Quickly Solving Jigidi Puzzles

tl;dr? Just want instructions on how to solve Jigidi puzzles really fast with the help of your browser’s dev tools? Skip to that bit.

This approach doesn’t work any more. Want to see one that still does (but isn’t quite so automated)? Here you go!

I don’t enjoy jigsaw puzzles

I enjoy geocaching. I don’t enjoy jigsaw puzzles. So mystery caches that require you to solve an online jigsaw puzzle in order to get the coordinates really don’t do it for me. When I’m geocaching I want to be outdoors exploring, not sitting at my computer gradually dragging pixels around!

A completed 1000-piece "Where's Wally?" jigsaw.
Don’t let anybody use my completion of this 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle over New Year as evidence that I’m lying and actually like jigsaws.

Many of these mystery caches use Jigidi to host these jigsaw puzzles. An earlier version of Jigidi was auto-solvable with a userscript, but the service has continued to be developed and evolve and the current version works quite hard to make it hard for simple scripts to solve. For example, it uses a WebSocket connection to telegraph back to the server how pieces are moved around and connected to one another and the server only releases the secret “you’ve solved it” message after it detects that the pieces have been arranged in the appropriate relative configuration.

A nine-piece jigsaw puzzle with the pieces numbered 1 through 9; only the ninth piece is detached.
I made a simple Jigidi puzzle for demonstration purposes. Do you think you can manage a nine-piece jigsaw?

If there’s one thing I enjoy more than jigsaw puzzles – and as previously established there are about a billion things I enjoy more than jigsaw puzzles – it’s reverse-engineering a computer system to exploit its weaknesses. So I took a dive into Jigidi’s client-side source code. Here’s what it does:

  1. Get from the server the completed image and the dimensions (number of pieces).
  2. Cut the image up into the appropriate number of pieces.
  3. Shuffle the pieces.
  4. Establish a WebSocket connection to keep the server up-to-date with the relative position of the pieces.
  5. Start the game: the player can drag-and-drop pieces and if two adjacent pieces can be connected they lock together. Both pieces have to be mostly-visible (not buried under other pieces), presumably to prevent players from just making a stack and then holding a piece against each edge of it to “fish” for its adjacent partners.
Javascirpt code where the truthiness of this.j affects whether or not the pieces are shuffled.
I spent some time tracing call stacks to find this line… only to discover that it’s one of only four lines to actually contain the word “shuffle” and I could have just searched for it…

Looking at that process, there’s an obvious weak point – the shuffling (point 3) happens client-side, and before the WebSocket sync begins. We could override the shuffling function to lay the pieces out in a grid, but we’d still have to click each of them in turn to trigger the connection. Or we could skip the shuffling entirely and just leave the pieces in their default positions.

An unshuffled stack of pieces from the nine-piece jigsaw. Piece number nine is on top of the stack.
An unshuffled jigsaw appears as a stack, as if each piece from left to right and then top to bottom were placed one at a time into a pile.

And what are the default positions? It’s a stack with the bottom-right jigsaw piece on the top, the piece to the left of it below it, then the piece to the left of that and son on through the first row… then the rightmost piece from the second-to-bottom row, then the piece to the left of that, and so on.

That’s… a pretty convenient order if you want to solve a jigsaw. All you have to do is drag the top piece to the right to join it to the piece below that. Then move those two to the right to join to the piece below them. And so on through the bottom row before moving back – like a typewriter’s carriage return – to collect the second-to-bottom row and so on.

How can I do this?

If you’d like to cheat at Jigidi jigsaws, this approach works as of the time of writing. I used Firefox, but the same basic approach should work with virtually any modern desktop web browser.

  1. Go to a Jigidi jigsaw in your web browser.
  2. Pop up your browser’s developer tools (F12, usually) and switch to the Debugger tab. Open the file game/js/release.js and uncompress it by pressing the {} button, if necessary.
  3. Find the line where the code considers shuffling; right now for me it’s like 3671 and looks like this:
    return this.j ? (V.info('board-data-bytes already exists, no need to send SHUFFLE'), Promise.resolve(this.j)) : new Promise(function (d, e) {
    Javascirpt code where the truthiness of this.j affects whether or not the pieces are shuffled.
    I spent some time tracing call stacks to find this line… only to discover that it’s one of only four lines to actually contain the word “shuffle” and I could have just searched for it…
  4. Set a breakpoint on that line by clicking its line number.
  5. Restart the puzzle by clicking the restart button to the right of the timer. The puzzle will reload but then stop with a “Paused on breakpoint” message. At this point the application is considering whether or not to shuffle the pieces, which normally depends on whether you’ve started the puzzle for the first time or you’re continuing a saved puzzle from where you left off.
    Paused on breakpoint dialog with play button.
  6. In the developer tools, switch to the Console tab.
  7. Type: this.j = true (this ensures that the ternary operation we set the breakpoint on will resolve to the true condition, i.e. not shuffle the pieces).
    this.j = true
  8. Press the play button to continue running the code from the breakpoint. You can now close the developer tools if you like.
  9. Solve the puzzle as described/shown above, by moving the top piece on the stack slightly to the right, repeatedly, and then down and left at the end of each full row.
    Jigsaw being solved by moving down-and-right.

Update 2021-09-22: Abraxas observes that Jigidi have changed their code, possibly in response to this shortcut. Unfortunately for them, while they continue to perform shuffling on the client-side they’ll always be vulnerable to this kind of simple exploit. Their new code seems to be named not release.js but given a version number; right now it’s 14.3.1977. You can still expand it in the same way, and find the shuffling code: right now for me this starts on line 1129:

Put a breakpoint on line 1129. This code gets called twice, so the first time the breakpoint gets hit just hit continue and play on until the second time. The second time it gets hit, move the breakpoint to line 1130 and press continue. Then use the console to enter the code d = a.G and continue. Only one piece of jigsaw will be shuffled; the rest will be arranged in a neat stack like before (I’m sure you can work out where the one piece goes when you get to it).

Update 2023-03-09: I’ve not had time nor inclination to re-“break” Jigidi’s shuffler, but on the rare ocassions I’ve needed to solve a Jigidi, I’ve come up with a technique that replaces a jigsaw’s pieces with ones that each show the row and column number they belong to, as well as colour-coding the rows and columns and drawing horizontal and vertical bars to help visual alignment. It makes the process significantly less-painful. It’s still pretty buggy code though and I end up tweaking it each and every time I use it, but it certainly works and makes jigsaws that lack clear visual markers (e.g. large areas the same colour) a lot easier.

An almost-solved Jigidi jigsaw striped and painted to make solving easier.

× × × ×


  1. Ruth Ruth says:

    You hate jigsaws in the same way you hate popcorn. If either is present you consume them voraciously whilst complaining about them constantly.

  2. katko katko says:

    This is working when you are logged in to jigidi. But when you are not logged in there is no such part in code. Thats because jigidi does have different script version in use when you are logged in or not.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      That’s presumably because it doesn’t need to check if you have saved progress if you’re not logged in. A different but related approach could still be made to work, though, I’m sure.

      1. katko katko says:

        Oh, that’s true. I didn’t realize that there is no need to check that thing when you are not logged in.

  3. Abraxas Abraxas says:

    I found your explanation pretty pretty useful in order to “solve” some jigsaw puzzle caches. Only a few days ago it was working perfectly for me, but today I cannot find the release.js file in the debugger any more, even after logging out and in again to Jigidi and reloading the puzzle several times. Therefore I also was not able to set a breakpoint correctly and skip shuffling.
    Did Jigidi again change their code? Or am I just to blind to find the right line?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      You’re right, Abraxas: they’ve changed their code. They’re still doing the shuffling client-side though so it remains trivial to bypass it: I’ve updated my instructions above with a new section at the bottom.

      1. JB JB says:

        It looks like they have changed the code again. I cannot find the line.
        I tried to find another line, but don’t know exactly how.

  4. Abraxas Abraxas says:

    Thanks a lot, Dan! You’re doing a great work. That instruction is working fine.

  5. Kim Kim says:

    Keep up the good work dude, as a geocacher I love mysteries, Some of my mysteries took weeks of brainstorming and creating them. It’s a bit easy to take an 100 images from the internet put them on jigidi and make a mystery geoart. Solving mysteries is about using tools, just like we use geocachingtoolbox, for me the challenge in those puzzeltrails is to find a solution to be smarter than the geocache creator. I found your website, and I still don’t understand how it works but i’ll try to find it out. Geocachers should create original mysteries from scratch where the clue is only in the head of the creator and not that method that is used over 1000 times before….

    1. Stu Stu says:

      Hi, i created a mystery jigidi geocache because i love doing jigsaw puzzles and love geocaching so it was great to be able to combine the two. I put a very lot of thought and effort into creating it. It took about six months from first thought to publication. I didn’t pinch a photo from the web, i went to the place with my phone and tripod after waiting a few weeks for the weather to be right. I spent a great deal of time researching the place and writing it all up, editing and re editing until it was just right. I spent a about £35.00 on a container to make it different from other geocache containers so it would be an interesting find. I didn’t wont it found to often so i made it quite difficult, but not to much, so it wouldn’t get muddled. So far it has scored about i think 58% fav points, and it is my one and only geocache. So now you see it from another perspective. Happy geocaching!,

  6. Rich Rich says:

    Hi Dan, source code and version ref has changed again – can you check situation? Thanks.

  7. cliff cliff says:

    i don’t understand how that work oO

  8. Frederick Frederick says:

    Jigidi changed his code again. The tutorial is out of date and I can no longer find the break point. For example, a 400 piece puzzle does not have 1000 lines of code. Can you check it again, please? Thanks!

  9. Ian Ian says:

    Works perfectly for me! Thank you so much. I can now spend my time trying to solve the actual cryptic puzzles, not the jigsaws.

    1. Christoph Christoph says:

      It would be great if you could explain how this worked for you after the last change. As Frederick wrote, the code was changed again. I tested it extensively two days ago and couldn’t find the line where the break should be set!

  10. cher cher says:

    How did it work for you? The code is no longer as described. Need more detail to understand its workings.

  11. CharlieBoy CharlieBoy says:

    Is there a way to get access to each piece’s image? I’m trying to do something with AI to solve the puzzle. It would be nice to get the (x,y) location on the screen and the image of the piece. I’m not sure where they are kept.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      I was thinking about this and you wouldn’t even need AI, just some good image processing code. There’s a preview of the finished image in the corner, and you can determine the number of rows and columns (it’s a simple columnar jigsaw): only the holes and bumps vary. So if you can set the zoom of the main jigsaw space to match the preview size you could just do some kind of image matching to work out with good confidence exactly where each piece lives, for most jigsaws.

      I’ve got no recent experience in image visualisation code and don’t have time to learn, but somebody might be able to do this. No AI required!

      1. CharlieBoy CharlieBoy says:

        Yup. I was using AI as a blanket term. I don’t know JS too well. I was thinking of using python/pyautogui/opencv to do it. Opencv has a pattern matching tool that would work well. Pyautogui let’s you take screenshots and simulate the mouse.

        It would be useful to be able to find a pieces position on the screen. Is the array of piece object kept client-side?

        1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

          Yes, an array of pieces is kept client-side in order to render the UI!

          1. CharlieBoy CharlieBoy says:

            Do you know the variable that they are kept in? I tried looking in the Jigidi class/object, but didn’t see anything obvious. It must be in that JS file you indicated above.

          2. Dan Q Dan Q says:

            Afraid not; they’ve moved it at least twice since I last looked.

  12. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    Works like a charm, thanks Dan Q

    1. Christoph Christoph says:

      Hi Tron2015,
      would you please explain what and how “it” works like a charm? That would be very important to all observers …
      Best regards

      1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

        First things first, jigidi changed the code. Breakpoints are now 1123 and 1124, variable has changed from a.G to a.C

        Works like a charm… means, follow Dan Q’s instructions.
        Start with 1 and 2 under “How can I do this”. Step 3 has changed to 1123. Set the breakpoint. Hit “refresh” in the Jigidi. Code will run to the breakpoint 1123. Hit the run symbol in the debugger (small triangle on the right upper side). Code will run to the same breakpoint again. Click on the breakpoint 1123. Blue mark will disappear. Set a breakpoint at 1124. Hit run in the debugger again. Code will run to breakpoint 1124.
        In the left lower corner of the debugger you see >>.
        (everything as described by Dan Q step 4, 5 and the update 2021-09-22)
        Enter d = a.C and hit return. Press play in the debugger again. Code runs to the end, all the puzzle piece are stapled. Hit F12 to close the debugger.
        Take a look at the video from Dan Q, it will explain what you have to do with the stapled pieces.

  13. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    First things first, jigidi changed the code. Breakpoints are now 1123 and 1124, variable has changed from a.G to a.C

    Works like a charm… means, follow Dan Q’s instructions.
    Start with 1 and 2 under “How can I do this”. Step 3 has changed to 1123. Set the breakpoint. Hit “refresh” in the Jigidi. Code will run to the breakpoint 1123. Hit the run symbol in the debugger (small triangle on the right upper side). Code will run to the same breakpoint again. Click on the breakpoint 1123. Blue mark will disappear. Set a breakpoint at 1124. Hit run in the debugger again. Code will run to breakpoint 1124.
    In the left lower corner of the debugger you see >>.
    (everything as described by Dan Q step 4, 5 and the update 2021-09-22)
    Enter d = a.C and hit return. Press play in the debugger again. Code runs to the end, all the puzzle piece are stapled. Hit F12 to close the debugger.
    Take a look at the video from Dan Q, it will explain what you have to do with the stapled pieces.

  14. rl75 rl75 says:

    Something has just changed, but trick continues to work regularly.

  15. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    You’re right, seems they didn’t change the code for every puzzle. I found a few where everything worked as the week before.
    Well, as long as there are only minor changes…

  16. uni uni says:

    As at today, the relevant line numbers are 1225 and 1226 (version 14.3.1877)

  17. Tridot Tridot says:

    Version 15.3.2284

    Line 1795 and 1796

  18. Katko Katko says:

    It’s not on line 1795 nor 1796. Atleast I didn’t find it from there.

  19. morecambegeek morecambegeek says:

    Nothing on 1795 and 1796 for me either, code seems to have changed completely.

  20. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    It’s definitely line 1795 for the first two breakpoints and line 1796 for the third one.
    Variable changed von a.G to a.J or simply enter d=???, where ??? stands for the number of puzzle pieces
    Version of game/js is 15.3.2284

    1. morecambegeek morecambegeek says:

      Thanks for that – I’ve looked in firefox and that is the correct row. I had been using chrome previously, and converting the code to a readable format has put that section on a different line.

      Your suggestion of 1795 and 1796 works for firefox, so I’m really grateful for your finding it

    2. I have a image on the place there You put a comment.

  21. caaaaard caaaaard says:

    In Firefox:
    Following the instruction, line 1716 is the last.
    Version of game/js is 15.3.2284

  22. New problem in jigidi.

    I study the js-code but it seems that they make some ‘black hole’… ?

    Do You have any solution?


    1. Sorry I would read the above posts first…

  23. Now I study this in detail – it does not work (Firefox 96 (64-bit)): row: 1651, 1716, 1795.
    1651: is a black hole…
    1716: is a ‘dead end: ‘}’
    1795: is a black hole…

  24. webmin webmin says:

    At me the same.
    I search for a solution, but i didn’t find it until yet

  25. Juhaz Juhaz says:

    1252 in Chrome’s pretty printing, or just search for Aa(1610) in any browser (breakpoint goes on the line after that)

    1. webmin webmin says:

      Tank you Juhaz,
      it works like a charm.
      I’ve not good experience with the java code.

    2. caaaaard caaaaard says:

      Can you give a more detailed instruction, especially for “Chrome’s pretty printing”.
      If I search for Aa(1610) or only Aa I cannot find the line.were to set the breakpiont.
      “Set breakpoint” means only “clicking its line number”, is that right ?

  26. webmin webmin says:

    For the “pretty printing” you only must click {} in the bottom under the window.
    In the moment it is 1252, because in a new version the line code could be different.

    “Set breakpoint” means only “clicking its line number”, is that right ?” Yes, that’s right.

    1. caaaaard caaaaard says:

      Thank you, works perfect !

  27. WB WB says:

    New to trying this method as I have really grown bored of wasting 4/5 hours of my life.

    Been trying to follow and understand everything so I can get the stacking pieces but always seem to get the message The jigsaw could not be restarted.

    I think I have the right process find the breakpoint which seems to be 1795 refresh the jigsaw then in console put d=a.J or d= number of puzzle pieces. Run the process again but it either comes up with the message above, stays at pause or other times the puzzle restarts with the random placement of pieces. Should I be selecting line 1795 and 1796 to pause are there more and is the console section always d= or does that change.

    Is there anything I’m doing wrong I have never even known about the developer tools debugger options before so this is the first time I have ever tried anything like this and barring there being a solver like there was this seems like a good way for me to still do these annoying jigidi puzzles.

    Sorry if i’m being really thick but I really don’t understand this side of things but hope to learn it at a simple form to do these puzzles.

    1. morecambegeek morecambegeek says:

      Make sure you are following Tron2015’s post from 19 December, the step by step process they provided works for me. Up to that point I wasn’t managing to get it to work, but I wasn’t following the instructions properly, the way it has been laid out there was really clear.

  28. webmin webmin says:

    WB… for the Java Code 15.3.2284 gives in the Moment follow solution:

    1. Open the Puzzle
    2. Press F12(or search in your Browser for Developer Mode)
    3. Go to the Source Tab
    4. On the left side you See “Folders” and click on game-js-15.3.2284
    5. At the end of the Source Window click on “{}” (means “pretty printing” )
    6. Go to Line 1252 and click on this Number to Set the Brakepoint
    7. On the Puzzle side Press on Reload on the right side of the timer
    8. In the upper side you can See now a blue Button with yellow background.
    Now you Press one time on it.
    9. Go again to the Line Number 1252 in the Source Window and click again on the Number to deactivate the Brakpoint.
    10. Click now on the next Line Number(1253) to Set the Next Brakepoint
    11. Now click on the left Puzzle side again on the blue Arrow ONE TIME!
    12. Open the Tab Console and write exacly
    without quotes “d = a.G” and Press Enter.
    Now you can See in the Console similar:
    ƒ (a){this.I&&!a||pb(this);return this.I}
    When not, press Enter again.
    13. At least you must Press on the left side on the blue Arrow again.
    Final you must See a stapled Puzzle.

  29. Didier Didier says:


    I tried the 13 steps to crack puzzle but it’s not working.

    Could you try again with this puzzle and let me knowhttps://www.jigidi.com/solve/pgj4hcuc/epp-poshrule/

    Thanks in advance

    Kind regards


  30. JanaCl JanaCl says:

    The script has now version 15.3.2248 the needed startline is 1795. The input in the Tab Console change to “d = a.J”

    1794 a.log.debug(Aa(1610) + a.X + Aa(4625) + a.time);
    1795 for (var d = c = 0; d < a.J; ++d) { 1796 for (var e = Ma(b), f = Ma(b), g = null, h = Ma(b), k = 0; k < h; ++k) { 1797 var l = J(b);

  31. Didier Didier says:


    I tried your script in CHROME

    I put in Tab console for line 1795
    d = a.J

    And I obtained

    Then I removed break point and run
    A circle is running and locked perhaps at 95%
    And puzzle isn’t solved
    I tried with and without user

    My puzzle is : https://www.jigidi.com/solve/2ssbu5jg/dauphins/

    Could you help me please ?



    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Hi Didier,

      I’ve been working on an alternative “solver” for these puzzles that works in a different way. It’s not ready to share yet, but I used the puzzle you just suggested as a testbed, if you’re interested:

      Didier's partially solved Jigidi #1

      Didier's partially solved Jigidi #2

      Didier's solved Jigidi

      Apparently the password you need is “Dominos”.

      In anticipation that I’m about to receive a barrage of requests to solve everybody else’s puzzles and post images, like this: No, I’m not going to do that. I’m very busy. But I will try to put some time into improving solver tools in general as and when I can.

      1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

        For the technical-minded who are following along: part of my solution involves injecting an ES6 Proxy to override the HTMLImageElement component with one which I control, and then using that to replace the content of the jigsaw image with a known image in which the rows and columns (that will eventually become jigsaw “pieces”) are individually labelled with their coordinates. This makes it possible to solve moderately rapidly as a human even if the computer-aided tools don’t work… and because it runs entirely “on top” of the site, it doesn’t depend on any particular version of Jigidi’s code.

        1. Didier Didier says:

          Hello Dan

          I understand that you are working on a new solution but not shared yet.

          Could you share your solution even if I must apply break point and modify few data values.

          If you explain me the process, I will be able to reproduce it and solve huge puzzles like this onehttps://www.jigidi.com/solve/x07iovi0/chercher-une-aiguille-dans-une-botte-de-foin/

          Thanks in advance

          Kind regards


          1. Didier Didier says:

            Hi Dan

            I used your process and that is manual but working.

            Let me know when you will have new version.

            Thanks and enjoy your WE.


      2. AtomicLaser AtomicLaser says:

        Hi Dan,

        If you need any beta testers out in the wild, please do let me know – Would be happy to try and set this up locally for testing.

      3. jon jon says:

        Have you done more work on this?

  32. Didier Didier says:

    Hi Dan

    Do you have a solution to share even it’s manual. I’m interested even if I have to put break point and modify value….

    It’s because I have this huge puzzle


    Thanks in advance

    Kind regards


    1. Rich Rich says:

      Félicitations !
      Voici la position de Phil, il n’attend plus que votre passage :
      N 47° 33.010 E 001° 16.540
      Bonne découverte !

    2. geocacher123 geocacher123 says:

      Hi Didier,

      I’m a relative novice to solving Jigidis using the manual methods. To test whether I can still do it with the site updating frequently, I solved your puzzle.

      Félicitations !
      Voici la position de Phil, il n’attend plus que votre passage :
      N 47° 33.010 E 001° 16.540
      Bonne découverte !

  33. Lozzzz Lozzzz says:

    Thanks so much for posting this – you’ve saved me probably hundreds of hours of puzzle solving, to work through some Jigidi-heavy series!

    Currently working for me on Chrome. Jigidi version 15.3.2248.a

    Breaks on lines 1252 and 1253

    d = a.J

  34. morecambegeek morecambegeek says:

    Anyone noticing the code has changed again

    The “game” section of the code is now suffixed by “/16” and the only js file is a string of numbers and letters.

    I’ve not had any joy yet locating where the breakpoints need to be placed.

    1. dmlookhere dmlookhere says:

      If you are still looking the breakpoint lines seem to move from puzzle to puzzle do not know if this is based on number of pcs or just what. I search for word debug then click line that has the word time in it. The next 2 lines under that line are your breakpoints. Also the formula is D=j.I Have tested this on a couple of puzzles seems to work.

      1. Katko Katko says:

        I ment to say that there is lot of those lines where is debug.x so could you tell line or give some other hint how to do this magic again.

        1. Katko Katko says:

          Okay. I found the solution and I understand why the exact line is not given.

    2. teamdfl teamdfl says:

      Have not been able to make this work for a while now. the code has changed again, and I do not know enough about how this works to even try and work it out.

  35. Katko Katko says:

    Can you define this more. I don’t find right line. There is lot of debug lines.

  36. eatsleepcacherepeat eatsleepcacherepeat says:

    Can someone tell me where the breakpoints are in this puzzle? https://www.jigidi.com/solve/hj7m35c6/i-holland-14-rien-poortvliet/

    There are a lot of debug lines. And I can’t find the formula that dmlookhere suggested: D=j.I

    1. blafoo blafoo says:

      There is no message for this puzzle. Just have a closer look at the image.

  37. Didier Didier says:

    Hello Dan

    Do you have a new solution to solve JIGIDI puzzles ?


    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Nope! And even my current efforts have been stalled by changes at Jigidi’s end. I’m sure it can be done, but I don’t have the resources to do it right now.

      1. blafoo blafoo says:

        With a different approach a solution exists ,-)

  38. Didier Didier says:

    Hi dmlookhere

    Could you tell me what is the line number to put break point and and then apply D=J ?

    Thanks in advance


    1. dmlookhere dmlookhere says:

      Sorry I did not back sooner Work got in my way. However it appears Jigidi has changed things up again. I’m not having much luck this time around. The answer to your question was they had put something in that changed the location each time of that line.

  39. Didier Didier says:

    Hi Dan

    This is ok


  40. Atle Atle says:

    I still manage to solve the puzzles using the strategy here. You just need to find the correct place to set the breakpoint.

    At the moment I search for the following to find the nested for-loops in the js file (https://www.jigidi.com/game/17/js/)
    Search for:
    for (var D = 0, y = 0; I > y; ++y)
    and then set this in console:
    y = I

    1. Atle Atle says:

      Hmm. They are getting devious. For me they now they changed the line to:
      for (var D = 0, y = 0; y y” -> “y < I" So maybe better to search for : for (var D = 0

      1. Janice Janice says:

        It now just looks like a style sheet and I cannot find code anywhere. Have they changed the shuffle to server side?

        1. Atle Atle says:

          Seems like Chrome will not ask to pretty print the file automatically.
          When you open the the file in (https://www.jigidi.com/game/17/js) – Not css.
          I have to manually click button with label “{}” below the content.
          Then search for “for (var D = 0, y =” still works for me.

      2. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

        Great job, Atle.
        your advice from 5 March worked perfectly!
        Breakpoints in Win10/Firefox were at 16231/16232, although I think they have a quite dynmic code right now.
        Keep up the good work

    2. HelixR HelixR says:

      I am trying what you mention here, but without success. The breakpoint gets called twice when I reload the puzzle, then it just pops up like it normally would. I have zero knowledge about js, so hopefully there is a workaround? 😦

      1. Atle Atle says:

        Either you have breakpoint in wrong place (many places with for-loops) or do not set “y = I” in the console at the right time?

        1. HelixR HelixR says:

          I guess I don’t have the knowledge to find the correct piece of code then. I see that the code changes from time to time. Is there a specific line still being used, or a certain area in the code where I have to find the line where I have to set the break point?

    3. Atle Atle says:

      They keep changing it up.
      Now it was X and not y in for loop:
      for (var D = 0, X = 0; X < d; ++X)
      and do X = d in console.

      1. Atle Atle says:

        And then all new letters:
        for (var J = 1 – 1, v = 0; T > v; ++v) {

        It still works…but this makes it harder for everyone to find correct place.

        1. Janice Janice says:

          Thanks so much Atle! I followed the directions and it worked like a charm. I had to use Google instead of Firefox to pretty print the file. It seems that they went back to for (var D = 0, y = 0; …

        2. Janice Janice says:

          Thanks so much. It worked great. I couldn’t find how to pretty print the file in Firefox, so I did it in Chrome.

  41. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    Today it’s ‘for (var a = 0, V = 0;…’
    They sure know the alphabet

  42. HelixR HelixR says:

    I still cannot find the right piece of code, probably because the code is dynamic..

    Is there any specific part in the code, or a specific function, where this piece can always be found no matter what? That would sure help me as I know nothing about js code :)

  43. JigiHacker JigiHacker says:

    I’ve noticed that they are somehow identifying when this method is used now. When the puzzle completes, you no longer get the success message – ouch! I’m guessing that they keep track of what percentage of the pieces are put together in this linear order. I’ve verified it even with this small puzzle to test. I tried a real one and even mixing up a handful of pieces and waiting a reasonable time to complete it didn’t give me success message (but I get one fine if i do it by hand). https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/sd32gq5t/easy-9-piece-geocaching-test-puzzle-with-completion-message/

    1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

      You’re right, that happened on 12 March. I tried to do a part of the puzzle with the debugger logged in, then use a VPN and use another browser continuing with the account, it didn’t work. It doesn’t seem to be time-based.
      “Percentage of pieces in a linear order” seems to be a good guess.
      We’ll see…

  44. Atle Atle says:

    The guess was a good one. I puzzled 2 pieces at a time and stacked them. When last pair of row was done I connected all the pairs into a complete row.
    I also stacked rows and connected them when I felt like it.
    Took a while longer to complete but at the end I got the success message.
    Tried to add link to image of my puzzle halfway into completion to better illustrate, but seems chat do not allow links to google drive. Hope you all still understand the steps I took.

  45. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    Thanks for this workaround, works perfectly!

  46. Didier Didier says:

    Hi Atle

    Could you try this puzzle and let me know if your workaround is working to obtain messagehttps://www.jigidi.com/solve/0r2gepbm/01-geo-hound/
    Also this onehttps://www.jigidi.com/solve/7f4q1j8e/the-ultimate-end-geocoin-side-a/

    Thanks in advance

    1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

      “01-geo-hound” worked without problems, I didn’t try the other one

  47. Didier Didier says:

    Hi Atle

    I tried. That is working

  48. Didier Didier says:


    I tried this one


    I puzzled 2 pieces at a time and stacked them. When last pair of row was done I connected all the pairs into a complete row.

    That was working only one time. I obtained message when puzzle was finished

    I tried again 2 times with same process but no message when puzzles is completed.

  49. dawna dawna says:

    Is there a way to do this on an iPad?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Maybe. So long as Safari’s debug tools are sophisticated enough these days (Safari being the only browser available on an iPad), you should be able to enable them and, broadly, follow these steps. But it won’t be as pleasant as doing so from a desktop or laptop computer, for sure.

  50. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    There was a change in the night, to obtain a message you have to be logged in with an account.
    That change has nothing to do with the debugger, seems that you must be logged in to get a message anyway.

    1. Rich Rich says:

      They were having server problems. Logged-in, I manually completed one that didn’t show the message but re-visiting the jigsaw from within my account then showed the mesaage ok. Apparently they have now fixed the bug and can get back to putting their efforts towards annoying us!!

  51. Katko Katko says:

    I could no longer find the right way or variable to put the pieces to stack. Have they changed the code to prevent this completely.

  52. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    It*s still folder “game/17/js” with the “un-pretty-printed” file containing the js-code.
    As usual in the last weeks the variable names change quite often

    1. Katko Katko says:

      Oh, that was very helpful. Thanks a lot.

      I know quite well where the actual script is, but I can’t find the right place in the script. That’s why I asked for a variable in the script.

      1. Katko Katko says:

        This is something that I was not expecting. I found right variable but I don’t get no more messages. I have tried multiple ways but it seems that messages is not coming. There will be no message whether you are logged in or not.

        1. i i says:

          Jigidi completion messages might be broken currently (and if it works for you, it doesn’t imply it works for all).

  53. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    Works as described in
    @Atle: 19 March, 2022 at 10:38

    1. Rich Rich says:

      @Tron2015 – any chance you can give the current expression to search for plus what to enter in Console? I can’t get any of the previous to work. Thanks.

  54. Aleph Aleph says:

    I also noticed that this method still works to solve the jigidi quickly, but the completion message does not appear anymore.

    1. Name Name says:

      would you kindly share the expression one should search for? having a hard time figuring it out

  55. Aleph Aleph says:

    It is not the completion message itself that does not work as a simple test jigidi with completion message still works like expected if solved the normal way. It certainly detects something.

  56. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    @rich: sure
    I used this one a few seconds ago:https://www.jigidi.com/solve/7f4q1j8e/the-ultimate-end-geocoin-side-a/
    Breakpoint s were at 16794/16795, variable was f and I, console command would be f = I or f = 40

    @name: that*s no use, variable names and line numbers for breakpoints change dynamically. You have to look for the double “for….” construction as described in the “Update 2021-09-22”. It’s not possible anymore to tell which variable or line as they change all the time.

    @Aleph: you have to do exactly what @Didier wrote at 21 March, 2022 at 20:21

  57. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    @Aleph: of course Atle described the correct method first. Sorry
    Take a look at @Atle says: 19 March, 2022 at 10:38

  58. Aleph Aleph says:

    @Tron2015 forget what I wrote. You are right!

  59. Didier Didier says:

    @Dan Q

    Hi Dan

    Do you know if there is a tool able to save trace of HTML executed ?

    Thanks in advance


    1. Frank Frank says:

      I was able to do it, but can’t find the code anymore. Can someone help me by telling how the shuffling code looks like today?

      1. What lines are we looking for in the code and what did you ctrl + f.

      2. What did you put in the console?

      Many thanks!

  60. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    A few seconds ago…


    Breakpoints 19374/19375
    Variable: “U”
    Console: “U = 9” or “U = J”
    Ctrl-F: (var…

    then “manually” look for the double-FOR

    But again: all the breakpoints and variables are useless, after a reload of the puzzle in the address line of firefox the breakpoints and the variable change

  61. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    lines 21023/21024:
    for (var F = 1 – 1, O = 1 – 1; O f; ++f) {
    console in this case: f = 9 or f = Y

    It’s no use looking for breakpoints or variable names anymore, as the code changes within minutes.
    You have to look for the double-FOR, there’s no easyother way (as far as I know)

  62. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    same puzzle
    lines 18232/18233:
    for (var z = 0, f = 2 – 2; Y > f; ++f) {
    console in this case: f = 9 or f = Y

    (sorry, there was something mixed up in the post, but I’m sure you see what I wanted to show you)

  63. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    lines 18232/18233:
    for (var z = 0, f = 2 – 2; Y > f; ++f) {
    console in this case: f = 9 or f = Y

    same puzzle
    lines 20911/20912
    for (var h = 0, x = 0; x < B; ++x) {
    console in this case: x = 9 or x = B

    As you can see, it's no use to look for breakpoints, line numbers, variable names as they change within minutes.
    The only thing is to search for the double for statement as described in former posts.

  64. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    Yesterday 18:57
    lines 18232/18233:
    for (var z = 0, f = 2 – 2; Y > f; ++f) {
    console in this case: f = 9 or f = Y

    Yesterday 19:55
    same puzzle
    lines 20911/20912
    for (var h = 0, x = 0; x < B; ++x) {
    console in this case: x = 9 or x = B

    As you can see, it's no use anymore to look for breakpoints, line numbers, variable names as they change within minutes.
    The only way is to search for the double for-statement as described in former posts.

    1. QueenFireheart QueenFireheart says:

      I believe I am finding the right lines but I don’t understand how to get the right console text. Also what happens when something is “undefined”?

  65. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    Sorry for the many posts, there were network problems in my area

  66. Herr Ma Herr Ma says:

    simple rule for finding the necessary lines:

    do a regular search for

    function.*\n *for.*\n *for.*\n *var

    and use the variable in the first for loop behind the ++ in the console…

    1. Mario Mario says:
  67. Kulwiec Kulwiec says:

    I get to folder game/17/js and open a file in it, but I can see only one line of text and no “{}” option. Do you know what I did wrongly? Do you know how could I enter proper file know?

  68. Aleph Aleph says:

    Since today I cannot find the double for anymore.

  69. Aleph Aleph says:

    Never mind. I was not looking right

  70. clueless clueless says:

    is there any way you can make this more “for dummies” accessible.
    no idea what to search for, as the code itself has no identifiers or comments
    further, the location is randomized. are the variables randomized too?

  71. ricardo ricardo says:

    Hi all,
    found the correct place and made it to the stack.
    But when I solved the puzzle no completion message has been shown.
    Any clue how to do it right and ending with the message?
    Tried this one: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/62lyku64/nurmalkurz-abtauchen/
    Thanks Ricardo

    1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

      Guess you didn’t follow the instructions from @Atle says: 19 March, 2022 at 10:38

      Puzzle worked, final message (tens of seconds were replaced):

      Prima, nun kannst Du abtauchen bei
      N52° 22.1_2 E009° 54.1_7
      viel Spaß

      1. ricardo ricardo says:

        Thanks, will try the Atle way later on

  72. SH80BB SH80BB says:


    can someone help me find the right place in this puzzle here?


    Thank you very much.

  73. Rich Rich says:

    @SH80BB – “Hello, can someone help me find the right place in this puzzle here https://www.jigidi.com/solve/r2m3ambf/pc-13/

    Completion Message:
    N48 36.493 E8 59.564
    in 2,5m Höhe

  74. DanG DanG says:

    Hi all,
    Let me quote this
    How can I do this?
    Go to a Jigidi jigsaw in your web browser.
    Pop up your browser’s developer tools (F12, usually) and switch to the Debugger tab. Open the file game/js/release.js and uncompress it by pressing the {} button, if necessary.
    Update 2021-09-22:
    Their new code seems to be named not release.js but given a version number; right now it’s 14.3.1977

    Unfortunately I can’t find the required file (14.3.1977 ??) to open.
    What i see is a folder named: game/17/js
    I opened this random puzzle in firefox: https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/q3s2xlrt/very-amy/
    May I get some up-to-date info how to or where to set the needed break-point?

    thanks a lot

  75. DanD DanD says:

    May I get some enlightment where to find the code and the line number to put a break-point in? In my firefox in debugger/sources I can see ‘game/17/js’
    So i guess the infos at the top of this threat aren’t up-to-date anymore…?

    thanks in advanced

    1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

      Your reply from 6 May, 2022 at 12:24: Code changed in February 2022, see @morecanbegeek 20 February 13:32

      Your reply from 6 May, 2022 at 12:59:
      You’re right, that’s the folder. Take a look at the following posts, they are still actual and working:
      – @atle 05 March 10:11
      – @atle 19 March 10:38
      – @Tron2015 30 March 16:12
      – @Herr Ma 16 April 19:07

      1. teatriz teatriz says:

        In the folder ‘game/17/js’ all the code is on one line only.
        Is there a way to indent it?

        BTW, I tried to search with the regular expression ‘function.*for.*for.*var’ as suggested in some posts above but cannot find anything.

        1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

          Your browser will probably have a button to “pretty-print” the JavaScript code: it probably looks like a pair of curly braces i.e.: {}

  76. Frankz Frankz says:

    I don’t have/can’t find these curly brackets in Firefox. They are only in Chrome. In Chrome I don’t know how the search can run the regex string. Still, I always find the right place by searching manually.

    Doing a 500+ piece puzzle in about 25-30 minutes is better than nothing. It’s still annoying though

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      I use Firefox as my primary browser. Indeed, all my screenshots above were taken in Firefox (look at the icons on the Inspector and Console tabs, for example).

      The “pretty print” button is here:

      Screenshot showing Firefox's 'JavaScript Pretty Print' button below the Debugger code display

  77. Marco Marco says:

    Can someone find it here : https://www.jigidi.com/solve/27gz3rkv/dsc00647/


    1. Rich Rich says:

      6328: N 49 25 659 E 005 46 705

  78. Saab900i Saab900i says:

    can someone find it here:


    Thank you very much

    1. Tritop99 Tritop99 says:

      I’ve tried multiple times. Finally according to the method described by Atle from 19 March, 2022. I only put two pieces together at a time and later then I connected these pairs to form the whole puzzle. However, I have not received any completion message.

      Btw, in Firefox developer mode I can’t format the javascript. The curly brackets for pretty print are missing here. So I use the developer mode in Google Chrome.

      Even the regex search doesn’t work (neither in Firefox nor in Chrome). Here I help myself with the website regex101. There I paste the copied source text and then I find the double for loop via the regex search.

      Has anyone tried to build a solution using Microsoft Power Automate Desktop?

      1. Frankz Frankz says:

        Regarding the curly brackets and the regex search: I have the same situation here. Maybe someone in this thread can show (with pictures?!) how these brackets can be enabled in Firefox. Also how the regex search “should” work.. in the dev tools

        I do solve the puzzles by connecting not all 2-pairs in a line. I connect two 2-pairs in one line, then two 2-pairs in the next line and the next two 2-pairs in 3rd line and so on. I do repeat this over all lines and then start again until I have to connect bigger pieces. This worked all the time.

        @Raas-Algul: No. This thread is definitely not to post a puzzle and retrieve the final coordinates. I just guess that the answers with coordinates came from people with to much time.

        @Tritop99: Microsoft Power Automate Desktop can be worth a try but it would be a poor solution. The best solution would be to hijack the java code.

    2. Rich Rich says:

      Super! Ihr habt es fast geschafft.

      Jetzt ab zum GZ:
      N53 34.721 E10 06.165

      Parken könnt ihr bei:
      N53 34.731 E10 06.161

      Happy Hunting. Favo’s sind gerne gesehen;)

    3. Rich Rich says:

      This puzzle has been deleted from the jigsaw website

    4. Rich Rich says:

      Website message show: “We are sorry, but it seems the puzzle you are looking for has been deleted.”

  79. Raas-Algul Raas-Algul says:

    Hello, I’m sorry but I don’t understand anything on this thread, except that some people are nice enough to solve puzzles and share the final coordinates obtained…

    So, if anyone wants to be my saviour and take a look at:

    I will thanks him/her for the valuables hours of my life (in my opinion) spared ! ^_^
    Have a nice day !

    1. Tritop99 Tritop99 says:

      Solution for first puzzle is:
      N 49°23.311 E 005°44.252

      1. Rich Rich says:

        Second puzzle is:
        Well done now it’s up to you to find out which country this tree comes from

  80. Marcus Marcus says:

    Hello my name is Marcus. I have followed your comments and explanations carefully. I can’t get any further than calling the debugger. I see the window with the folders on the left. I also see the folder game/17/js. When I select this folder, I then activate the style mode Pretty Printing and see various packages. But if I search in the packages for a FOR statement, I find nothing. I have the feeling that I am in the wrong source code. I tried all this with the geocache GC9M4NJ / https://www.jigidi.com/solve/u2zvzyty/der-monch-naturschutzgebiet-des-roque-nublo-gran-canaria/.

    Can you help me further?

    Thanks for your help!!!


    1. Rich Rich says:

      Solution Message:
      Gut gemacht.
      Nun noch eine Frage:
      Wie heißt der spanische Name dieses beeindruckenden Felsens (2 Worte)?
      Der Buchstabenwert steht für X in der Koordinatenberechnung.
      Hinweis: Die QS ist 14.
      Hint zur Dose: hängt links vom Weg, vielstämmig

  81. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

    A few minutes later the package name had changed, location in the structure was the same.

    The FOR-statements were at 17340/17341, but that will change within minutes.

    You usually find the FOR-statement between 16000 and 21000.
    Use the search with regular expressions described at @Herr Ma 16 April 19:07

  82. caaaaard caaaaard says:

    I have followed the discussion at the beginning and have also solved some puzzles. After a long break I have now lost thr track.
    Could someone create a short “how to” of all steps, where also the current variable positions are marked ?
    Thank you very much.

  83. Saab900i Saab900i says:

    So, if anyone could help here to find it please:


    Big THX in advance !

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Thg trznpug!
      Qh svaqrfg qvr Qbfr orv A RP° P0.SNS R v° PQ.N0T.
      Npughat: Qvrf vfg rva Ybpxcvpxvat-Pnpur, Qh oenhpufg nyfb rvar ragfcerpuraqr
      Xrvar Trjnyg, xrva Obymrafpuarvqre!
      Rf fvaq ivre irefpuvrqrar Fpuyöffre hagrefpuvrqyvpure Fpujrertenqr,
      vpu unor fvr nyyr fryore trcvpxg, ahe zvg Fcnaare haq Ubbx.
      Rf ervpug nyyreqvatf, rva Fpuybff mh össara, hz na qnf Ybtohpu mh xbzzra.
      Ovggr uvagreure nyyrf jvrqre irefpuyvrßra haq qra Jveg jvrqre thg gneara!
      Unccl Cvpxvat!!!

      1. Rich Rich says:

        Well done!
        You can find the can at N EC° C0.FAF E i° CD.A0G.
        Attention: This is a lockpicking cache, so you need an appropriate one
        Lockpicking ECA!
        No violence, no bolt cutters!
        There are four different locks of different degrees of difficulty,
        I picked them all myself, just with a spanner and hook.
        However, it is enough to open a lock to get to the logbook.
        Please close everything again afterwards and disguise the host well again!
        happy picking!!!

        1. Rich Rich says:

          N EC° C0.FAF E i° CD.A0G = N 53° 30.616 E 009° 34.107

  84. jigidihater jigidihater says:

    Thanks so much for this! For me the loop was on line 1198.

  85. Puzzleman Puzzleman says:

    Here a puzzle and please help to find it. I dont understand the way to do it:


    Thank you

    1. Rich Rich says:

      I completed the jigsaw for you:

      Super! Ihr habt es fast geschafft.
      Habt Ihr die Finalkoordinaten im Bild entdeckt? Dann N-400 E+400 und ab durch den Checker, damit auch nichts schiefgeht.
      Viel Spaß beim Suchen 🙂

      Excellent! You’re almost there.
      Did you discover the final coordinates in the picture? Then N-400 E+400 and off through the checker, so that nothing goes wrong.
      Have fun searching 🙂

      Completed jigsaw shows co-ords of: N53 34.964 E10 05.564

      So adjust by N-400 E+400 for final co-ords = N53 34.564 E10 05.964

      1. Puzzleman Puzzleman says:

        Perfect, thank you very much. Is there any chance to get a how-to-do-list to discover the informations ?

        1. Rich Rich says:

          That was completed as a manual solve

  86. ParoX ParoX says:

    I finally managed to find the correct position in code and get the breakpoint stuff working, and “solved” the jigidi with the “typewriter” method (moving the jigsaw one position at a time), but after finishing the puzzle I didn’t get the hidden message! :-( Did this happen you anybody else, too?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      As others have observed, this sometimes happens. We think it occurs when your workaround is detected by Jigidi. It looks like they detect it by you putting all the pieces together in strict sequential order; others have said they worked around it by doing things slightly out-of-order, e.g. putting together a few “runs” of pieces separately, and then combining those runs occasionally along the way and/or at the very end. Your mileage may vary! Good luck!

      1. ParoX ParoX says:

        Thank you very much! Now I have also found the respective comments. 🙂
        I do now first pairs of two, then pairs of four, etc…. With this it works (still) 🙂

      2. Christoph Christoph says:

        Hi Dan Q, a little further up in this thread there was already a question as to whether there was a way to get a point-by-point description (with illustrations if possible…) that even a not so talented person could get User allowed to work out a solution for the Jigidi puzzles. Unfortunately, I myself have not managed to find the exact point where you have to start… That’s a pity, since the jigidy solver with Tampermonkey doesn’t work anymore… But there are so many geocaching puzzles, who are waiting for a solution and I don’t like doing puzzles at all… So the big request for a solution.

        1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

          Perhaps it would be a good idea to explain, where your problem starts and others might guide you through the further steps. Step by step.

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Nord: 54° 03.365
      Ost: 010° 34.458

      Manual solve

  87. GeoCacher GeoCacher says:

    Need help withhttps://www.jigidi.com/solve/a4qerydc/my-only-regret-in-life-is-i-never-bought-it/

    1. arabrab arabrab says:
    2. arabrab arabrab says:

      Next solution message: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/mjd3gs45/my-buddy-joe-and-i-in-nc/
      This puzzle has only 208 pieces so I guess you can do it yourself.

    3. Rich Rich says:

      @GeoCacher – please post the GC code as I would like to take a look at the cache page after spending a long time solving this for you.

      My posts kept being deleted (see below), so trying again after Dan looked into it.

      Think were 12 jigsaws (some large) when I did them manually, before getting to the co-ords below – as far as I am concerned this is what annoys cachers as the CO is simply playing mind games. He takes 10 secs to generate a jigsaw! Fortunately, I am fairly quick at solving them.

      Final jigsaw with the message:


      Several messages were red herrings, but got there in the end: N 41° 09.319 W 081° 22.971

      1. arabrab arabrab says:

        The GC code is easy to find out as puzzle owner and cache owner have the same nickname. Also, the cache title is quite descriptive …

  88. It looks like comment contents are getting deleted. This is Dan testing try to to work out why and how.

    1. Testing replies. No obvious problems yet…

      1. arabrab arabrab says:

        My original comments were: “Solution message: Link 1” and “Next solution message: Link 2”.
        The system complained that the two were too similar. (“Seems you already said that!”)
        So I had to add some extra text to the second comment.
        GeoCacher’s puzzle is part of a looooooong jigsaw marathon …

      2. Rich Rich says:

        That’s a relief – thought Dan had taken a dislike to me posting, but seems not. Three of my posts disappeared but it still showed as having posted. Strange.

  89. funeralshot funeralshot says:
    1. Rich Rich says:

      Completion message: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Rb8rr/tekken-7

      Train name plate is “D 51 452” but no idea if that is relevent

  90. Wombutt Wombutt says:

    Hello. I tried and it didn’t work for me. I understand almost nothing about it.
    There are so many corrections to the original post here. Can anyone add a complete and up-to-date instruction?

  91. ARNOLD ARNOLD says:

    Cool Thanks

  92. Jan Jan says:

    Could anyone help me out with this one?

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Manual solve took a long time!

      Message shows: “How many …” and picture is of many many beehive honey hexagons.

      Post the GC code please.

  93. hategidi hategidi says:

    No news for a solution?
    I have a 400 pieces to do and i really don’t want… :(

  94. Kiloucroc Kiloucroc says:


    Can someone help me with this one please?

    1. Donator Donator says:

      The solution text is:

      1. Kiloucroc Kiloucroc says:

        Thanks a lot Donator :)

  95. clueless clueless says:

    please update the guide with most recent information. need to know how to do it myself, dumb guy version. too many jigidis, not enough time.

  96. framboise framboise says:

    Can someone help me with this one please?

    1. Donator Donator says:


  97. Dave Dave says:

    Would appieciate a result for this jigsaw thx in advance

    1. GeocachingLeaks GeocachingLeaks says:


      N 52 54.144 E 001 03.996


  98. GC_GEO GC_GEO says:

    Can somebody please help here:
    THX in advance

    1. arabrab arabrab says:

      This is GC9TCK1 in Hamburg, Germany.

    2. GeocachingLeaks GeocachingLeaks says:

      Try these coords: N 53° 32.798 E 10° 04.834

  99. Roland Roland says:

    Hi all,

    Can anybody explain me how I can set the correct breakpoint for following Jigsaw:

    I opened the page, pressed F12, switched to Debugger and found the file “game/17/js/e881547a41c2691a73d2a150f8628d07”.
    But the file contains only one line and not several thousands. Also I do not have the function “{}” for this file to make the code nicer.
    And I have only a few places at the beginning of the code where I can set breakpoints.
    And I do not know how I can set the variables if I would be able to set the correct breakpoint.

    I hope somebody can help me with some detailed descriptions because I have to solve 96 jigidi-Geocaches and I don’t like puzzling so much but I want to clear my homezone. Thanks a lot.

    Best regards,

    1. GeocachingLeaks GeocachingLeaks says:

      Everything has been explained above, just check the post above and use Firefox to do the necessary steps…

    2. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

      When there’s no prettify-button like “{}” at the bottom of the one-line-code, you will find the module name above the one-line-code. In your example it was “e8815…”

      Right click on this name and the last entry of the new menu will help you. I don’t know the correct english expression, in German firefox it’s called “Quelltext einheitlich formatieren”. In the English version it may be called “pretty-printing” or something like this.

      That should fix the problems with the missing prettify-button.

  100. Roland Roland says:

    Hello everyone,

    After several hours of trying I finally made it. For me it did not work with Firefox, because there I did not have the pretty-print-button. But with Google Chrome it finally worked. Here is a detailed desciption of what I did.

    1. Login to Jigidi and open the puzzle in Google Chrome (in my case: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/5bw8d5mn/10-harz-charly-maggy/)
    2. Press F12 and go to tab “Sources”
    3. Open Folder “game\17\js” an click on the file in that folder (in my case the file name was “94868c9d8aca69bb45fbebd2f52d3b0c”)
    The file opens in the editor right beside the folder. In my case it includes only one row.
    4. Below the editor is a Button “{}”. Click on that button. The code is now shown pretty and consists of several thousands of rows. In my case 9455.
    5. Copy-paste the code into notepad++ and search for regular expression:
    function.*\r\n *for.*\r\n *for.*\r\n *var
    6. This should give exactly one result. In my case in rows 1197 to 1200. The code that was found in my case was the following:
    1197 function bQ(F, J, Z, l, I) {
    1198 for (var C = 0, i = 0; J > i; ++i) {
    1199 for (var E = t(F), q = t(F), p = null, Y = t(F), R = 0; R y; ++y) {“. You have to set y=x. So in my case row 1198 ends with “J > i; ++i) {“. Therefore I had to set i=J. To do so, just type in “i=J” in the console and press return. There should now appear the number of puzzle pieces as answer in the console. In my case the console now looks like follows:
    > i=J

    18. At last you have to switch back to the tab “Sources” and once again press the “play/pause”-button.
    19. Now the puzzle-pieces should be shown in a sorted stack except of one piece which is show beside the stack. I assume this is because the for-loop was executed one, which randomized one puzzle-piece.
    20. You can now put the pieces together, but you have to be aware of connecting the pieces in a little chaotic order because otherwise the success message may not show up at the end.

    Hopefully this explanation makes it easier for everyone, who has no idea of Debugging-Consoles and Breakpoints and so on like my.

    Best regards,

  101. Roland Roland says:

    unfortunately the formatting of the text in my last statement is not shown correctly. The “lower-than” sign could not pe interpreted. Therefore I replace it with “lt”. Hopefully this will work.

    Hello everyone,

    After several hours of trying I finally made it. For me it did not work with Firefox, because there I did not have the pretty-print-button. But with Google Chrome it finally worked. Here is a detailed desciption of what I did.

    1. Login to Jigidi and open the puzzle in Google Chrome (in my case: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/5bw8d5mn/10-harz-charly-maggy/)
    2. Press F12 and go to tab “Sources”
    3. Open Folder “game\17\js” an click on the file in that folder (in my case the file name was “94868c9d8aca69bb45fbebd2f52d3b0c”)
    The file opens in the editor right beside the folder. In my case it includes only one row.
    4. Below the editor is a Button “{}”. Click on that button. The code is now shown pretty and consists of several thousands of rows. In my case 9455.
    5. Copy-paste the code into notepad++ and search for regular expression:
    function.*\r\n *for.*\r\n *for.*\r\n *var
    6. This should give exactly one result. In my case in rows 1197 to 1200. The code that was found in my case was the following:
    1197 function bQ(F, J, Z, l, I) {
    1198 for (var C = 0, i = 0; J > i; ++i) {
    1199 for (var E = t(F), q = t(F), p = null, Y = t(F), R = 0; R lt Y; ++R) {
    1200 var
    7. Back in Google Chrome in the editor go to the first line that you found in Notepad++. In my case 1197.
    8. Click on the row number. In my case 1197. Then the next row will be bookmarked (In my case row numer 1198 is marked with blue arrow)
    9. Now go to the jigidi puzzle and click on the refresh button next to the timer 0:00.
    10. In the code the row with the bookmark is now marked in light blue.
    11. In the right upper area there are several buttons. One is a button with a “play/pause”-sign. When you mouseover the button it says “Resume script execution”. Press that button once.
    12. The for statement will be executed once and the breakpoint will stop the execution again.
    13. Now mark also the following row (in my case: 1199).
    14. Click the “play/pause”-button again once.
    15. The code runs now only to the next row. (In my case: row 1199).
    16. Now change the tab from “Source” to “Console”
    17. Now you have to set the variable in the first for-statement to the last value of the loop, so that the for-loop will end immediately. To do so you have to check the code that you found in step 6. The first for-statement has an attribute that ends with something like “x > y; ++y) {“. You have to set y=x. So in my case row 1198 ends with “J > i; ++i) {“. Therefore I had to set i=J. To do so, just type in “i=J” in the console and press return. There should now appear the number of puzzle pieces as answer in the console. In my case the console now looks like follows:
    > i=J
    lt 475
    18. At last you have to switch back to the tab “Sources” and once again press the “play/pause”-button.
    19. Now the puzzle-pieces should be shown in a sorted stack except of one piece which is show beside the stack. I assume this is because the for-loop was executed one, which randomized one puzzle-piece.
    20. You can now put the pieces together, but you have to be aware of connecting the pieces in a little chaotic order because otherwise the success message may not show up at the end.

    Hopefully this explanation makes it easier for everyone, who has no idea of Debugging-Consoles and Breakpoints and so on like my.

    Best regards,

    1. framboise framboise says:

      work fine thanks a lot

  102. Keith Keith says:

    It is a very easy to follow set of instructions from Roland. Unfortunately, having followed all the instructions, when I press the “Play” button for the final time, all I get is a pop-up box with the message

    “The jigsaw puzzle could not be restartet. Please try again or choose another puzzle, if this problem persists.”

    I have tried several different puzzles, each in different browsers, and it is the same result every time

  103. Pete Pete says:

    I don’t see a way to get ‘Sources’ to show. Using Google Chrome, I press F12 and get a box showing all sorts of options such as System, Network & Internet, Accounts etc but nothing that shows ‘Sources’. Also am I supposed to be on the Jigidi page before the pieces are shown on the screen or the page where they are on the screen?

  104. Malex14 Malex14 says:

    thx for explaination from Roland, that was very helpfull. I used it with chrome browser.
    But not in every case the Pop-up window was coming up. :(
    In the case of https://www.jigidi.com/created.php?id=0IJ5JU0X it was two times not possible to get the coordinates for final of cache.
    The next effect I have seen is that the solved puzzles are not registered on the private area in Jigidi. Before I started my solving session I had logged on on Jigidi.
    In the case that the popup wasnt comming, it should be possible to reopen the solved picture and the information comes up, but the on this way solved puzzle are not registered as solved puzzle either :(
    Do any of you know, how to handle it correct?
    Thx in advance

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Re: https://www.jigidi.com/created.php?id=0IJ5JU0X

      N 68 08.564 E 013 37.050
      Hint: I mur, bak liten stein/In wall, behind small rock

      1. Malex14 Malex14 says:

        Thanks a lot :)

  105. pissed of cacher pissed of cacher says:

    Jigidi puzzle caches sucks as hell, because most owners make puzzles with 300 or more pieces (because they can..), If jigidi caches would be restricted by groundspeak to for example 90 pieces, then it would not be a big problem. But groundspeak don’t want to do anything against it.

    But sitting one or more hours in front of the computer solving another stupid jigidi? And those jigidi caches are growing like cancer, every cacher wants is own stupid jigidi cache… so F*** Y*** Jigidi cache owners…

  106. KlaarHein KlaarHein says:

    Hi friends,
    thanks for this instruction. Was following Richard’s explanation. The regex search does not return a result. I started looking for spots where a variable is increased done by ‘++’. Found something around row 3687.

    function fl(P, D, m, c, X) {
    for (var J = 0, N = 0x0; N < D; ++N) { for (var l = G(P), O = G(P), H = null, f = G(P), b = 0; b https://www.jigidi.com/solve/093l3y4l/skifer/ * https://coord.info/GC92K5W -> http://www.jigidi.com/solve/ttqho0r7/2020/

    Thanks for your help!

  107. KlaarHein KlaarHein says:

    My last comment got a little bit destroyed. I am aiming to solve those caches/ jigids:

    * https://www.jigidi.com/solve/093l3y4l/skifer/
    * https://coord.info/GC92K5W -> http://www.jigidi.com/solve/ttqho0r7/2020/

    Any help appreciated. Since there are tons of jigidis for caches out there, I would also prefer finding an answer for the current code situation.

  108. Jigidon't Jigidon't says:

    Hello everyone,

    I have added the procedure that I have been using below, based on the procedure given by Roland on 09-07-22. Maybe it’s helpful to someone who can’t get the latter to work. I use ‘lt’ for lower than since that seems to be necessary for the message to display correctly on this forum.

    1. Login to Jigidi (a throwaway account) and open the puzzle in Google Chrome.
    2. Press F12, drag the new screen a lot towards the left, and go to tab “Sources”
    3. Open Folder “game\17\js” an click on the file in that folder (with a name like “94868c9d8aca69bb45fbebd2f52d3b0c”)
    The file opens in the editor right beside the folder. In my case it includes only one row.
    4. Below the editor is a Button “{}”. Click on that button. The code is now shown pretty and consists of several thousands of rows. In my case 9464.
    5. Copy-paste the code into notepad++ and search (Ctrl+F) for “= null”, choose Find all in Current Document.
    6. This gives about 150 results you can scroll through. Find the one line from these results that starts with ‘for’ (it has parentheses with about 7 expressions in them).
    7. Go back to Chrome with the line number. There in my case we have:
    2985 function be(X, R, a, Y, f) {
    2986 for (var p = 0, W = 2 – 2; W lt R; ++W) {
    2987 for (var o = Q(X), A = Q(X), l = null, S = Q(X), w = 0x0; w lt S; ++w) {
    2988 var D = e(X);
    8. Click on the row number with the first for. In my case 2986. Then this row will be marked with blue arrow.
    9. Now go to the jigidi puzzle (maybe slide in the screen with the code a bit again) and click on the refresh button next to the timer 0:00.
    10. In the code the row with the bookmark is now marked in green, top right says ‘paused on breakpoint’.
    11. In the right upper area there are several buttons. One is a button with a “play/pause”-sign. When you mouseover the button it says “Resume script execution”. Press that button once.
    12. The for statement will be executed once and the breakpoint will stop the execution again.
    13. Now unmark the first for-row and mark the second (in my case: 2987).
    14. Click the “play/pause”-button again once.
    15. The code runs now only to the next row. (In my case: row 2987).
    16. In the first for-row, find the part of the line that contains the lower than sign. In my case W lower than R. Now change the tab from “Source” to “Console”
    17. Now you have to set the variable in the first for-statement to the last value of the loop, so that the for-loop will end immediately. To do so, just type in “W=R” (but with your variables) in the console and press return/enter. There should now appear the number of puzzle pieces as answer in the console. In my case the console now looks as follows:
    > W=R
    lt 330
    18. At last you have to switch back to the tab “Sources” and once again press the “play/pause”-button.
    19. Slide the window back to the right to see that the puzzle pieces should be shown in a sorted stack except one piece which is show beside the stack. I assume this is because the for-loop was executed one, which randomized one puzzle-piece.
    20. You can now put the pieces together, but you have to be aware of connecting the pieces in a little chaotic order because otherwise the success message may not show up at the end. The chaotic order that works for me (as suggested above somewhere) is to keep connecting pieces two by two and place those pairs around the stack, until you’ve got a row worth of pairs. Then connect the left half of the row and set it in the bottom left of the screen, and the right half in the bottom right. Do the same for the second row and connect the second left half to the first left half and the second right to the first right. Build up the puzzel to be two halves (left and right) and finally connect those. It’s possible that later this technique will not work anymore since jigidi will notice, but then you’ll just have to be more chaotic. Good luck!

    Thanks everyone above me for their pioneering work haha.

    1. Julian Grieser Julian Grieser says:

      Hi Jigidon´t,
      I tried to solve GC8GRKT (the first puzzle I solved traditional), with your explanation, but I can´t find line number with “for” and “= null”.
      I tried the second puzzle.
      Is this way to cheat current possible?
      There are so many puzzles and I search rather than I solve puzzles.
      A easy trick would be greatful.
      Thanks in advance and kind regards,

    2. LHCper LHCper says:

      I tried you way at https://www.jigidi.com/solve/nowr3u2l/koltrasten-aggen-gc9ww97/ but when looking for “= null” I do not get any lines that have an interesting for loop. So maybe this has changed?

  109. TonyC TonyC says:

    Whilst this method works a treat, the folks at Jigidi seem to have come up with a method of detecting this, and puzzles don’t give you the completion text, add the puzzle to your completed puzzles or add your time to the leaderboard when you cheat it this way ….

    Confirmed by completing the same puzzle manually, and was given the info I needed … back tothe drawing board.

    1. Rich Rich says:

      The result of listing the exact steps, hence the need to be a little more careful …

  110. TerrorHorst TerrorHorst says:

    Hi guys,

    still trying to get it run. Whilst on it, is there someone who is able to solve those two:

    * https://coord.info/GC7WD9J -> https://www.jigidi.com/solve/jdnr8go4/20180819-150152/
    * https://coord.info/GC7WD4K -> https://www.jigidi.com/solve/knened50/20180819-123657/

    Thanks a lot

  111. Terrorhorst Terrorhorst says:

    Got it to work and could solve both caches:

    * N62 11.423 E008 30.934
    * N62 11.529 E008 30.476

    “Jigidon’t”‘s solution still works. In my case, the comparison was the other way round. Instead of “W lt R” I had “W gt R”. Therefore, I had to turn the equation the other way round. Instead of “W = R” it had to be “R = W”. In order to be sure, just check which variable is increased within the for line. Increment is done by “++”. So if you read “++W”, the equation must be “W = R”. That way you are setting the counter to the total number of parts.

  112. If anyone needs one to practice on I’d appreciate help with this. https://www.jigidi.com/solve/e626rr2r/img-20220719-095349/

    I tried making my way through the instructions but got completely lost.

    1. Rich Rich says:

      What is the GC code for this one?
      Great Job solving this puzzle
      The 3 six digit numbers are
      Now go find the cache

      1. Dr. Watson Dr. Watson says:

        Might be this WIG – GC9XVAQ

        1. Rich Rich says:

          Thanks Dr, that is indeed the cache

  113. cris cris says:

    Hi guys,

    still trying to get it run. Whilst on it, is there someone who is able to solve those:


    Thanks a lot

    1. Rich Rich says:

      495 pcs: 4138.507//04 43.138 Enhorabuena aqui encontrarás la última pista.
      495 pcs: 41 38.507//04 42.980 Enhorabuena aqui encontrarás la última pista.
      495 pcs: 41 38.486//04 42.891 Enhorabuena aqui encontrarás la última pista.

  114. CP590 CP590 says:

    Just tried this on a 475 piece puzzle and it worked! Laid out the pieces & connected them totally randomly. Still took over an hour! Used Jigidon’t’s method with Terrorhorst’s update. Thanks!

  115. Don Dusang Don Dusang says:

    Thanks for all the people that have offered help, but I couldn’t get it to work. I’m trying to do this one:


    1. Rich Rich says:

      580 pcs …
      Bravo pour votre ténacité ! Les voilà enfin les vrais cordonnées de la cache finale :
      N 50° 36.893 E 002° 26.289
      Et encore B R A V O !

      1. Don Dusang Don Dusang says:

        Thank you so much – I really appreciate it!

  116. La La says:

    sorry, i got totally lost, maybe someone can solve these puzzles?

    N ??° ??.???

    N ??° ??.???

    or tell how to prepare them with the danq method?
    E ??° ??.???

    E ??° ??.???

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Completed manually … N27° 00.234 E33° 54.448
      N ?7° 0?.?3?’
      N 2?° ?0.2?4′
      E 3?° ?4.?4?’
      E ?3° 5?.4?8′

      1. La La says:

        You must Be really crazy… ;-)
        Thank you soooooo much.
        I tried to solve those Puzzles several times with the danq method but never got any result.
        Simply got messed up searching the code and even if i completed a puzzle there was no coordinate Shown.

  117. stranded stranded says:

    You should revisit this because in classical jigidi fashion they’ve found some detection and block the completion message.

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Manual solve!! …

      Goed gedaan! 𢢚
      -6? dat kin net, bij 7+ heb je pret 𣣎

      1. Sanne Sanne says:

        Thank Rich

  118. BluePanther51 BluePanther51 says:

    I am not finding where to place the breakpoint now.
    I admit it has been many years since I worked with Javascript. I see a /game/18/js in the debugger, but the script is one very long line. Searching on shuffle bring no results neither does data-bytes. Random and promise appear a few times. But since it is now a single line script setting a break point doesn’t work. I currently just pile all the pieces together and move them around until I get a bunch joined up it is not fast, but doesn’t require much thought either, with luck I can get to 50% before I have to pay attention.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Look for a button in your debugger that looks like this – {} – to decompress the JS so it isn’t all on one line.

      1. BluePanther51 BluePanther51 says:

        I only see an “ignore source” eyeball at the bottom. Using the default developer console on Firefox 91.13 on SuSE. The only {} I see is on style editor, 2 tabs over from the debugger.

        1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

          I have one in Firefox; can’t explain why you don’t. Try a different browser or keep hunting!

  119. BluePanther51 BluePanther51 says:

    Found it in Chrome.

  120. Mike Mike says:

    I probably do something wrong and I don’t get it. I think I found the correct line:
    function ge(F, K, P, n, I) {
    for (var h = 0, Y = 0; Y l; ++l) {

    When I mark the second line and refresh the puzzle it breaks at this line. If I resume it breaks again.

    If I know enter Y=K it shows me 252 but when I resume I still have the puzzle shuffled…?

    If I resume it a second time after the first break it runs right through the end and the puzzle is shuffled.

    Chrome is my browser


    1. Tron2015 Tron2015 says:

      What do you mean with “resume” or “refresh”?

      Do you resume/refreh the whole puzzle in jigidi?
      You should only hit “play” (=continue) in the debugger, not “restart” or “refresh” in the puzzle or debugger.

      1. You found the correct line
      2. You mark the first line with “for (var…” (as you wrote)
      3. You restart the puzzle in jigidi
      4. Jigsaw runs 1/3 of the circle
      5. You hit play
      6. Jigsaw nearly runs the full circle
      7. You un-mark the first line
      8. You mark the second line
      9. You hit play again, nothing seems to happen
      10. You enter Y=K (from your example)
      11. You hit play again, the pieces are stacked

      play = the small triangle in the upper right corner of the debugger (firefox, chrome might be similar)

      1. Mike Mike says:

        Hi, thanks, it works but the Script didn’t show the pop up window :-/

        my mistake was not to mark the second line if anybody has the same issues ;-)

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Goed gedaan!


      -6? dat kin net, bij 7+ heb je pret 

      1. Sanne Sanne says:

        Thanks again!

  121. Beutenberger Beutenberger says:

    Hi, I can’t find the lane for the correct BREAKPOINT
    as Tron2015 says: https://danq.me/2021/08/26/jigidi-solver/#comment-220866
    Now Jigidi has an Folder named “game/18/js” . I mean it is a new code, or?
    Please help with: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/p1r5c7sy/gc4w7zt-central-park-zella-mehlis/
    Greatings, Beutenberger

  122. Frank Frank says:

    How fast are jigidi accepting solution?

    Tried 500 bricks. top 10 round 3 hours. I had the partly solved puzzle in “in progress” finished it after 45 minutes. Did not get the message. Puzzel gone from “in progress” and not in completed.

    1. Frank Frank says:

      45 minutes on the jigidi counter.

    2. Frank Frank says:

      Also tried only to do half rows and some randow 1 and 2 rows. Then random put togeher. Stll no message.

  123. KoalaBear KoalaBear says:

    Looks like they again changed the source. Cannot found anything that looks like the things we need to search. Hopefully someone better than me understands any of it and has a new fix/method.

    1. Frank Frank says:

      Still works for my. Regex search for: function.*\n *for.*\n *for.*\n *var

  124. SweetDuo SweetDuo says:

    I got the procedure to work using Jigidon’t comment from “25 July, 2022.” The first time I solved it I wasn’t human enough but I solved the 589 puzzle it in 30 minutes. No completion message. Did it again, this time laying the pieces out in a grid and then assembling the puzzle more naturally and got the message. That took 1:45. The puzzle probably would have taken 5 hours if I didn’t “cheat” so I guess that is a win. A lot of trouble for a cache I probably will never go find.

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Completed manually – please provide the GC code too:

      589 pieces = Félicitations la cache se trouve sur: N 49° 30.060 E 006° 11.180 (Cache suédoise)

      589 pieces = Félicitations la cache se trouve sur: N 49° 29.995 E 006° 11.025 (Cache suédoise)

      594 pieces = Félicitations la cache se trouve sur: N 49° 29.943 E 006° 11.164 (Cache suédoise)

  125. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    A really really great thanks !
    Here are the GC’s :

    Drapeau 1 https://www.jigidi.com/solve/zcynd5b7/europe/ GCA1BPQ
    Drapeau 2 https://www.jigidi.com/solve/2dxbcff7/lorraine/ GCA1BQY
    Drapeau 3 https://www.jigidi.com/solve/4ogelvox/france/ GCA1BRB

    I’m only missing those coordinates now :
    GOAL ! https://www.jigidi.com/solve/ha8riyiz/ballons/ GC9V5QG

    (pretty please…. ^_^)

    1. Rich Rich says:

      GC9V5QG Certitude Keyword = penalty coupe championnat arbitre supporters
      is the correct answer.
      The final location is: N 49 08.094 E 006 23.281
      Bonus info Multi-troncs

    2. Yakilie Yakilie says:

      Hello i solved drapeaux 2, 3, 4
      Do you have drapeau 1?

      1. Yakilie Yakilie says:


        1. Rich Rich says:

          Drapeau 1 – https://coord.info/GCA1BPQ

          Congratulations the cache is on N 49° 30.060 E 006° 11.180 (Swedish cache)

  126. Gert Gert says:


    Can anybody help with this one: https://www.jigidi.com/solve/88zyroip/20221028-163246/
    406 pieces.

    Would be great, thanks!

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Post the GC code then I will have a look

  127. Rich Rich says:

    @Gert at 4 November, 2022 at 10:41

    Cannot reply so posting as new comment …
    Manual completion:
    Goed gedaan …nu op naar de cache ….
    N52.57.736 E006.29.092 …
    en vergeet je toolbox niet
    GCA1PT6 406pcs:

  128. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Thanks a lot Rich ! You’re the best !

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Provide GC codes and will have a look

      1. Ludwig Ludwig says:

        Hey, of course:

        1. Rich Rich says:

          GZ = N51 42.610 E007 11.941

          Formula: N51 AB . C DE E007 F G. H IJ


          https://www.jigidi.com/solve /6itynp8r/green/


          https://www.jigidi.com/solve/jhozjta7/red /

          1. Ludwig Ludwig says:

            Thank you very much!

  129. Bellringercj Bellringercj says:

    Can anyone solve this one please? Its 500 odd pieces and will take hours to solve. It took the CO over 4 hours to complete……..

    The GC number is
    Little bridge #2613 Digbys rainbow bridge 🐾🌈 Mystery Cache


    1. Rich Rich says:

      GZ = N51 20.041 W002 12.486


      Blue = 4
      Green = 2
      Indigo = 8
      Orange = 4
      Red = 0
      Violet = 6
      Yellow = 1

    2. Rich Rich says:

      GZ = N51 20.041 W002 12.486


      Blue = 4
      Green = 2
      Indigo = 8
      Orange = 4
      Red = 0
      Violet = 6
      Yellow = 1

    3. Rich Rich says:

      GZ = N51 20.041 W002 12.486

      1. Rich Rich says:


        Blue = 4
        Green = 2
        Indigo = 8
        Orange = 4
        Red = 0
        Violet = 6
        Yellow = 1

    4. Rich Rich says:

      Sorry for the multiple posts … sometimes replies do not display. This time I tried several times and none showed, then later all of them appeared!!

  130. john a john a says:

    It looks like they’ve changed the code again to check for timeout:
    Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 1897ms
    108 pieces

    6275: ;function cQ(y, L, P, x, m) {
    6276: for (var t = 0, b = 0; b < L; ++b) {

    b=L (gives 108)
    Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received

    and on continuing:
    The jigsaw puzzle could not be restarted. Please try again…

    1. Rich Rich says:

      N 53° 29.952 W 2°6.239

      1. john a john a says:

        Thanks – I did it the slow way..

  131. Fastao Fastao says:

    Hi There,

    somebody able to solve GCA1FB9 (600 pieces all in black)?

    Thanks a lot

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Cache https://coord.info/GCA1FB9 was archived on 18/11/02022 and jigsaw removed from Jigidi listing

      1. Fastao Fastao says:

        Thanks anyway👍

        1. Rich Rich says:

          Unarchived later by the reviewer but no longer a jigsaw

  132. Tycoon Tycoon says:

    Anyone able to solve this one.
    Took CO to complete 5h.
    GC code is GC9JW2H

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Guess you need to visit published co-ords for the Certitude keyword?

      Super … jetzt musst Du “nur” noch das pasende Graffiti dazu finden. Es wäre bestimmt schön den Umfang der runden Werbefläche in direkter Nähe zu ermitteln, aber das wäre dann doch zu auffällig. Auf der “Leinwand” des Kunstwerks sind einige Schilder befestigt. Eines davon ist ein Unikat. Rechts unten steht eine Kombination aus großen Buchstaben und Zahlen … und links unten auf dem gleichen Schild findest Du noch ein paar Zahlen. Alles zusammen und in genau dieser Reihenfolge ist Dein Schlüssel!

      Super … now you “only” have to find the right graffiti. It would certainly be nice to determine the circumference of the round advertising space in the immediate vicinity, but that would be too conspicuous. On the “canvas” of the artwork some signs are attached. One of them is unique. On the bottom right there is a combination of large letters and numbers … and on the bottom left of the same sign you will find a few more numbers. Everything together and in exactly this order is your key!

    1. arabrab arabrab says:

      Completion message: Quel célèbre groupe a utilisé cette photo pour l’un de leurs albums ?

  133. killerangel killerangel says:


    Could someone solve this one for me?


    Thanks in advance!

    1. Rich Rich says:

      I am looking at it BUT you need to post the GZ number …

      1. Rich Rich says:

        Typo, sorry – post the cache GC code please

        1. killerangel killerangel says:

          Thank you for looking. The only thing I need is the message on completion, not any coordinate. I dont do this one for geocaching but for a challenge.

          1. Rich Rich says:

            I understand but still would like to know the cache number, even though I’m not likely to go find it. Seems a reasonable exchange having put the time in at this end to know which cache. I’ve nearly completed the jigsaw (manually). Thanks.

          2. sorry_i_am_not_killerangel sorry_i_am_not_killerangel says:

            It is not for geocache, I dont have a cache number. It is for a cyber challenge, and the flag is listed upon completion. Thank you though for completing it.

          3. Rich Rich says:

            Oh ok I understand, will post the message later when completed

          4. Rich Rich says:

            See completion message below

    2. Rich Rich says:

      Completion message = CEMA{PuzZle_@re_fUn_During_Christm@s}

      1. valsspeler valsspeler says:

        Thanks so much! You are a hero.

  134. Pascal Pascal says:

    does this method still work? where can i find the instructions?

    1. arabrab arabrab says:

      GC code?

      1. Jan Jan says:

        It’s not for a GC but another game.

        1. arabrab arabrab says:

          17 minutes and 13 seconds. “Another game”=STT=snagthetag. Completion message: ST1ZPM.

          1. Jan Jan says:

            Thank you! Merry Xmas!!

  135. Purple Cat Purple Cat says:

    Anyone feel like solving a nearly all-black 600pc? https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/7zgh2m77/ik-ben-zwarthoed/

    1. Purple Cat Purple Cat says:

      Jan’s looking at the same puzzle. For STT, no GC code.

  136. George Oscar George Oscar says:

    As of Jan. 3, it seems Jigidi have once again completely changed their code, such that the abovementioned method to stack the puzzle pieces in a neat pile no longer works.

  137. Pierre.Jy Pierre.Jy says:

    est-ce que cette méthode est toujours fonctionnelle ?


    1. George Oscar George Oscar says:

      Non :(

  138. Purple alarm Purple alarm says:

    Can someone help with this one? GC92T5G

  139. Rich Rich says:

    I solved this one sometime ago. Completion message:

    Well done.
    Final Coords N55 55.151 W004 29.042
    Head height in leylandii

    1. Purple Alarm Purple Alarm says:

      Thank you! The puzzle was too hard for my eyes

  140. rasputn rasputn says:

    can someone help with completion message of the below jigidi

    1. arabrab arabrab says:

      GC code?

  141. Ron Ron says:

    Hi, does anywone know the new breakpoints and the command, I have to type in the console? Thanks …


    Can someone help with this one? GC96YD0?

    I SOLVED THE FIRST THREE Manually but are getting really stressed with one after another. Took hours…

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Only see one jigsaw for this GC … did you post the right code?


      Herzlichen Glückwunsch
      Das Blümchen kannst du bei
      N 52° 28.174′ E 9° 31.811′
      Im Baumstumpf

      You can take the little flower
      N52°28.174′ E9°31.811′
      In the tree stump

  143. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    can anyone help me with:


    Thanks a lot !

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Manual completion of jigsaws:

      Drapeau 5 – GCA4NZ7
      Félicitations la cache se trouve sur:
      N 49 30.180 E 006 11.677

      Drapeau 6 – GCA4P02
      Félicitation, la cach se trouve sur:
      N 49 29.889 E 006 10.238

  144. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Thanks a lot ! Have a nice day !

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Image has “flag” painted on the rockface with number 658 in centre

      ITA – A GZ, in una nicchia nella roccia a circa quattro metri sopra il segnavia.
      Per favore, riposizionare con cura, grazie!

      ENG – At GZ, in a niche in the rock about four meters above the signpost.
      Please, reposition carefully, thank you!

      1. pezerl pezerl says:

        mille mille grazie!

  145. Cacheman44 Cacheman44 says:

    Can I get some help onGCA4ZY1

    Thanks in advance :

    1. Rich Rich says:

      “Quick” (not) manual completion!!

      Final coords are
      N41 22.308 W81 59.399

      1. Cacheman44 Cacheman44 says:

        Wow !!!

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Post the GC code then will have a look

      1. Ernest Ernest says:


        1. Rich Rich says:

          Congratulations! TREDICI is the correct answer. Bonus infoBen Fatto! Il cache si trova a N 41° 51.506′ E 12° 32.768′, in un buco dietro dei sassi.

          Ben Fatto! La parola chiave di certitude è il numero di campanelli sotto Paul McCartney (scritto a lettere tutto attaccato), al minuto 01:03 del video musicale di Strawberry Fields Forever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtUH9z_Oey8

  146. giardia giardia says:

    Anyone can solve these two puzzles or can point me on an updated guide on how to edit the script in developer mode to avoid shuffling? The geocodes are: GCA4T1A and GCA4RY4. Thanks!

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Fully manual completion:

      GCA4RY4 – Congratulations! SOMETHING is the correct answer.
      Bonus info: Ben fatto! Il cache si trova a N 41°51.336 E 12°32.739, sotto dei sassi a ridosso della recinzione.

      Pensavi fosse finita qua? Per ottenere le coordinate inserisci su certitude il titolo della canzone a cui appartiene questo verso “You stick around, now it may show”

      GCA4T1A – Congratulations! LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS is the correct answer.
      Bonus info: Ben fatto! Il cache si trova a N 41°51.435 E 12°32.654, in alto dietro a dei sassi P.s non è una faccina triste ma dei baffi, ci sono stati dei problemi nella realizzazione del contenitore

      Pensavi fosse finita qua? Inserisci su certitude il nome della canzone, tutto maiuscolo senza spazi, a cui appartiene questo verso: Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile

  147. Puzzle Puzzle says:

    Who can help solving this: GC9BBQJ?

    1. Rich Rich says:

      N 52°19.370 E 010°37.114

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Tough one took a long time manually! Message = N 49°23.311 E 005°44.252

  148. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    A big thanks, Rich, I don’t know where you find the patience !

    1. Rich Rich says:


    1. Rich Rich says:

      Les coordonnées sont: N49°14.878 E004°02.843
      Bonnes recherches

      1. geoh geoh says:

        A big thanks!

  149. Toastbrot Toastbrot says:

    Hello, I need help for: GCA5745

    1. Toastbrot Toastbrot says:

      big Thanks!

  150. Perdita Perdita says:

    You’re spoiling a lot of people’s pleasure by hacking Jigidi like this. Why be a jerk? You have your thing—geocaching—and jigsaw lovers have theirs. Maybe you should boycott the people who are using Jigidi puzzles to give out their clues, or find some other way around your “problem.”

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:


      Who’s pleasure am I spoiling, exactly? Jigsaw lovers? Nobody is being forced to use my techniques to solve jigsaw puzzles, and people who enjoy jigsaws for jigsaws-sake are free to carry on solving jigsaws exactly as they always have.

      I’m aware that Jigidi has scoreboards, and I take special care not to pollute them with machine-assisted results (by, for example, not logging in to a Jigidi account), so jigsaw enthusiasts are unlikely to even find out that it’s possible to have the computer help you in this way unless they go looking for it. Incidentally, I’m not the first person to solve online jigsaws this way and I doubt I’ll be the last.

      If you don’t know me well it’s possible that you don’t realise that this is, mostly, for my pleasure. Two things I really enjoy are (a) using satellite networks to find lost tupperware (geocahing) and (b) using computers to in unusual ways to solve interesting problems (hacking). Even if it weren’t for geocaching, coming up with ways to have a computer solve Jigidi jigsaws is the kind of thing I enjoy doing. When I first came across Sudodu, I solved a couple of puzzles and then thought “hey, what would be more fun would be writing and optimising a computer program to solve them”, so I did. When a friend shared with me a logic puzzle about combination locks, I solved it, then wrote a program that could solve the general case of “puzzles of that type” (even though I only knew of the one!), then I wrote a program that could generate programs of that type, then I made a game out of it, widening the reach of that kind of puzzle and giving the world a new game to enjoy.

      (Incidentally, I don’t care how people solve the puzzles in my game: they can do it by hand, or they can use a solver like the one I produced, or they can write their own solver, or they can read the source code and get the answers rightaway. Like jigsaws, my lock puzzles are a single-player game, so people are welcome to solve them in whichever way is most-fun for them.)

  151. Perdita Perdita says:

    (1) Trying to thwart your hacks is taking the time and resources of Jigidi’s administrators away from the work of keeping Jigidi solvent and thriving. Fencing with you is not fun for them. (2) A lot of people on Jigidi are very discouraged that they can’t get on the leaderboard, or can never be at the top of the leaderboard, because “cheaters” get times that are a fraction of the time it takes to really solve a puzzle. They are mostly old people, not technologically savvy, and Jigidi is their community. Why should geocaching nerds ruin things for jigsaw nerds? We don’t research ways to spoil your fun. It’s really just a matter right and wrong, of doing unto others, etc. Be kind. I could be your grandmother! Your grandmother could be a Jigidi user!

    Be kind.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Thanks for the reply. My thoughts:

      (1) As an ethical hacker, I try to disclose any security vulnerabilities I find in software. Have a look elsewhere in my blog for countless examples (nerds can look me up on HackerOne for more)! The vulnerabilities are there and eventually get exploited by bad guys whether or not I disclose them, but if I disclose them then service operators have a chance to fix them first. If you use Vodafone, HMRC, or the National Lottery, for example – all of these services are more-secure than they would be thanks to me, personally, breaking into them (and then telling them how I did so!). No, it’s not “fun” for their developers to be shown that they’ve got a security bug, but it’s their JOB, for which they’re paid, to fix them, and I feel that it’s the responsible and correct thing to do to tell them. Otherwise, the next person to find the vulnerability might not be so nice and people will get their money or identity stolen. (As a side benefit, I sometimes get awarded “bounties” for my efforts – kickbacks from companies who want to encourage “good guys” and incentivise them not to be “bad guys” – but personally I just do it for fun.)

      With Jigidi, though, I didn’t see any potential for harm in the misuse of the technique, so I skipped the “tell the developers first” step and went straight to the “publish on the Web” step. I based this decision on the fact that nobody’s going to get defrauded out of their pension or spammed or whatnot as a result of this issue. Also because this is what basically everybody else who’s found an exploit for Jigidi has done. (Lots of other people have described similar techniques, apparently I just show up in search engines better!)

      I see the point that Jigidi developers may feel they have to ‘fence’ with me. Maybe they do, but I’ve not seen any evidence of this: that my initial exploit no longer works may well be a coincidence. Regardless: the technique I proposed most recently, a little higher in the thread, is one that isn’t POSSIBLE for them to counteract (although it’s also not so effective as the original either). I’ve made no efforts beyond my initial post to ‘fence’ with them, and I’ve not seen anybody else do so either. So while your argument may be valid against something I DID, and I’ll consider that, it’s not something I’m DOING.

      (2) You’re right, I suppose, that people might use techniques like the one I originally suggested (which no longer works) to get to the top of leaderboards, competing unfairly with my gran (well not my gran obviously, she’s been dead over a decade, but somebody’s gran, sure). When I originally came up with the technique, I honestly had no idea that there even were leaderboards or that people might “compete” at jigsaw-solving! I don’t use a Jigidi account while solving jigsaws using my approaches or otherwise, so I don’t appear on any leaderboards, and I don’t condone anybody else doing so either. It is, of course, impossible for Jigidi to completely police this (just like they can’t stop a team of people solving a jigsaw together, just like they can’t remove the advantage posed by people with larger screens) but I appreciate that my initial technique represents an incredible scaling-up compared to those advantages.

      Again, techniques like mine are “out there” and being used regardless of whether or not I streamline, simplify and publish them. But I can see how I might, for the brief period that the technique in my blog post worked (I assume you’ve seen that it stopped working months ago, and as I mentioned I’ve never made any effort to ‘fence’ with Jigidi by making it work again), have helped facilitate cheating. I didn’t consider the possibility that somebody would use it to cheat at lesderboards because I only considered that people would use it if, like me, they found jigsaws boring and tedious, and using it to get onto scoreboards would require doing MORE boring and tedious things! But I suppose it’s possible that somewhere on the Internet there exist sad losers who would waste their time doing jigsaws slightly-faster than by hand in order to put their name on a scoreboard.

      To mitigate that: I can promise that if I ever publish a streamlined technique for sidestepping Jigidi again, I’ll see if it’s possible to make it work only (or easiest, if that’s not possible) if you’re not logged in to a Jigidi account. Although again, I’m unlikely to do this – finding an exploitable bug in some code once is fun for me, doing it again and again on the same bit of code is basically what I’m paid to do at work so it’s a lot less fun! That’s why while you’ll find countless posts on my blog about how I hacked some system it another, you’ll not find one about how I did so TWICE!

      Hope that explains my position, and what I’d do differently in future!

  152. Perdita Perdita says:

    I appreciate your thoughtful reply, Dan. “[I]t’s possible that somewhere on the Internet there exist sad losers who would waste their time doing jigsaws slightly-faster than by hand in order to put their name on a scoreboard.” That made me laugh, because, yes, more of those exist than you would think! And there are some who have found ways to do this without knowing how to write code, for instance by painstakingly stacking pieces by shape and then trying to fit one piece from stack A into any piece in stack B, over and over again. Talk about boring!

    I wish all hackers were ethical, but there’s that pesky problem of human nature . . .

    Best to you,

  153. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    another not so fun puzzle is asking a professional solver… ^_^

    it is for GCA628X.

    Thanks !

    1. Rich Rich says:

      Bravo maintenant répond à cette question dans certitudes si je te dis:

      CoinCoin: would be interested to know the Certitude keyword, purely out of interest (initially message looked like w3w, but is not).

      PS: Perdita for your information, my contributions here are manually completed jigsaws – I don’t mind helping people who do not enjoy jigsaws!

  154. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Hello Rich, and thanks a lot !
    The answer for certitude is “FRAISE”.
    (strawberry in french)
    Have a nice day !

  155. Fany Fany says:

    Super beautiful work, thank you very much. 👍.

    Read more →

  156. Zwei Zwei says:

    Hi, could someone help me with this one?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Rich Rich says:

      What is the GC code?

      1. Zwei Zwei says:

        If I’m not mistaken the GC code is for Geocaching, right? If you ask about that, it doesn’t have one because it’s not for geocaching, if the GC code is not for that then I have no idea.

        1. Rich Rich says:

          ok understood – Dan has provided the message

  157. Thonberger Thonberger says:

    Does this still work???
    “Open the file game/js/release.js ”
    I don’t find the file.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      No, this doesn’t still work. Read the second line of the article.

  158. Void Void says:

    Guess this isn’t working for now… anyway if anyone got the time… solution for this would be helpful..

    500 pcs lol

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      @Void: Correct, this approach doesn’t work. But there’s a link in the second sentence of the article (scroll right to the top) to an approach that does, albeit one that’s not quite so good.

      Completed jigsaw illustration

      Anyway, it looks like the URL you’re looking for is https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/QWdHo/kena-bridge-of-spirits.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      GCA80BR: Bravo à présent tu dois compter le nombre de capsules présents sur cette photo et entrer ce chiffre dans Jigidi… (Courage il t’en faudra)
      Ou sinon tu peux simplement me dire de quel type de produit viennent ces capsules: XXXXXX (avec un S et sans accent)

      Screenshot showing completed Jigidi puzzle for geocache GCA80BR

    2. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      GCA80BB: n 49 28 319 e 005 50 129

      Screenshot showing completed Jigidi puzzle for geocache GCA80BB

  159. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    A great thanks, as usual !
    Have a nice weekend !

  160. Guido B. Guido B. says:

    Hi Dan!
    I’m playing around with your latest solution. First: thanks for your great tips! Super cool!

    You may have heard that they changed the code recently.
    Just one thing: do you know how to get the x,y coordinates of the pieces (upper left) from the pieces-object?

    thanks tons,

  161. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    One new cache, with several puzzles inside…

    https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCA5JNG https://www.jigidi.com/solve/bpa6gtpm/paris-1/

    Thanks for your help Dan !

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Solution message:

      Code certitude : PALAISROYAL


      Solving that second puzzle gives:

      Code certitude : SEINEORSAY


      Solving that third puzzle gives:

      Code certitude : SALVADORDALI


      Solving that fourth puzzle gives:

      Code certitude : GALERIEDELEVOLUTION


      Solving that fifth puzzle gives:

      Code certitude : ANTENNERADIO


      Soling that sixth puzzle, which is ludicrously easy compared to all the rest (only 36 pieces rather than 540!) gives:

      Code certitude : CHOCOLATINE

      Joining all those codewords by semicolons and entering them into https://www.certitudes.org/certitude?wp=GCA5JNG gives:

      N 48 51.166 E 002 18.884


  162. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    It was incredibly fast !
    Thanks a lot for your efforts (and success) !

  163. flipso flipso says:

    At this point, a heartfelt “thank you” to Dan Q – and of course everyone else – who helps out here to be able to care more about tupperware than staring at ugly holiday photo pieces.
    I’m not that into coding, but the debugger no shuffle method thingy works for me fine – except when I’m to lazy and not moving enough pieces from the sack before putting them together. lLet’s see if a minimum click rate can be determined – for now I’m down to13 min fpr 400pc – which is still okayish – for an unknwon type puzzle (still it’s annoying, that it is soooo repetitive).

    So once again DANQU! (pun intended)

  164. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Hello Dan !
    For you not to get bored, a little puzzle !
    The GC is GCAA2H2

    Thanks !

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Tu es persévérant ! Je te félicite !
      Maintenant, dans l’ordre d’apparition des mots en bleus, tu dois déterminer le nom de chaque géocacheur.
      Rendez-vous ici : https://www.gc-apps.com/checker/e568407a3126a179387cec616794e33e/try

  165. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    A big thanks to you !

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Comments with lots of links in often get flagged by the spam filter and don’t appear until I manually approve them: sorry!

  166. Rich Rich says:

    Thanks for the explanation Dan, will try to remember that next time

  167. Dan Q Dan Q says:

    @stranded: Try my link in the second paragraph for an alternative approach. Try my link in the comments of that post for a further alternative approach.

  168. Srame Srame says:

    Really appreciate it Rich!
    I am quite intrigued though, Are you manually solving them or?

  169. Coincoin Coincoin says:


    Stuck on this:
    Too many hair on this dog !

    Can you do your magic, Rich ?
    Thanks a lot !

  170. Dan Q Dan Q says:

    @Coincoin, re: GCAEFT7 Theo (Jigsaw) –


    N 49 32.544
    E 006 12.575

  171. Dan Q Dan Q says:


    GCAEPYM – Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur:
    N 49 29.951 E 006 10.019

    GCAEPZF – Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur:
    N 49 29.866 E 006 10.744

  172. Coincoin Coincoin says:

    Very big thanks Dan !

  173. Phil Phil says:

    My wife and I are just about broken from solving a series of puzzles. The most recent one we’re up to has just about broken us. Could someone please solve and provide the message for GC8X8ZG?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      “Turrbal” – an Aboriginal Australian people from the region of present-day Brisbane, Queensland.
      This answer is for Certitude in GC8X8ZG: Hedge Screen – Rochedale Pictures 04

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Got the GC code on Garden Cacti, Phil? You might as well make it easier for the next person who searches for a solution by GC code!

      (update: I’ve worked it out, it’s GC8X90K)

      1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

        “Yaga” – the Aussie term ‘yakka’ means work, especially of strenuous kind. It derives from the Yagara word ‘yaga’, the verb for ‘work’.
        This answer is for Certitude in GC8X90K: Garden Cacti – Rochedale Pictures 09

  174. frankenfan frankenfan says:

    Hello all,
    I found this blog when I was looking for automated solutions for puzzles, because I am desperately trying to solve a 476 piece puzzle for geocaching.
    Now, unfortunately, I despair of the instructions here. Apparently the coding was changed again, because the right place for the breakpoint I could not find so far.
    I am in the folder game/18/js.
    I can’t find Dan’s update from 2021-09-22. There are no FOR loops, but also the posts from 2022 by:
    @atle 05 March 10:11
    @atle 19 March 10:38
    @Tron2015 30 March 16:12
    @MrMa 16 April 19:07
    do not help me.
    First, I don’t know how to search in FireFox debugger in Pretty Printer mode, but also manually I don’t find appropriate lines for this hint.

    “simple rule for finding the necessary lines:

    do a regular search for

    function.*\n *for.*\n *for.*\n *var”

    Can someone please explain to me how to find the line in question in Firefox? It is about:

    I actually don’t want the solution but to understand how to get to it myself.

    Thanks a lot for your support

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      @frankenfan: I’m afraid I’ve no idea what the status of Jigidi’s code is. If the approach I’ve used here and in my other blog post doesn’t work, I probably can’t help you fix them. (Do try the one in the other blog post if you haven’t aleady!)

      I’m using a different technique nowadays which I’m afraid I can’t share openly (it’s behind a paywall). Drop me an email if you want me to tell you where to get ahold of the solution I’m using nowadays, but be aware that you’ll need to pay your way through said paywall to be able to use it.

  175. Coincoin Coincoin says:

    Hello Dan,

    A new one. Tried doing it on my own, but all the tiles look the same, there is no way to separate the areas…


    Your help is appreciated. ^_^

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      @Coincoin: Ugh! What a horrible jigsaw! Sorry for the delay, I’ve been away from my computer in Paris for a few days. Solved:

      BRAVO !
      Pour obtenir les coordonnées de la boîte, il te reste à valider dans CERTITUDE le nom (en 3 mots, sans espace) de cette grande table de bronze trouvée en morceaux dans l’Ain et datée du IIe siècle.

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:


      N 49° 30.377 E 006° 03.081
      Don’t forget your fishing rod

  176. Coincoin Coincoin says:


    Can I ask for your help once more ?
    The cache is :

    And the puzzle is :

    Thanks a lot !

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      N 49° 30.377 E 006° 03.081
      Don’t forget your fishing rod

  177. ReggyTheFrog ReggyTheFrog says:

    No solution that works today?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      @ReggyTheFrog: some folks seem to be reporting success with this method or one of the ones linked from it.

  178. jum jum says:

    Hello Dan,
    love your script, solved a 400 piece puzzle in under an hour.
    Can I buy you a coffe`?

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      If you like! Thanks! But you definitely don’t have to!

  179. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    I don’t think to find my last post on this page.
    It’s not the first time.
    So i try again…
    Thanks !



    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur:
      N 49 30.327 E 006 11.735

      (you posted it here, I think!)

  180. Some Guy Some Guy says:

    Any chance on cracking:

  181. Rich Rich says:

    Will post answers for some of above

  182. Rich Rich says:

    N 41° 09.689 W 081° 23.235

    Can’t see a jigsaw in the listing/source code

    The coords that will give you a green checker are N 41° 09.612 W 081° 22.948
    The cache is on the side of the trail opposite of the bench, about 45ft SE of where the coords place it. When I made a lot of these puzzle caches I was using an iPhone 7. I did the best I could back then, but it does lead to a lot of my old caches having their coords off by 30-50ft.
    The more accurate coords are N41 09.606, W81 22.943 I apologize for the inconvenience.

    N 41° 09.319 W 081° 22.971
    Published jigsaw = https://www.jigidi.com/solve/i288ocgy/we-begin-at-the-very-beginning/
    15 jigsaws involved – GeoCacher asked for help on 18/6/2022 via Dan’s website
    Final jigsaw = https://www.jigidi.com/solve/7ehzp5j1/last-naw-this-is-another-dead-end/
    Message = N 41° 09.319 W 081° 22.971

    N 41° 09.013 W 081° 21.556

    N 41° 08.399 W 081° 21.406

    N 41° 09.896 W 081° 23.160

  183. Rich Rich says:

    Now you have all the information you need.

    Dancing Men coded message plus a 7-segment display tube labled so listing info can be decoded – how do I upload the images?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      You can’t upload them here I’m afraid. You can upload to a site like imgur.com and paste a link here if that works?

  184. Rich Rich says:

    Nothing appearing … @Dan – can you check?

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Comments with links in are more-likely to hit the spam filter; got the queue cleared now!

  185. Rich Rich says:


    This one is stupidly crazy … 10’s and 10’s of jigsaws completed so far and still no sign of a solution – sorry but an not prepared to continue with it!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:


      Okay, let’s take a look at GCAKWDE. The first jigsaw says:

      You wake up feeling a strange buzzing sensation through your hands. Its as if a new magical source you have never felt before is pulsing through your veins. Are you… Are you a wizard now? That’s Pretty Cool! It’s a nice day. What do you want to do first?

      Uh, that weird feeling in my veins is freaking me out- lets go back to bed.

      Google Your Symptoms

      Go to Urgent Care

      It’s a nice day you say? Let’s go Geocaching!

      I have magical abilities? Let’s test them out!

      I’m going to take the first answer in each “choice”, see where that ends up. Worst case, it’ll help somebody else:

      Go back to bed

      Blocked artery or vein:
      Another possibility is a partial blockage in an artery or vein from a clot or some kind of injury. The buzzing sensation may be from the blood forcing its way through the blocked vein or artery

      Well Surely today is my last day, I can drop dead at any moment! Or maybe I just need some fresh air and exercise?

      Go to Urgent Care

      Well if today is my last day I want to spend it geocaching

      Is there any other option that doesn’t involve leaving home?

      Go to Urgent Care

      You go to Urgent Care and wait in a room full of people. Some are very sick, some… some you’re not too sure why they are even here. Then again you decided to come here because you felt a tingle in your veins. The more you think about it, the more this isn’t worth your $50 co-pay. You wait anyways. An ad on the waiting room TV announces Inside-O-Corp’s latest exciting announcement. The company sounds vaguely familiar to you but you can’t place it. Before you can give it too much thought the nurse calls you back. She seems tired and annoyed. You explain your symptoms. She takes your vitals. The Doctor comes in. ‘You have a tingle sensation in your veins? Do you have any pain? No? Well your vitals look good. If it continues follow up with your primary care.’ You feel silly for coming and frustrated, but you understand.

      Well if today is or isn’t my last day I want to spend it geocaching

      Is there any other option that doesn’t involve leaving home?

      Well if today is or isn’t my last day I want to spend it geocaching:

      Ah Yes! Geocaching! You open up your map, and while there are still plenty of caches for you to find, you can’t help but notice the growing empty space on the map. There has been an epidemic of ‘muggled’ caches recently. So much so, it seems only an organized group could pull off such a feat. Rumors spread from ‘kids these days just don’t appreciate Geocaching’ to ‘someone or something BIG is behind this. You try not to get too involved in the politics of it all. You’re just here to enjoy the sunshine and find some containers in the woods. You set your sights on one near home and head over.

      Go to GZ!

      Go to GZ!

      Just as your coordinates start to get closer to zero you see someone. Is it another cacher? Wait. No! This guy is destroying the Geocache! What the heck!

      Who know what this guy is capable of, lets just go home and find something inside to do

      No. I’m not standing for this- Fight him!

      Yell at him

      Who know what this guy is capable of, lets just go home and find something inside to do

      This is all just too much. You decide to just spend the day on the couch. The same commercial keeps playing for Inside-O-Corp. ‘Enjoy the Great Indoors’. You look up information about Inside-O-Corp. Inside-O-Corp, Technology Company Founder: Mel D. Lug, INSOCOR Stock Price $400 +3.4%. Inside-O-Corp is a multi-billion dollar company owned and operated by Mel D. Lug since 2020. Mel originally started his business in his basement building Virtual Reality Machines or VR equipment. With the explosion of crypto currency during the 2020 pandemic, Lug decided to merge the two businesses. A VR company that would pay it’s users to mine for Crypto currency and watch advertisements. Over the years, Inside-O-Corp has grown to providing multiple jobs and offering benefits exclusive to it’s employees, such as schooling for children, food delivery services, electricity bill coverage and complementary at home installation of Wi-Fi and services. All these services are taken from an employee’s check at a highly discounted rate. Some have called Inside-O-Corp dystopian, some call it the future. Some say we are already living inside the Virtual Reality set by Inside-O-Corp.

      Interesting. You have been getting annoyed at the lack of benefits from your current job. Maybe this is the route to go? You do enjoy a delivered meal from time to time. And you’ve heard of some great VR games.

      Join Inside-O-Corp

      Hmm. This feels like a trap. Maybe I should give geocaching another go.

      Join Inside-O-Corp

      The day your first headset arrives. You start your first few assignments. You make friends from around the world. You seem to need to take the headset off less and less as time goes on. You visit countries all around the world from the comfort of your desk, your couch, and eventually your bed. You meet the love of your life in Inside O Corp VR world. You gain promotions. You meet with friends virtually. You hear on the new carbon emissions are at a world record low. Years have now past. You feel your time is near. As you lay on your virtual hospital bed, a tear rolls down your cheek. What a beautiful life you have lived. All from the comfort of your own home. What was that other hobby? Geo… Something? It all seems so unfamiliar. You drift off to the next life.
      -The end-
      Geocaching has been wiped from the world. As a result there is no cache to be found. Oh well.

      Okay, so that’s a dead end. Rewinding one step (Hmm. This feels like a trap. Maybe I should give geocaching another go.) and trying Yell at him

      “Destroying this geocache. Whats it to you?
      “Well stop doing that”
      That didn’t seem very effective.
      He turns to walk away, chuckling to himself

      Punch him

      Go home

      Try fighting using magic

      Punch him

      Well this is the last straw! You swing at him and hit him square in the jaw. He stops laughing.
      “What the hell is your issue?!”
      “You were destroying a geocache!” You yell back.
      “So you just hit me? This is a child’s game and just leaves litter all over the place.”
      He has a point- not about the child’s game or the litter thing. But about the ‘not hitting random strangers when you first meet them’ thing- even if they are being destructive. “Fair point. I really shouldn’t have hit you, I don’t know what came over me.” You feel a little awkward. Since when do you just walk up to people and hit them?
      He eye balls you for a moment trying to decide what to do. “tell you what. We can forget this whole thing happened if you join me. You are pretty good hitter, and with some guidance, I think we could use a tough personality like yours on our team.”
      “What team?”
      “I can’t give you much detail, but our group is called the Muggles. If you agree to join us, we will make it worth your while. Your other option is to deny. In which case I will contact the police about how you just hit me. I even have the mark forming as we speak, so its up to you.”
      Join the Muggles

      Don’t do the Crime if you can’t do the time!

      Join the Muggles

      You join the muggles. Day and Day out you destroy geocaches. Until one day…
      One day you are given your own Executive Inside O Corp VR headset. Wait…. Inside O Corp was behind the Muggles all along?


      Okay, we know that’s a dead end. Go home‘s ID points to a known jigsaw. So let’s try Try fighting using magic

      Yeah! Let’s Fight him! You yell at the strange man. He turns to face you. YOU… You… you’re not really sure what to do. Maybe that tingle in your veins was magic. You quickly think of some magical words. “FIREBALL!” nothing happens. The man looks slightly concerned. Then busts out laughing.

      Punch him

      I still think I have magical abilities. Let’s let this go and go to the library for answers

      I still think I have magical abilities. Let’s let this go and go to the library for answers

      You go to the library and find a whole section dedicated to magic. Who knew? Time to study

      Keep Studying

      Lets go home

      Keep Studying

      Your brain fills with so much information on spells, enchantments, ingredients, curses, and even forgotten languages. The tingling in your veins grows.

      Keep studying!

      Go home

      Keep Studying (again)

      You piece together the symbols and think you have an idea of what it says, but you’re not sure.

      Going to include the picture of that jigsaw because it looks like a possible flag code?

      Moving on…

      You see blue flames grow from your hands. It feels cold. You see the pages in the books in front of you start to char. You instantly tense your arms to reign the flames in.

      Well that was weird, time to go home

      Lets see about that muggle…

      All the “home” options point to the same place and get you looped back around, as we’ve already discovered, so Lets see about that muggle…

      You float to the nearest geocache. Magic coursing through your veins. People stare, but you have one objective. You see him. The muggle, with a different geocache. Destroying it. Your voice booms out. ‘CEASE AT ONCE!’ Flames erupt around you. The muggle tries to run but using your magic you bend the trees into unnatural shapes around him holding him in place. ‘SPEAK, WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!” The muggle struggles to free himself, ‘Please let me go, I’ll tell you everything.’
      ‘OK, OK, Ok!’ the muggle sighs. ‘I’m with a group, i’m sure you know. But we call ourselves the muggles. We work for Inside-O-Corp. Please I’m just a temporary worker. I just needed a job and this paid well.
      ‘I- I- I don’t know, I’m just a temporary worker. Please, believe me.”
      the muggle looks defeated.

      Follow the muggle to the hide out

      Follow the muggle to the hide out

      You float through the doorway of an abandoned building to see various people sitting at desks and couches, reviewing cache pages. They have walkie-talkies, and maps all over the walls of where caches are hidden. This seems too well orchestrated for just a gang of kids, or adults. The room goes quiet as your magical shadow leers over all who are in the building.
      “I REQUEST THE BOSS’ you boom.
      A nervous worker hands you a business card.
      Mel D. Lug- Inside-O-Corp.
      You leave at once to the headquarters.



      You easily teleport to the headquarters of Inside-O-Corp. You find yourself in front of the notorious Mel D. Lug.
      “WHY!?” you boom.
      A sinister laugh escapes Mel.

      “You don’t understand. I am standing on the edge of saving humanity from itself. Look out there. All you see is pollution, wars, starvation, sadness. What I can offer humanity is much greater-”
      Mel Disappears and is replaced with an advertisement.

      And still moving on…

      ‘Enjoy the Great Indoors’. Information begins to play about Inside-O-Corp. Inside-O-Corp, Technology Company Founder: Mel D. Lug, INSOCOR Stock Price $400 +3.4%. Inside-O-Corp is a multi-billion dollar company owned and operated by Mel D. Lug since 2020. Mel originally started his business in his basement building Virtual Reality Machines or VR equipment. With the explosion of crypto currency during the 2020 pandemic, Lug decided to merge the two businesses. A VR company that would pay it’s users to mine for Crypto currency and watch advertisements. Over the years, Inside-O-Corp has grown to providing multiple jobs and offering benefits exclusive to it’s employees, such as schooling for children, food delivery services, electricity bill coverage and complementary at home installation of Wi-Fi and services. All these services are taken from an employee’s check at a highly discounted rate. Some have called Inside-O-Corp dystopian, some call it the future. Some say we are already living inside the Virtual Reality set by Inside-O-Corp.

      Interesting. You have been getting annoyed at the lack of benefits from your current job. Maybe this is the route to go? You do enjoy a delivered meal from time to time. And you’ve heard of some great VR games.
      Join Inside-O-Corp

      Aren’t I powerful wizard? I WANT TO GEOCACHE! Let’s GO!!!
      Use your telepathic abilities to locate Mel

      That first one I think we’ve tried, so let’s Use your telepathic abilities to locate Mel:

      You use your magical abilities to locate Mel once more. This time there are two of him
      “Why do you resist? What is it about your precious geocaches that prevents you from joining us? You can travel the world, make friends- even find love and riches. Join me.”
      You shoot a fire ball at one of the Mels, it evaporates.

      ‘You see there is no ‘living side by side’. For as long as geocaching lasts, there is a hole in my market demographic. But this world I can give you, you can create anything you want. You are indeed a powerful wizard. Join me. We can rule this life together.


      Food delivery its free right?


      You shoot a fire ball at Mel, four more appear.
      ‘When will you learn is useless to fight me. JOIN US OR YOU SHALL PERISH”

      Your body fills with rage, flames erupt from you filling the whole room. Everything is burnt to a crisp. You don’t see Mel anymore but you hear his laughter. You search, and search but can’t find him, or any trace of anything. Its all darkness around you. This. This can’t be. How do you still hear him but can’t see him? “Because I already have you” Mels voice plays in your head. “Its so much easier if you just join me.” Mel continues.

      But you have come too far to give up now. Using your psychic vision powers, your eyes turn white. You see the outline of Mel. This darkness. Its only a room. He’s on the other side of a wall- Microphone in hand. THIS. ENDS. NOW! Using all your strength you rip through the walls to get to Mel. Fear strikes his eyes as you charge up for a final hit…

      Oh my god Mzzerpants I’m on the edge of my seat, will you finally give me coords?

      Oh my god Mzzerpants I’m on the edge of my seat, will you finally give me coords?

      An acorn hits your head. You open your eyes. You’re laying the ground in the mud by some trees. What happened?
      You rub the back of your head. You must have slipped when you were grabbing the cache. The ideas of VR, and Muggles is starting to fade.
      Huh.. You may have just came up with an idea for a cache.
      N 41° 08.522 W 081° 21.473

      The coordinates for GCAKWDE are N 41° 08.522 W 081° 21.473. Confirmed using solution checker.

      1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

        Incomplete map of the choose-your-own-adventure jigsaw tree:

  186. Rich Rich says:

    N 41° 09.689 W 081° 23.235

  187. Rich Rich says:

    Can’t see a jigsaw in the listing/source code

  188. Rich Rich says:

    The coords that will give you a green checker are N 41° 09.612 W 081° 22.948
    The cache is on the side of the trail opposite of the bench, about 45ft SE of where the coords place it. When I made a lot of these puzzle caches I was using an iPhone 7. I did the best I could back then, but it does lead to a lot of my old caches having their coords off by 30-50ft.
    The more accurate coords are N41 09.606, W81 22.943 I apologize for the inconvenience.

  189. Rich Rich says:

    N 41° 09.319 W 081° 22.971
    Published jigsaw = https://www.jigidi.com/solve/i288ocgy/we-begin-at-the-very-beginning/
    15 jigsaws involved – GeoCacher asked for help on 18/6/2022 via Dan’s website
    Final jigsaw = https://www.jigidi.com/solve/7ehzp5j1/last-naw-this-is-another-dead-end/
    Message = N 41° 09.319 W 081° 22.971

  190. Rich Rich says:

    The coords that will give you a green checker are N 41° 09.612 W 081° 22.948
    The cache is on the side of the trail opposite of the bench, about 45ft SE of where the coords place it. When I made a lot of these puzzle caches I was using an iPhone 7. I did the best I could back then, but it does lead to a lot of my old caches having their coords off by 30-50ft.

  191. Rich Rich says:

    N 41° 09.013 W 081° 21.556

  192. Rich Rich says:

    Have post a few more but they are not showing

  193. Metaltrol Metaltrol says:

    Hello Dan,

    Is there a way to change the colors of the rows, it starts with red, that”s very clear but the bottom 4 pieces are all kinda white-ish, how do you change colors?

    thank you for the help!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      I’m not certain, but it sounds like you’re talking about the alternate technique I proposed elsewhere for row-striping. If so: yes, you can change the colours by modifying the first line of the source code either before you paste it.

  194. Metaltrol Metaltrol says:

    Thank you for the quick response Dan, appreciate it. Can’t change it but it works with the other color to. Have a nice day!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Drapeau 19: Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur: N 49 30.292 E 006 12.379

      Drapeau 20: Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur: N 49 30.557 E 006 12.652

      Drapeau 21: Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur: N 49 30.146 E 006 11.829

      Drapeau 22: Félicitation, la cache se trouve sur: N 49 30.314 E 006 12.075

  195. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Forget the Flag 21, it’s easy, I will do it myself. ^_^

  196. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Waouh ! You were incredibly fast ! Thanks a lot !

  197. A. Cacher A. Cacher says:

    Hi, would it be possible for someone to solve this puzzle for me please?


    GC code GC9TH4F

    Thank you!

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:


      Hint: Sign

      Take out what you find. Then remove the ‘logbook’

  198. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    can you help me solve https://www.jigidi.com/solve/whxczy3t/c-est-loin/ ?
    it’s black and white and very fastidious.
    The cache is https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCADMZ6

    Thanks !

    1. Dan Q Dan Q says:

      Gosh, that IS cruel!

      The answer is: Bravo ! Ça mérite bien un indice : c’est un point éloigné de tout.

      So I suspect you’ve still got some decoding to do…

  199. CoinCoin CoinCoin says:

    Thanks a lot !
    I would have been very angered to find this text after 2 or 3 hours !
    (I only spent 40 minutes rearranging the tiles but it was enough)

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