Composting 101

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When Is Compost Ready? Must-Know Tips for Composting Successfully
Discover how to tell when compost is ready with this guide to knowing when you can use compost for beginners. This guide is perfect for at home composters who need to know if their compost pile is safe and ready to use.
Direct Composting Method for Busy Homesteaders For Beginners Composting 101
Want to start composting but not sure how? Learn about direct composting at home. This is composting 101 or composting for beginners. The direct compost method is easy because you are composting directly on the ground. Use direct composting garden or direct composting in pots that you can dump into a hole in your yard or garden bed.
Complete Composting Guide for Beginners
Every fall nature gives us an abundance of leaf litter that is perfect for composting in winter. This step-by-step guide to DIY composting for beginners shows you what not to put in compost and how to make homemade compost fast, even when it's cold outside.
15 Composting Tips for Beginners That You Need to Know