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3 answers

Performance of single vs multiple column unique constraint

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3. I want to understand if I have an option to make a constraint unique across the entire table vs. unique across a subset of the table (i.e. by using 2 columns in the unique ...
user4150760's user avatar
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Restrict two specific column values from existing at the same time

I have a PostgreSQL example table where at most one row that is not of type 'c' should be allowed. I would appreciate any help creating a constraint that will enforce this. CREATE TABLE example ( ...
Nathan Lippi's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How do I validate all my constraints in postgresql?

It seems like I have been bitten by the first bug described in the release notes of postgresql 9.3.4: I now have e.g. duplicate primary ...
Niels Kristian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Create constraint for stopping mass update to a table

I want to create a constraint so that if more than 5 rows in a table are getting updated with an UPDATE statement it should warn the user / block the query.
Piyush Sharma's user avatar