25 Pins
Heatherwick Studio | Design & Architecture | Maggie's Yorkshire
Heatherwick Studio | Design & Architecture | Maggie's Leeds
Rafael Schmid Architekten on Instagram: "Fassadenmodell 1:10 «Kiosk Stadthausanlage Zürich» Wettbewerb 2022, 1. Rang Bauherrschaft: Stadt Zürich Fertigstellung: 2025 Ein Projekt des Schmid Ziörjen Architektenkollektiv Modell: @schalkmodellbau Fotografie: Schmid Ziörjen Architektenkollektiv #rafaelschmidarchitekten #rafaelschmid #schmidzioerjenarchitektenkollektiv #kiosk #zuerich #stadthausanlage #architektur #architecture #swissarchitecture #swissarchitects #competition #architecturecompetition #woodstructure #wood #woodconstruction #public #woodenmodel #architecturemodel #modelmaking"
Context Labs no Instagram: “@tanguillesousroche | GOOD CITY HAS INDUSTRY . . . Follow us and use #ContextLabs to be featured . . . #studentarchitecture #computational…”
Architectural Drawing
Visit Toffu for architectural presentation resources @toffuco #toffu #toffuco #flatvector #axonometric #cad #dwg #flaticon #architecture #architecturalpresentation #presentation #sitting #furniture #home #house #people #chair #room #living