Papers by Sylva Fischerová
Filosofický časopis, 2006
Studie polemizuje s obvyklým oddělováním archaické řecké poezie a vznikající řecké filosofie. Na ... more Studie polemizuje s obvyklým oddělováním archaické řecké poezie a vznikající řecké filosofie. Na bázi srovnání Hésiodovy Theogonie a Parmenidovy básně O přírodě jsou představeny úzké vazby mezi oběma básněmi, a to zvláště ve sféře pravdy, spravedlnosti a struktury kosmu
Časopis lékařů českých, 2022
Takzvaná Hippokratova Přísaha vychází ze standardizované podoby přísahy v antickém světě a předst... more Takzvaná Hippokratova Přísaha vychází ze standardizované podoby přísahy v antickém světě a představuje bezpochyby nejslavnější, nejdiskutovanější a nejkomentovanější součást Corpus Hippocraticum, souboru spisů s lékařskou tematikou, jejichž autorství je tradičně připisováno osobě legendárního lékaře Hippokrata. Studie nejprve představí charakter tohoto stručného textu i různé teorie o vzniku Přísahy stejně jako doklady jejího nejstaršího užití. Druhá část studie se soustředí na historii lékařských sponzí v Československu od roku 1918, mapuje proměny textu sponzí po roce 1948 (zejména na základě dosud nepublikovaných archivních materiálů) a uvádí podobu současných lékařských sponzí v České republice se zřetelem k formulacím samotné Hippokratovy Přísahy; v přehledné tabulce je uvedeno jejich české i latinské znění.
Slovo a smysl, 2021
SYNOPSIS Why Is Lydia Korabelnikova Weaving With the Czechs? (A Case Study on the Origins of a Co... more SYNOPSIS Why Is Lydia Korabelnikova Weaving With the Czechs? (A Case Study on the Origins of a Communist Myth) This case study deals with the image of Lydia Korabelnikova, a Soviet 'shock worker' [or udarnik, celebrated for high productivity], in the former Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic. Korabelnikova had worked at the Parizhskaya Kommuna shoe factory in Moscow since the 1940s, and was celebrated for saving material in the production of footwear. In the former Czechoslovakia and later in the Czech Republic, however, the prevailing image of Korabelnikova has been that of a shockweaver, famous for working on several looms at the same time. These details can be found in official publications as well as in a form of a communist icon or myth that still circulates, e.g. in the Czech Parliament, on the internet, and elsewhere. The study first briefly introduces the iconic image of Korabelnikova, then presents well-documented facts about her (including her visit to Czechoslovakia in 1950, when she visited local factories), and finally identifies key moments that may have played a role in creating the myth, and which are related to totalitarian ideology and practice in Czechoslovakia during the 1950s. Interpretations are based mainly on Barthes' 'Myth Today' (in Mythologies); however, his approach to 'Myth on the Left' is criticized by the author as severely flawed, and of being mythical itself. Conversely, Barthes' theses on the 'bourgeois myth' can easily be applied to myth on the left. In conclusion, mythology, whether ancient or recent, can only have a historical basis (that is, myth is a discourse chosen by history). Myths do not hide anything: their function is to deform, not to make disappear; their growing obsolescence can be recognized by virtue of the arbitrary nature of their signification. Gender politics, changes in rhetorical strategy, and other factors have contributed to the way Korabelnikova now functions as a gender synecdoche and simulacrum of the communist udarnik worker, open to further semantic reconfigurations. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA / KEYWORDS Sovětští úderníci a jejich obraz v Československu 50. let; vznik a proměny "komunistických mýtů"; mýtém jménem Korabelniková / Soviet shock-workers (udarniks) and their image in Czechoslovakia during the 1950s; the emergence and transformation of 'communist myths'; the myth of Lydia Korabelnikova.
Namen pričujoče raziskave je prikazati do sedaj zanemarjeno vlogo češkoslovaških slavistov pri ob... more Namen pričujoče raziskave je prikazati do sedaj zanemarjeno vlogo češkoslovaških slavistov pri oblikovanju Parry-Lordove teorije ustnega pesništva. Potek predstavlja v obliki zgodbe o pristnem odkritju, ki izhaja iz določenega znanstvenega okolja (Antoine Meillet, praški lingvistični krožek itd.). Glavne vloge v njej igrajo Matija Murko, ustanovitelj češkoslovaške slavistike Roman Jakobson in nekateri drugi raziskovalci. Največ pozornosti članek posveča Murkovim in Parryjevim znanstveno-raziskovalnim strategijam, ki sta jih uporabljala med potovanji na Balkan leta 1930, in jih primerja. Članek razkriva tudi določene povezave med Murkom in Lordom, ter nekatere njihove dokaze, ki do sedaj še niso bili objavljeni.
Pseudo-Plútarchos, O hudbě, 2016
Řecký koncept músiké neznamená prostě jenom hudbu (byť i to je jedním z jeho významů), ale oteví... more Řecký koncept músiké neznamená prostě jenom hudbu (byť i to je jedním z jeho významů), ale otevírá široké sémantické pole, které charakterizuje řeckou kulturu i její specifika. Téměř všeprostupující charakter músiké u Řeků má ovšem za následek, že nelze najít snad žádnou podstatnou sféru života, která by jí nebyla zasažena. Proto může tato studie sloužit jako pouhý úvod k tématu, jako nástin půdorysu, jaký músiké v náboženském i společenském životě antického Řecka narýsovala. V neposlední řadě se snad v této souvislosti prokáží stále hojně citované Bomanovy charakteristiky židovské kultury jakožto primárně auditivní, na rozdíl od údajně vizuálně založené kultury řecké, jako pohodlně zjednodušující a příliš všeobecné, tudíž zkratovité a zavádějící.
Studie si klade za cíl představit koncept ekfrasis, jak je charakterizován v rétorických příručká... more Studie si klade za cíl představit koncept ekfrasis, jak je charakterizován v rétorických příručkách prvních století letopočtu, a užití této rétorické figury v antických románech, zejména v antickém románu milostném (se zvláštním zřetelem k románům Achillea Tatia O věrné lásce Leukippy a Kleitofóna a k Héliodórovu románu Příběhy aithiopské). Ekfrasis se ukazuje jako figura mimořádného významu pro tzv. „topos divadla a obrazu“, který nahlížíme jako důležitou součást topiky milostného románu a který obsahuje velmi sofistikované mezihry mezi vizuálním a auditivním i mezi verbálním a divadelním, a vytváří tak zcela specifický rozměr, antickému románu vlastní.
Starodávné bejlí. Obrysy populární a brakové literatury ve starověku a středověku., 2016
Old and modern weeds. In search for a definition
The study has two goals: first, it seeks to sum... more Old and modern weeds. In search for a definition
The study has two goals: first, it seeks to summarize the debate on the
nature and development of popular literature (as a specific part of the
literary field); second, it presents the strategy of the volume „Starodávné bejlí: obrysy populární a brakové literatury ve starověku a středověku“as a whole. Some cliches repeated in the debate about popular literature are cited, followed by an analysis of the writers’ and readers’ strategies, and of the social role played by the phenomena of popular culture within society; the complex issues of aesthetic evaluation and the question of the origins of popular culture/ literature are examined as well. After reaching the conclusion which is the point of departure of the book – i.e. that we can speak of phenomena later designated as “popular” already in classical antiquity and in the Middle Ages – the general strategy of the contributing authors is specified, one based on the multi‑methodological and holistic approach, with the text in its various contexts standing always in the centre of our attention. In order to assemble some more specific tools for examination, we have decided to focus on the following aspects of the texts: variation and innovation within the genre; language, style and its social status; self‑parody; fantasy – fiction – lie; Sitz
im Leben (i.e. to what extent one can deduce the role these texts played in society); and period reception and classification of the texts. The studies are dealing with texts from ancient Egypt (2000 BCE), from ancient Greece of the imperial age, and from the first Christian centuries, as well as with the medieval passion plays and with texts already from the era of print. Old Norse literature is presented in several studies, and neither Byzantine nor Arabic cultural traditions are neglected. The essay concludes by demonstrating some general features of the texts under scrutiny, with their impressive variety of genres.
The Technicity of the Hippocratic Medicine and Its Limits The study is concerned with the Hippocr... more The Technicity of the Hippocratic Medicine and Its Limits The study is concerned with the Hippocratic concept of techne which formed a part of the broader debates on techne occurring in 5 th century Greece. The concept of techne is anchored in the concept of physis (and it is at the same time in opposition to the concept of tyche); its importance is attested by the fact that – some time ago – H.-G. Gadamer designated the Greek discovery of techne and its application to medicine as a first decisive commitment towards everything that essentially characterizes Western civilization. What is first presented here are the basic features of techne ietrike (as formulated in the treatises of the Corpus Hippocrati-cum): Medicine is aware of its goal as well as of its methods whose nature it repeatedly reflects on. What belongs to this reflection is an awareness of certain limits on the part of medicine, especially a lack of akribeia that is due to the fact that doctors deal with objects of a different kind than the other arts do, i.e. the unique constitution of each patient. Another particular of the medical techne is the unequal relationship between the specialist-doctor and the object of his art, the patient. This peculiar situation is commented in the treatises of the Corpus Hippocraticum a number of times. The study ' s conclusion points out the ethical dimension of die-tetic prescriptions and of the medical profession as such; it is something that leads – even in spite of all the limits mentioned above – almost to the deification of both the medical art and the medical life.
Studie si klade za cíl představit hrdiny homérských epických básní jakožto postavy zcela specific... more Studie si klade za cíl představit hrdiny homérských epických básní jakožto postavy zcela specifické, na něž nemohou být přikládány běžné literární výkladové kategorie. Naopak kategorie héróa - sama o sobě komplikovaná a měnící se v čase - se jeví jakožto interpretační princip, který umožňuje objasnit jednání ústředních postav jak v Iliadě, tak v Odysseii.
Starodávné bejlí. Obrysy populární a brakové literatury ve starověku a středověku., 2016
The study is based on understanding the ancient love novel (or erotic or “ideal” novel) as a subg... more The study is based on understanding the ancient love novel (or erotic or “ideal” novel) as a subgenre of the novel, with other subgenres being historical and mythological novels, Christian novels, comic -satirical novels, utopian novels, biographies, etc. The ancient love novel is characterized by a formula consisting of several topoi. To observe the variations and innovations on the part of the authors, two love novels (from the whole of the five extant love novels) are thoroughly examined: Chariton’s Chaereas and Callirhoe and Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon; however, fragments of the other novels are considered as well. In spite of the diff erent nature of each work, their authors’ strategy
looks very similar, and is defined by the continuous interplay between the
formula and its multiple variations and innovations; e.g. the central topos of chastity/virginity is broken in both novels, and some scholars speak even of a subversion of the formula. This strategy recalls that of the works of popular literature (however, not that of junk or trash literature) which points to the qualities of heterogeneity and excessiveness. The producerly (the term is John Fiske’s) character of works of popular literature can successfully be applied to some of the ancient love novels, too.
The introductory study has two goals: first, it seeks to summarize the debate on the nature and d... more The introductory study has two goals: first, it seeks to summarize the debate on the nature and development of popular literature (as a specific part of the literary f eld); second, it presents the strategy of the volume STARODÁVNÉ BEJLÍ as a whole. Some clichés repeated in the debate about popular literature are cited, followed by an analysis of the writers’ and readers’ strategies, and of the social role played by the phenomena of popular culture within society; the complex issues of aesthetic evaluation and the question of the origins of popular culture/ literature are examined as well. After reaching the conclusion which is the
point of departure of the book – i.e. that we can speak of phenomena later designated as “popular” already in classical antiquity and in the Middle Ages – the general strategy of the contributing authors is specified, one based on the multi -methodological and holistic approach, with the text in its various contexts standing always in the centre of our attention.
The article analyses the problem of euthanasia in connection with the Hippocratic Oath and the et... more The article analyses the problem of euthanasia in connection with the Hippocratic Oath and the ethics it represents.
Roman. O. Jakobson: A Work in Progress. Eds. T. Kubíček - A. Lass, Olomouc: Palacký University 2014
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the – so far neglected – role Czechoslovakian slavistics ... more The aim of this study is to demonstrate the – so far neglected – role Czechoslovakian slavistics played in the shaping of the Parry–Lord oral-formulaic theory. The process is presented as a genuine discovery story rooted within a specific scientific milieu (A. Meillet, Prague Linguistic Circle etc.). Among the story’s important figures belong Matija Murko, the founder of Czechoslovakian slavistics, Roman Jakobson, and some other scholars. Much attention is paid to Murko’s and Parry’s scientific research strategies undertaken especially during their journeys to the Balkans in the 1930s, which are compared in the text. The paper also reveals certain ties between Murko and Lord; some of the evidence, as far as I know, has not been published until now.
In: Slovo a smysl 20 (X), 2013
The aim of this study is to relate the genre of the ancient novel to the category of so‑called po... more The aim of this study is to relate the genre of the ancient novel to the category of so‑called popular literature. Due to limited evidence concerning the ancient readership of novels, foremost attention is paid to the texts themselves. From a reader’s point of view, the genre appears to be characterized by continuous interplay between the formula and its multiple variations and innovations. Also of extreme interest are the changing attitudes of the scientific community towards the genre of the novel as such.
In: Mýtus a geografie. Vyd. S. Fischerová - J. Starý, Praha: Hermann a synové 2008.
Utopia and Topos, or Topics of Utopia: an Analysis of a Concept.
In: Původ poezie. Vyd. S. Fischerová - J. Starý, Argo: Praha 2006.
Raven in the Lead Mines of the World or how to see Clouds Emerge. Poetic inspiration in modern & ... more Raven in the Lead Mines of the World or how to see Clouds Emerge. Poetic inspiration in modern & contemporary poetry.
In: Původ poezie. Vyd. S. Fischerová - J. Starý, Argo: Praha 2006.
Nine lying Muses. The role of the Muses in ancient Greece.
In: Medicína mezi jedinečným a univerzálním. Vyd. S. Fischerová - A. Beran, Pavel Mervart: Červený Kostelec 2012.
"Medicine between the Singular and the Universal" - an Introductory Study of the book which focus... more "Medicine between the Singular and the Universal" - an Introductory Study of the book which focuses on the unique character of medicine as a discipline embracing the realm of science and likewise of the humanities. Studies are devoted to the Corpus Hippocraticum - Galen - magical remedia of Renaissance - "medizinische Polizey" of the Enlightment in the Central Europe - Claude Bernard and Georges Canguilhem - the problems of contemporary medical practice and the "biopower" governing the health care system.
In: Medicína mezi jedinečným a univerzálním. Vyd. S. Fischerová - A. Beran, Pavel Mervart: Červený Kostelec 2012.
The "technical character" of the Hippocratic Medicine and its Limits.
Papers by Sylva Fischerová
The study has two goals: first, it seeks to summarize the debate on the
nature and development of popular literature (as a specific part of the
literary field); second, it presents the strategy of the volume „Starodávné bejlí: obrysy populární a brakové literatury ve starověku a středověku“as a whole. Some cliches repeated in the debate about popular literature are cited, followed by an analysis of the writers’ and readers’ strategies, and of the social role played by the phenomena of popular culture within society; the complex issues of aesthetic evaluation and the question of the origins of popular culture/ literature are examined as well. After reaching the conclusion which is the point of departure of the book – i.e. that we can speak of phenomena later designated as “popular” already in classical antiquity and in the Middle Ages – the general strategy of the contributing authors is specified, one based on the multi‑methodological and holistic approach, with the text in its various contexts standing always in the centre of our attention. In order to assemble some more specific tools for examination, we have decided to focus on the following aspects of the texts: variation and innovation within the genre; language, style and its social status; self‑parody; fantasy – fiction – lie; Sitz
im Leben (i.e. to what extent one can deduce the role these texts played in society); and period reception and classification of the texts. The studies are dealing with texts from ancient Egypt (2000 BCE), from ancient Greece of the imperial age, and from the first Christian centuries, as well as with the medieval passion plays and with texts already from the era of print. Old Norse literature is presented in several studies, and neither Byzantine nor Arabic cultural traditions are neglected. The essay concludes by demonstrating some general features of the texts under scrutiny, with their impressive variety of genres.
looks very similar, and is defined by the continuous interplay between the
formula and its multiple variations and innovations; e.g. the central topos of chastity/virginity is broken in both novels, and some scholars speak even of a subversion of the formula. This strategy recalls that of the works of popular literature (however, not that of junk or trash literature) which points to the qualities of heterogeneity and excessiveness. The producerly (the term is John Fiske’s) character of works of popular literature can successfully be applied to some of the ancient love novels, too.
point of departure of the book – i.e. that we can speak of phenomena later designated as “popular” already in classical antiquity and in the Middle Ages – the general strategy of the contributing authors is specified, one based on the multi -methodological and holistic approach, with the text in its various contexts standing always in the centre of our attention.
The study has two goals: first, it seeks to summarize the debate on the
nature and development of popular literature (as a specific part of the
literary field); second, it presents the strategy of the volume „Starodávné bejlí: obrysy populární a brakové literatury ve starověku a středověku“as a whole. Some cliches repeated in the debate about popular literature are cited, followed by an analysis of the writers’ and readers’ strategies, and of the social role played by the phenomena of popular culture within society; the complex issues of aesthetic evaluation and the question of the origins of popular culture/ literature are examined as well. After reaching the conclusion which is the point of departure of the book – i.e. that we can speak of phenomena later designated as “popular” already in classical antiquity and in the Middle Ages – the general strategy of the contributing authors is specified, one based on the multi‑methodological and holistic approach, with the text in its various contexts standing always in the centre of our attention. In order to assemble some more specific tools for examination, we have decided to focus on the following aspects of the texts: variation and innovation within the genre; language, style and its social status; self‑parody; fantasy – fiction – lie; Sitz
im Leben (i.e. to what extent one can deduce the role these texts played in society); and period reception and classification of the texts. The studies are dealing with texts from ancient Egypt (2000 BCE), from ancient Greece of the imperial age, and from the first Christian centuries, as well as with the medieval passion plays and with texts already from the era of print. Old Norse literature is presented in several studies, and neither Byzantine nor Arabic cultural traditions are neglected. The essay concludes by demonstrating some general features of the texts under scrutiny, with their impressive variety of genres.
looks very similar, and is defined by the continuous interplay between the
formula and its multiple variations and innovations; e.g. the central topos of chastity/virginity is broken in both novels, and some scholars speak even of a subversion of the formula. This strategy recalls that of the works of popular literature (however, not that of junk or trash literature) which points to the qualities of heterogeneity and excessiveness. The producerly (the term is John Fiske’s) character of works of popular literature can successfully be applied to some of the ancient love novels, too.
point of departure of the book – i.e. that we can speak of phenomena later designated as “popular” already in classical antiquity and in the Middle Ages – the general strategy of the contributing authors is specified, one based on the multi -methodological and holistic approach, with the text in its various contexts standing always in the centre of our attention.