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1 answer

Enforce unique constraint without denormalization

Option 1 I have a database schema that looks something like this: A Task belongs to a Service (like in ECS) A Task can be reassigned to another Service. TaskConfig tracks ...
riwu's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

UPSERT based on unique combination of (INTEGER, NULL), (NULL, INTEGER)

My table, for simplicity, looks like this: id | foreign_key_1 | foreign_key_2 | value As clear from the names, the fields foreign_key_1 and foreign_key_2 refer to PKs in two other tables. The tricky ...
Don Draper's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Postgres constraints: EXCLUDE (name WITH =) vs partial unique index

I am refactoring my database constraint for such a table: CREATE TABLE products ( name text NOT NULL, status text NOT NULL ); A former engineer working on the project had such a constraint: ALTER ...
Andrew Polukhin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I define a one to many constraint between columns of the same table?

I'm creating an IDs table in PostgreSQL to represent the relationship between multiple foreign IDs - call them a, b and c. I happen to know that the foreign IDs have one-to-many relationships between ...
Robert Elliot's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Compound unique constraint with NULL values

With the following table structure CREATE TABLE favorite_comments( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, opinion_id BIGINT REFERENCES opinions(id), review_id BIGINT REFERENCES reviews(id), ...
Imanol Y.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Remove extra email characters to enforce uniqueness

Gmail ignores . inside an email address e.g [email protected] and [email protected] are same Gmail also considers same account if account has any number after + symbol. e.g xyz@gmail and [email protected] are ...
Tanweer's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Unique constraint on different columns

I'm trying to make a table to store the edges of a directed graph, but want to avoid duplicate edges in both directions. I can of course make it one direction : CREATE TABLE edge (parent integer, ...
Johannes's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Constraint to prevent 'duplicates' only when column > 0

I have a table with a fk column that should be unique when another int column is > 0. If that sentence doesn't make sense, here is an example of valid rows: CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT fk,int ...
David Murdoch's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Why do composite foreign keys need a separate unique constraint?

Here is a simple table where records may reference parent records in the same table: CREATE TABLE foo ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id INT NULL, num INT NOT ...
Zilk's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can column uniqueness be commutative?

I have a table in a Postgres DB where col1 and col2 are foreign keys referring to the same column. I want only unique combinations of (col1, col2), i.e. if (1,2) is entered then (2,1) should be ...
user4150760's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Multi-column uniqueness constraint, checking a field has one of two values

I'd like to enforce that only one row in a database matches value A in column 1, and either value B or value C in column 2. A small example create table builders ( id text serial ); create table ...
Kevin Burke's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Unique across tables

I have a table containing users. Each user has a primary email and a flag indicating if the user is deleted or not (we never hard-delete users). However, each user can also have additional emails. ...
ThiefMaster's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Custom unique constraint, only enforced if one column has a specific value

Is it possible to have a custom unique constraint as follows? Suppose I have two cols, subset and type, both strings (though the data types probably doesn't matter). If type is 'true', then I want the ...
Faheem Mitha's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Optimal way to ignore duplicate inserts? [duplicate]

Background This problem relates to ignoring duplicate inserts using PostgreSQL 9.2 or greater. The reason I ask is because of this code: -- Ignores duplicates. INSERT INTO db_table (...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
160 votes
3 answers

PostgreSQL multi-column unique constraint and NULL values

I have a table like the following: create table my_table ( id int8 not null, id_A int8 not null, id_B int8 not null, id_C int8 null, constraint pk_my_table primary key (id), ...
Manuel Leduc's user avatar
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