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-1 votes
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How to sum values within blocks with Postgres?

Given this table called prices: my_date my_value my_separator 2012-02-10 100 1 2012-02-11 120 1 2012-02-12 120 1 2012-02-13 110 1 2012-02-14 100 0 2012-02-15 115 0 2012-02-16 130 1 2012-02-17 ...
Randomize's user avatar
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2 answers

select row number increment on value change compared to previous return result

I'm experimenting with Postgresql queries a bit and am trying to figure out if it's possible to write a query that would increment a row number counter when returned value changes. Example SOURCE (...
Domen Vrankar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Identify if the sequence of visits to an area id was interrupted at any point

I have a PostgreSQL table df with the following information: area_id trip_nr timestamp a 3 29/06/2022 17:18:03 a 2 29/06/2022 17:18:02 a 1 29/06/2022 17:18:01 b 1 28/06/2022 19:21:03 c 3 28/06/...
Ruan's user avatar
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Update row data with dynamic lag

I have a table of items and restaurants. We assume that if the restaurant entry is missing, it has to be completed with the last non-null restaurant value in the previous rows (as defined by ascending ...
eddie's user avatar
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SELECT / DELETE rows where consecutive null value count is greater than N

I have a table of the following structure, where all columns except the last are non-null: ID receiver send_time recv_time 1 A 00:00:00 00:00:01 2 A 00:00:01 NULL 3 A 00:00:02 NULL 4 A 00:00:03 ...
Edgxxar's user avatar
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Merging wifi session data if time between them is less than 15 minutes

I am trying to process network logs and join sessions together if the time between them is less than 15 minutes. The relevant fields are start time, end time, mac address, and wifi access point. I am ...
lpscott's user avatar
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SQL (Postgres) Filling up missing rows with values from previous row and calculating on result set

I have got this dataset: id | block_number | value | name ----+--------------+-------+------ 2 | 47 | 100 | one 3 | 52 | 200 | one 4 | 58 | 120 | one 5 | ...
Westcoaster's user avatar
2 votes
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Identify unique trips for each user where walking is followed by trip start

I have a table trips with the following information Row User Timestamp Event 1 1 29/06/2022 17:18:03 Walking 2 1 29/06/2022 17:18:02 Walking 3 1 29/06/2022 17:18:01 Start 4 1 28/06/2022 19:21:03 ...
Ruan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove only adjacent duplicates in an array?

While aggregating an array, I need to remove empty strings and then combine all adjacent identical values. E.g.: ["","product","product","","product",&...
AJ AJ's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Cumulative running SUM for date ranges with gaps

I am looking for assistance to get a running sum of the difference between two dates that are on separate rows. Table looks like: client_id name autopay_status contract_id start_date end_date 1 ...
michaelosmith's user avatar
2 votes
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Aggregate query for pairs of arrays of events

db<>fiddle for all of the data and queries below I have a table events with the following structure: create table events ( correlation_id char(26) not null, user_id bigint, ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
1 vote
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Postgres find gaps between one date range and others

My question is similar to , but in my case I need to divide/split date range by multiple date ranges, not only one. In my case is also guaranteed that &...
Dmitry K.'s user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to select the latest continuous set of rows of a certain type?

(Using PostgreSQL) I'm looking to select the latest set of continuous (by date) rows that have a code 'A'. The latest row is always missing the "To Date" as it is assumed to be current. And ...
ahbarnum's user avatar
1 vote
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Pick the first timestamp before a gap, but the last one of the day if there is no suitable gap

I have a TIMESTAMP column: dates 2021-06-24 05:47:05 2021-06-24 09:47:05 2021-06-24 13:47:05 2021-06-24 17:47:05 I want to pick the first timestamp of a given day that is 3 hours or more before the ...
a_dog_with_no_master's user avatar
0 votes
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how to generate a sequence of values with differents formats in PostgreSQL

I want to find rows missing from a sequence of values in my table with differents formats. For an example, look at this. I want to find the missing lines via c_order_id and documentno. the one with '...
Franck White's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to find values missing from a sequence?

I want to find rows missing from a sequence of values in my table. For example, in this picture documentno 'YD4BC2006008' is missing. I want to find the missing lines via c_order_id and documentno. I ...
Franck White's user avatar
1 vote
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Query to find if there are more than X occurences within any period of given length minutes

I have spent many hours thinking about a solution for my problem but I give up. Let's imagine a table user_id | occurred_at -- OK match example 1 | 2020-01-01 08:00:00 <- First match of ...
micper's user avatar
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4 votes
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Postgres lag() function has huge impact on query

As reported to my previous question (that for completeness is reported here), I've solved my problem using the window function LAG to get the time between the previous and next row, sum them and then ...
VirtApp's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Calculate difference of days between dates in different rows, based on consecutive value of a column, for each customer_id

I have a table like this one, that shows payments from each client, for different dates: | stream_datetime | customer_id | order_status | rn | |:----------------:|:-----------:|:------------:|:--:| | ...
igorkf's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Group by time interval and output the source and destination station_id and count

I am stuck with a query: CREATE TABLE public.bulk_sample ( serial_number character varying(255), validation_date timestamp, -- timestamp of entry and exit station_id integer, ...
Deepan Kaviarasu's user avatar
0 votes
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Gaps and Islands Across Fields With Start and End Timestamps

I am working with GPS data which I want to group by locations (to six decimal places of the coordinate value) and generate from and until times for. For simplicity in this example I'm making the ...
sgaw's user avatar
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2 answers

Query for condition over time

Say we have a table setup like this: +---------+--------------+---------------+ | id text | time integer | value decimal | +---------+--------------+---------------+ | 1 | 1 | ...
dotconnor's user avatar
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How to select blocks from a result by condition?

Example table: master_id 1 created_at 22.02.1997 master_id 1 created_at 22.03.1997 master_id 1 created_at 22.04.1997 master_id 1 created_at 22.07.1997 master_id 1 created_at 22.08.1997 master_id 1 ...
Ilya's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Show current row "win streak"

I need to show the running win/loss streak per row in a query, so given the table below, the query should return the "expected" column. I've tried some approaches with window functions, but no success....
codigofontes's user avatar
1 vote
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Combining separate columns into smallest possible related ranges

I'm trying to discard multiple records that may or may not overlap based on the smallest possible contiguous ranges. I thought of doing something similar to This, however the ranges are numeric ...
jclozano's user avatar
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How to select blocks with sequential data and aggregate the ids

I have the following table: id(int) startDate(timestamp) endDate(timestamp) plan_id(int) planned(bool) machine(int) --------------------------------------------------------------...
Attyla Fellipe's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use windowing functions to find gaps in sequences grouped by a column, in PostgreSQL

I have a table structure which has 2 columns: client_id, order_no, and both are integers. I'd like to find gaps in order_no in the data so that, for example, for a table containing these rows: 42, 1 ...
Ivan Voras's user avatar
1 vote
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Find missing timestamps grouped by key: finding gaps in my data

I have a table that has a timestamp, some data and a identifying key for the data source: create table test_data ( id serial primary key, key text, timestamp timestamp with time zone )...
RedM's user avatar
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Add running count of specific state changes

I have a table in PostgreSQL with below fields, where timestamp is simplified as integers: ts status 1 m 2 m 3 i 4 s 5 s 6 i 7 i 8 m 9 s 10 m I want to break ...
Muhannad's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get row_number() within a group?

I have a table event_seating_lookup with 3 columns: (id int, event_id int, lookup_is_successful boolean). For every event_seating_lookup record, I want to get a number of previous (lag) records with ...
Gajus's user avatar
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Grouping data based on cumulative sum

I have been looking online for an answer but do not really know how to formulate correctly what I would like to achieve and whether it's possible, sorry if the question sounds dumb. I am using ...
Nina's user avatar
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4 votes
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Merging two tables by minimal interval values

I have two tables with two columns keeping tabs of categorical values, such as: Table 1 +----+-------+-----+-----------+ | ID | Begin | End | Condition | +----+-------+-----+-----------+ | 1 | 1 ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I assign group IDs depending on content?

I have the following table with data as shown below; linenrs are monotonically increasing but not necessarily consecutive; when the key field contains an ellipsis ... that indicates an entry that is ...
John Frazer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Grouping categorical values in a sequence

I have a table with categorical values in a sequence, as such: CREATE TABLE cat (name, v1, v2) AS VALUES ('John', 1::int, 3::int), ('John', 3, 4), ('John', 4, 9), ('Mike', 9, 11), ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Selecting row grouped by an "add-on" indicator

I have a (pre-existing, no I did not design it like this!) schema / dataset like this: CREATE TABLE t(id,name,seq,addon,kind) AS VALUES ( 1234::int, 'A' , 345::int, 'f'::bool, 'c' ), ( 1235 ...
user9645's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Carry over long sequence of missing values with Postgres

I have a table like this: create table foo (foo_label text, foo_price int, foo_date date); insert into foo ( values ('aaa', 100, '2017-01-01'), ('aaa', NULL, '2017-02-...
Randomize's user avatar
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2 votes
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Window function to merge rows that meet a condition

I have the following schema DROP TABLE IF EXISTS messages; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS chats; CREATE TABLE chats ( client integer NOT NULL, provider integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (client, provider) );...
chamini2's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

List chronological pageviews without adjacent duplicates in PostgreSQL

I've got a log of pageviews. Multiple pageviews with the same path may occur next to each other if say the user refreshes the page. To see the user's journey through the site I'd like to select ...
Simon George's user avatar
1 vote
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return continuous set of IDs based on two other columns

Given a table such as the one below, how can I ask PostgreSQL to return the first set of n rows in which one column has a certain value (code=0) and the values of the second column (named segment) are ...
user664833's user avatar
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In what case is a count(x or null) needed in Gaps and Islands?

In this answer, Erwin Brandstetter says: count(step OR NULL) OVER (ORDER BY date) is the shortest syntax that also works in Postgres 9.3 or older. count() only counts non-null values. In modern ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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10 votes
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Solving "Gaps and Islands" with row_number() and dense_rank()?

How does one solve the islands part of gaps-and-islands with dense_rank() and row_number(). I've seen this now a few times and I'm wondering if someone could explain it, Let's use something like this ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Is WITH RECURSIVE the right tool for my task?

Table setup: create table users(id bigserial, group_id bigint); insert into users(group_id) values (1), (1), (2), (1), (3), (3); Query: WITH RECURSIVE r AS ( SELECT, users....
lissp's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Form groups of consecutive rows with same value

I have a situation I think can be solved using window function but I'm not sure. Imagine the following table CREATE TABLE tmp ( date timestamp , id_type integer ) ; INSERT INTO tmp (date, id_type) ...
Lelo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to get minimum and maximum for grouped timestamps

I would love to know how to create a view that groups timestamps in 10 minute nearest 10 minute intervals and contains each minimum and maximum timestamp for each. So a table that looks like this: | ...
alexanderadam's user avatar
-2 votes
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postgres select aggregate timespans

I have a table with the following structure: timstamp-start, timestamp-stop 1,5 6,10 25,30 31,35 ... I am only interested in continuous timespans e.g. the break between a timestamp-end and the ...
Chris's user avatar
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GROUP BY possible sequences

I have a table containing the following data, using Postgres 9.6: log_id | sequence | made_at (timestamp) 206480 1 1 206480 1 2 206480 2 3 206480 3 ...
DanFritz's user avatar
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Can I iterate a value depending if the previous is what I want?

Suppose that I have this table in PostgreSQL 9.4: CREATE TABLE trajs ( id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, obj_id integer, traj_id integer, geom geometry, t timestamp without time ...
Adelson Araújo's user avatar
9 votes
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Generate a series of dates for each group in a table

I have a balances table in PostgreSQL 9.3 that looks like this: CREATE TABLE balances ( user_id INT , balance INT , as_of_date DATE ); INSERT INTO balances (user_id, balance, as_of_date) VALUES (...
Shaun Scovil's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get max sequence of rows? [duplicate]

I have a table with statistic of games which has next rows (I only write about rows that has interest in this context): id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE status ...
Yurii Vasilchuk's user avatar
1 vote
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Extract start and end per group of rows, where only the end can be identified

I have a table that looks like this. id date_from date_to description vehicle 1 2015-10-21 08:00 2015-10-21 10:00 GARAGE TO CLIENT 1 1 2 2015-10-21 12:00 ...
Guilherme Reda's user avatar