-change tool where it uses the drop_swap. In the documentation, it says there are 2 risks: First, for a ...
Brian Estrada's user avatar
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Mysql 8.4 tries to use mysql_native_password instead of caching_sha2_password ater master firewall reconfiguration

Faced strange mysql 8.4.3 behaviour with replication, using docker on both master and slaves. Replication was initially set with caching_sha2_password and GET_SOURCE_PUBLIC_KEY=1 and everything was ...
Kerya's user avatar
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Migrate thousand of data from excel into DB

I have rental data from year 2019-2024 in an excel In that excel, the data consists of tenant name, monthly payment details from jan - dec each year I have done massaging the data I need to mapping ...
Amirul Safwan's user avatar
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Disable MySQL ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY while logging violations

We have attempted to upgrade a legacy database from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 in the hopes of bringing it up to current, but quickly experienced queries that failed with this is incompatible with sql_mode=...
swrobel's user avatar
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How can I replicate transactions one by one in mysql?

I have one source server and one replica server. And I set source_delay 30mins, replication is gtid based, mysql version is 8.0.24 If I accidentally drop table A, Can I apply transactions just right ...
제임스으's user avatar
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MySQL Replication, Master Slave- Last_SQL_Errno: 1062, Worker 1 failed executing transaction 'ANONYMOUS' at source log mysql-bin

My mysql replication (master - slave) is failing with following error: Last_SQL_Errno: 1062 Last_SQL_Error: Coordinator stopped because there were error(s) in the worker(s). The most recent failure ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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Does sorting reduce MySQL deadlock likelihood of INSERT/UPDATE batches?

We know that MySQL INSERT/ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements create gap locks which may lead to deadlocks between multiple threads. If the INSERT/UPDATE is done in batches (either in a separate ...
Victor L's user avatar
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innodb fetch time, not query execution time

A very basic query but from a huge table SELECT profile_id FROM clients WHERE is_vip = 0 execution has a duration of 0.716s and data fetch time of 15.072s Obviously my question is if I can speed this ...
slash197's user avatar
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Switch to master auto position from master_log_file and master_log_pos MySQL 5.7.44

MySQL Server - 5.7.44 I have a master and three slaves running on MySQL 5.7.44. The GTID is enabled and I am using gtid_enforce_consistency. I took a backup from a slave and built a fourth slave using ...
Avinash Pawar's user avatar
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PostgreSQL equivalent to checksum table

What would be the fastest operation of checksum table, which returns the same value in MySQL and in Postgres if there is the same dataset in tables? It could be a function, or just an equivalent of ...
Sławomir Lenart's user avatar
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Selecting Two Entries From a Related Table

I have two tables; "Flight" and "Person". Person has three columns; "id", "last", "first". Flight has three columns; "id", "P1_id",...
user2058625's user avatar
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mysql dump produces strange binary blobs that cause problems on import

i am running backups of my mysql database with this command: mysqldump -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` --hex-blob --skip-opt --single-transaction --add-drop-table --create-options --quick --...
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Will the query time increase?

I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to DB Administration, so, please take it easy! I have a MySQL database. In which there are about 100 tables. Right now, each table has approximately 50 rows. So, ...
Vansh Patel's user avatar
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Take a backup from specific range

I need to backup the data of a specific table by week and then restore it but without truncate table . This table contains the fechaRegistro I prepared the following script but I'm not sure about the ...
Carolina's user avatar
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Running numerous MySQL table creates and drops causes a sudden slowdown in query times [closed]

I have a PHP script that creates several tables, then later drops all of them. CREATE queries average about 0.05s, while DROP queries average about 0.03s. However, if I loop the script and run it for ...
Laef's user avatar
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Where can I find more detailed MySQL deadlock logs?

We have a MySQL database in AWS RDS that was migrated recently from 5.7 to 8. One of our microservices running in ECS executes bootstrapping code at launch to iterate through a large list of table ...
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xtrabackup - incremental backup needs target prepared with --apply-log-only

I Use Xtrabackup to backup several of my MySQL backups (all 8.0.39). They all use an identical script. The initial backup is: xtrabackup ${MySQLConnectionString} --backup --slave-info --extra-lsndir=&...
IGGt's user avatar
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Which configurations should be set in order to perform (Query-)Benchmarks for (partially) encrypted databases for MySQL and PostgreSQL? [closed]

I am trying to measure the impact of encryption on the performance of a SQL-Database. I want the database management system to always perform the same, replicable actions to display the results of a ...
timm's user avatar
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Issues with SSL Authentication Using Multiple Certificates in MySQL Client (MySQL Java Connector)

I'm working with two MySQL servers, both of which are authenticated using SSL. On the client side, I have successfully connected to the first MySQL server after adding one certificate to the keystore. ...
balaji boopathi's user avatar
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Grant execute only in localhost

I have a user that can be accessed from any host (we are currently in development). But I want to limit the execution of stored procedures only for localhost. The problem is that the localhost user is ...
Eduardo Jiménez's user avatar
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3 answers

Are MySQL memory calculators accurate for complex workloads?

I recently used the MySQL Memory Calculator to optimize the configuration of my database. While the tool provides suggested values for settings like innodb_buffer_pool_size and query_cache_size, I’m ...
Edo911's user avatar
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How can I install MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 24.04? [closed]

The company I am working uses an older stack, and I need to install MySQL 5.7 on my Ubuntu 24.04 to work on some projects locally. Does anyone know how to do this? I just can't find anything besides ...
Muhammad Hassam Mujahid's user avatar
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MySQL reads the data directory at a wrong location

I have installed a MySQL 8.4 Server for a Drupal migration. I have done the migration and the files were transferred but nothing showed on the new Drupal page, but that is another issue. The MySQL ...
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MariaDB Server Overloading

I have a docker host on which have multiple mariadb containers each for one application. But I have one particular application, my main application which overload the server eachtime that I start it ...
BoCyrill's user avatar
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mysql innodb - copying db manually and register it

I'm creating a test setup such that at the start of each test, I will create an isolated db based on the original DB (40 tables, 14mb size total). When using mysqldump+mysql or mydumper+myloader, the ...
Stav Alfi's user avatar
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Innodb fulltext search index broken / not updating

I have a table with a fulltext search column that was apparently broken and a regular query I run was not producing expected results. After quite a bit of tinkering and head scratching I decided to ...
Eaten by a Grue's user avatar
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Hierarchywise Sales Targets

I having the following data with me Region Designation Employee Name Sub Region Sub Reg. Emp. Desigantion Sub Reg. Emp. Name Sub Reg. Target Sub Reg. Emp. Reporting to North M.D. MP N1 A.S.M AA 300 ...
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Loading an SQL dump is slow

note: I initially asked this question on stackoverflow, but was told superuser would be a better place for it. I was then made aware of the existence of dba.stackexchange, which seems like the right ...
bastien girschig's user avatar
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MySQL order by with conditional clauses

I have these 2 tables CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `status` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=330031656 DEFAULT CHARSET=...
Sidharth Samant's user avatar
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Amazon Aurora RDS - invalid undo record

Context Aurora RDS, MySQL 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.05.2 Problem The writer instance is constantly cycling. In the AWS RDS console, under Logs & events for the writer, I see Attempting to restart the ...
Tyler Sebastian's user avatar
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MySQL where clause with conditions based on other columns

I apologise for the vagueness of the title, but I couldn't find a better way. There's this MySQL table which consists of entity config mapping in a flattened structure. CREATE TABLE `entity_config` ( ...
Sidharth Samant's user avatar
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MySQL Migration from Keyring Plugin to Keyring Component [MY-011084] [Server] Keyring migration failed

For MySQL 8.0.40 on Rocky Linux, my database currently uses the keyring plugin. I want to migrate to the keyring component. It shows [ERROR] [MY-013106] [Server] Can not perform keyring migration : ...
SMich's user avatar
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When can a unique index allow duplicate values in MySQL?

I have an intersecton table to record many-to-many relationships among three tables. Each combination must be unique, so I have a unique index on the three fields. However, using the PHP application I ...
kalinma's user avatar
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Having issue with YOY query

I have following YOY query, works fine but the vendors which are not common is missing from the final result, can anyone please guide on what am I doing wrong? SELECT `current_period`.`vendor_name` AS ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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MySQL table with partitions on multiple remote servers (only partitions)

in PostgreSQL you can create a table with let's say 4 partitions (hash) and locate each partition on different servers (remote PostgreSQL servers) and it's called (Foreign Data Wrapper). Now in MySQL ...
user216085's user avatar
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SSIS "No data supplied for parameters" Error migrating from SQL Server to MySQL

I'm currently attempting to migrate a database table from my local SQL Server to a cloud-based MySQL database (SingleStore). As a preliminary test, I've created a simplified test table with a single ...
elnaz fathi's user avatar
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mysql 100% disk i/o with no query

I have a mysql instance running on my windows dev box that is using 100% disk i/o with no active query. SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST; SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX; If I refresh the mutex list the count in the ...
AQuirky's user avatar
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Variable only resets per row when query has a static IN condition

I have a complicated query. I have a bunch of users. I have a ledger of debits and credits. I want to filter a user's subscribers by how long the subscribers have been negative. To do that I find ...
tvanc's user avatar
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using field of subquery in output

Query: SELECT tbl1field FROM tbl1 WHERE id = (SELECT t2id FROM tbl2 WHERE anotherid = (SELECT t3id FROM tbl3 ) ) here tbl3 is having 2 fields : t3id and ...
DTdev's user avatar
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