Althoug h s tude nts may us e campus care e r ce nte r prog rams and s e rvice s , the ir care e ... more Althoug h s tude nts may us e campus care e r ce nte r prog rams and s e rvice s , the ir care e r de cis ion-making proce s s e s can be influe nce d by a varie ty of pe ople and e xpe rie nce s , in and out of clas s , on and o campus. This s tudy is an e xploration, throug h the frame work of a wis dom de ve lopme nt mode l, of the myriad ways colle g e s tude nts make the ir pos tcolle g e de cis ions , with implications for campus policie s and practice .
“DAD, I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I signed up to be arrested.” It was a quick call from my daug... more “DAD, I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I signed up to be arrested.” It was a quick call from my daughter Maddie in the spring of her first year at college. This was not a question but a courtesy. She is part of a climate action group that was planning a sit-in at the president ’ s office. “Okay. Would you like any advice? As a dad or a dean?” So began a strange journey, 18 years in the making. What is it like to be in academia and help navigate the process of your kid ’ s education? This piece provides a two-sided account of this process—from the dean and child.
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 2009
Researchers are gaining an interest in the concept of wisdom, a more holistic yet often ineffable... more Researchers are gaining an interest in the concept of wisdom, a more holistic yet often ineffable educational outcome. Models of wisdom abound, but few have rigorously tested measures. This study looks at Brown's (2004a, 2004b) Model of Wisdom Development and its associated measure, the Wisdom Development Scale (WDS; Brown & Greene, 2006). The construct validity, measurement invariance, criterion validity, and reliability of scores from the WDS were assessed with over 3000 participants from two separate groups: one a sample of professionals and the other a sample of college students. Support for construct validity and reliability with these samples was found, along with measurement invariance. Latent means analyses showed predicted discrimination between the groups, and criterion validity evidence, with another measure of collegiate educational outcomes, was found.
About Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience
Page 1. AMPUS ü ÜMMONS MY DAY OF SILENCE Saying nothing can be the hardest way to speak out. By S... more Page 1. AMPUS ü ÜMMONS MY DAY OF SILENCE Saying nothing can be the hardest way to speak out. By Scott C. Brown N THE morn-fil 9 I walked into тучдасе. ... The picture of our daughter Maddie riding our rott-weiler was still taped to my monitor. ...
Page 1. MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 1 Exploring Complex Phenomena: Grounded Theory in Student... more Page 1. MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 1 Exploring Complex Phenomena: Grounded Theory in Student Affairs Research Scott C. Brown Richard A. Stevens, Jr. Peter F. Troiano Mary Kay Schneider As more sophisticated ...
In a previous study, a conceptual model of wisdom was created (Brown, 2004a) to better understand... more In a previous study, a conceptual model of wisdom was created (Brown, 2004a) to better understand integrated learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure this wisdom construct. This article discusses salient aspects of the extant professional literature regarding the measurement of wisdom and details the efforts to develop a valid and reliable Wisdom Development Scale (WDS) through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Six of the seven factors were validated and the scale had acceptable confirmatory factor analysis fit. The article concludes with limitations of the study, implications for future research, and potential applications in higher education.
Page 1. VK X' LT-Diane Sue A. Saunders Roger B. Winston, 1r. faan B. Hirt Don G. Creamer Ste... more Page 1. VK X' LT-Diane Sue A. Saunders Roger B. Winston, 1r. faan B. Hirt Don G. Creamer Steven M. 1anosik Page 2. Page 3. LEARNING THRDUGH SUPERVISED PRACTICE IN STUDENT AFFAIRS This One 4U48-CXB-150C Page 4. Page 5. ...
Althoug h s tude nts may us e campus care e r ce nte r prog rams and s e rvice s , the ir care e ... more Althoug h s tude nts may us e campus care e r ce nte r prog rams and s e rvice s , the ir care e r de cis ion-making proce s s e s can be influe nce d by a varie ty of pe ople and e xpe rie nce s , in and out of clas s , on and o campus. This s tudy is an e xploration, throug h the frame work of a wis dom de ve lopme nt mode l, of the myriad ways colle g e s tude nts make the ir pos tcolle g e de cis ions , with implications for campus policie s and practice .
“DAD, I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I signed up to be arrested.” It was a quick call from my daug... more “DAD, I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW I signed up to be arrested.” It was a quick call from my daughter Maddie in the spring of her first year at college. This was not a question but a courtesy. She is part of a climate action group that was planning a sit-in at the president ’ s office. “Okay. Would you like any advice? As a dad or a dean?” So began a strange journey, 18 years in the making. What is it like to be in academia and help navigate the process of your kid ’ s education? This piece provides a two-sided account of this process—from the dean and child.
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 2009
Researchers are gaining an interest in the concept of wisdom, a more holistic yet often ineffable... more Researchers are gaining an interest in the concept of wisdom, a more holistic yet often ineffable educational outcome. Models of wisdom abound, but few have rigorously tested measures. This study looks at Brown's (2004a, 2004b) Model of Wisdom Development and its associated measure, the Wisdom Development Scale (WDS; Brown & Greene, 2006). The construct validity, measurement invariance, criterion validity, and reliability of scores from the WDS were assessed with over 3000 participants from two separate groups: one a sample of professionals and the other a sample of college students. Support for construct validity and reliability with these samples was found, along with measurement invariance. Latent means analyses showed predicted discrimination between the groups, and criterion validity evidence, with another measure of collegiate educational outcomes, was found.
About Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience
Page 1. AMPUS ü ÜMMONS MY DAY OF SILENCE Saying nothing can be the hardest way to speak out. By S... more Page 1. AMPUS ü ÜMMONS MY DAY OF SILENCE Saying nothing can be the hardest way to speak out. By Scott C. Brown N THE morn-fil 9 I walked into тучдасе. ... The picture of our daughter Maddie riding our rott-weiler was still taped to my monitor. ...
Page 1. MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 1 Exploring Complex Phenomena: Grounded Theory in Student... more Page 1. MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 1 Exploring Complex Phenomena: Grounded Theory in Student Affairs Research Scott C. Brown Richard A. Stevens, Jr. Peter F. Troiano Mary Kay Schneider As more sophisticated ...
In a previous study, a conceptual model of wisdom was created (Brown, 2004a) to better understand... more In a previous study, a conceptual model of wisdom was created (Brown, 2004a) to better understand integrated learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure this wisdom construct. This article discusses salient aspects of the extant professional literature regarding the measurement of wisdom and details the efforts to develop a valid and reliable Wisdom Development Scale (WDS) through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Six of the seven factors were validated and the scale had acceptable confirmatory factor analysis fit. The article concludes with limitations of the study, implications for future research, and potential applications in higher education.
Page 1. VK X' LT-Diane Sue A. Saunders Roger B. Winston, 1r. faan B. Hirt Don G. Creamer Ste... more Page 1. VK X' LT-Diane Sue A. Saunders Roger B. Winston, 1r. faan B. Hirt Don G. Creamer Steven M. 1anosik Page 2. Page 3. LEARNING THRDUGH SUPERVISED PRACTICE IN STUDENT AFFAIRS This One 4U48-CXB-150C Page 4. Page 5. ...
Papers by Scott C Brown