Bead clasp or toggles

174 Pins
How to Make a Custom Beaded Loop and Button Clasp
Attach a Slide Clasp to a Peyote Stitch Cuff Bracelet: Make Loops and Attach the Clasp to This End ~ Seed Bead Tutorails
Basics to making jewellery - how to use a calotte. Calottes are used to attach your jewellery design to a clasp. They're great for multi-stranded jewellery or strings and threads like nymo which can wear away when you use finishes like crimps.
Náramek z dvoudírkového korálku SUPERDUO naramek z koralku superduo
Instructions for super-duo bracelet with very pretty closure. Easy but most of the directions are in sentence form with minimal diagrams. And, you need translation. Good if you've been working with super-duos ~ Seed Bead Tutorials
Alternate uses for wire guardians in seed bead work. I've pinned this before but it is worth a review. #Seed #Beads #Tutorials
Crimping Stretch Magic | Beading Techniques
Crimping Stretch Magic | Beading Techniques | Fusion Beads
Peyote Toggle Clasp for a Herringbone Stitch Beaded Rope
The last round of circular peyote stitch - The last round of circular peyote stitch completed.
МК по оплетению бусин 14-15 мм Деликой (Осторожно, много фото!) | - всё о бисере и бисерном творчестве
МК по оплетению бусин 14-15 мм Деликой (Осторожно, много фото!) | - всё о бисере и бисерном творчестве - Premier handmade marketplace to buy & sell handmade crafts, supplies, vintage and art
TUTORIAL Geometric Snap Clasps COMMERCIAL & PERSONAL USE PDF | MikkiFerrugiaroDesigns - Patterns on ArtFire