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RT @ForeignPolicy: Chinas censorship has extended into the global publishing industry. https://t.co/6vsvYrO4ur
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RT @RANDCorporation: As #autonomous vehicles become increasingly complex modifying one aspect of the technology could create an unexpected vulnerability in another feature. That makes it crucial to develop safety and cybersecurity as integrated systems says @marjorysb. https://t.co/PQNdoZdUFd
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RT @TellMamaUK: Graffiti scrawled in Bristol praising Christchurch terrorist https://t.co/bUWroyRryQ
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RT @Stratfor: #SaudiArabia and the #UnitedArabEmirates are increasingly willing to pay to play in #SouthAsia. Robert Mogielnicki for our partners @GulfStatesInst explains. https://t.co/Fn3HnPhSqg
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RT @CNNPolitics: Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen asks for volunteers to help at the border https://t.co/Nim7Ysmm8m https://t.co/QM43A36a9t
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RT @amnestyusa: Physical protests in Egypt are almost always met by extreme violence -- so regular people are finding ways to speak out against government abuses online: https://t.co/pMUpJrnYMS
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RT @trtworld: Turkey and Russia discuss S-400 missile deal US decision on Golan Heights and bilateral defence and trade ties as foerign ministers of both countries meet in Antalya https://t.co/Wr5p9ks3vV
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RT @CNNPolitics: Joe Biden leads the Democratic pack in new 2020 poll followed by Bernie Sanders and Beto O'Rourke https://t.co/BgmchaW0Du https://t.co/tw8TovxBM0
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RT @UN: "UN missions often represent the last and only hope for millions of people facing daily threats to their safety and their basic rights." @refugees Special Envoy Angelina Jolie at Friday's @UNPeacekeeping ministerial at UNHQ. https://t.co/YFJLyw1lGJ https://t.co/qxqdeVZzx8
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RT @bridgeinit: #Quebec will ban public sector employees from wearing religious symbols during work hours a controversial move critics say targets Muslim women who wear #hijabs or other head coverings. https://t.co/J2th7C9cRz https://t.co/k9a6zMbr2g
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RT @CSIS: Experts from @CSIS_USLD & @CSISAmericas examine the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and lay out five key areas that are essential to a day after recovery rebuilding and development framework. https://t.co/NdGbfV9TgQ
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RT @CNNPolitics: Justice Department asks judge to send Maria Butina back to Russia after her sentencing https://t.co/69q10Zm03R https://t.co/Le5jSdRuGK
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RT @TurkishPolitics: It is commented that main opposition party CHPs leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu sidelined and marginalized the secular nationalists within the CHP and accommodated the supporters of the pro-terrorist-PKKs de facto political wing HDP and members of the İYİ Party during his leadership. https://t.co/VNj60j9rkB
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RT @BrookingsFP: Confused about where things stand with #Brexit? Watch @A_Sloat explain what you need to know: https://t.co/kM95r4Ql5a
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RT @trtworld: Decreasing traffic congestion is a top priority for candidates running in Istanbuls local elections https://t.co/OmVlDNydD5 https://t.co/p6HFGCwfVT