
Lincoln, whom I also don't like, would write an angry letter and wait a day or two before sending it....its called the Abe Lincoln rule... why you'd just go and get a tattoo like a cop of coffee is beyond me..but its your life.
7 Pins
this is Laurent Fignon. He's from Paris. Some French don't like that. Others don't like they pony tail. He won by eleven minutes one year. Although he never won as many as Hinault or Lance, he was highly dominate and could argue the best rider of all time.
The pride of Canada Steve Bauer trying to hold onto yellow. He broke away on the second day one year with a few other riders. The peleton was slow to react and he finished with a ridiculous ten minute cushion. They pecked away at it though, and he eventually lost the jersey in the mountains.
Look,! its Jean Francois Bernard! He's highly respected. Good against the clock and good in the mountains he dutifully served his team. In France its called a domestic but that does not translate well. In America we would call him a worker. In the best sense of the word. He could have won a tour under better circumstance.
Gert Theunissen. He practiced going up Alpe d Huez seventy times in one year. He no doubt won the stage that year but the fastest time belongs to Lance by one second over Marco Pantani. It allegedly takes years off your life to go up the hill, but thats only if you're going fast.
its Steven Rooks rocking the old school hybrid jersey, and with him is Pedro Delgado who famously showed up two minutes late to the prologue stage and lost the tour before it even started.
Its Thierry Marie. He showed up on time, and was a prologue specialist. One time he broke away, and they let him go with out worry. He had twenty minutes on the peloton before they decided enough was enough. He still won the stage by a minute and change if my memory is good.
Stephen Roche riding for an italian team. When he went back to Ireland after winning the tour, they threw a big parade in his honor.